WTT - Armory - XM8 1.0.0

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WTT recreates the iconic derivative from the OICW program.

  • Hello, it isn't a game breaking bug or anything, but I just wanted to let you know, if you try to use the compass while you have the XM8 equipped, the compass doesn't render.

    I have no idea if this is an issue with any modded in gun, or if it is exclusive to the XM8.

    Anyway, thank you so so much for making this mod, it's amazing!

  • Hi, I was doing an update for my realism patch and noticed something after trying to patch the stock types: the stock adapter doesn't have a slot for the foldable stock, of course you can add it on mod menu but you can also add the foldable stock without the adapter (making the stock fluctuate behind the gun). This is probably because you cloned the properties from the HK G36 polymer stock, which doesn't have a slot for stock. I tried to change the cloned item from the adapter to a PT Zenit Lock and it added a slot, but it also made so you can add the AK stock on the XM8 adapter. I don't know the code responsible for these item dependencies and I have too much stuff irl to go around trying to puzzle, can someone lend a hand on how to properly add support for these items, so the adapter has a slot for the foldable stock and it doesn't mess with other unrelated parts?


    • tldr: I think the adapter is broken, pls fix xd

    • The folding stock is supposed to float behind the gun because you're meant to use it with the adapter. It's made this way because we can't just make guns work the way they should, because we don't have BSG's tools.

      If I could've done it the right way, I would've.

    • Oh ok, I thought it was just a matter of cloning the right items like the ak adapter and stock and maybe edit item conflicts to fix the issue, thanks for the clarification.

  • So, are we ever going to get the actual PCAPS attachments, or can we at least get a PCAPS adapter for a foregrip?

    • Sure, let me just materialize the models and textures out of thin air.

    • Slow your roll brother, it's just a question. Absolutely beautiful mod, Been playing with my XM8 sitting on my lap.

    • @AevisPrime:

      "Are there any plans on a picantiny rail adaptor for the foregrips?"

      Huge difference between this and what you posted. Seemed quite rude way of asking, almost like you were paying for the mod and it wasnt fully released.

      @Gamma, I love the model and I am currently enjoying a lot the weapon mod! Thank you for bringing this to the community!! <3

      EDIT: forgot to tell the sounds are awesome! Im not sure if those were implemented within the weapon mod or they are from the game, but they are VERY cool, specially the charging handle sound *chef kiss*

      Heart 1
    • Not the way i see it. We already have the side rail adapters which is awesome, but simply asking if we'll get the legitimate PCAPS attachments in addition isn't being rude, it's simply a necessity due to the XM8 having a proprietary system.

  • antivirus dont like this big threat warning

    • 2,300 other users didn't have that problem. TotalVirus didn't have that problem. Sounds like a you problem. Take your fear mongering elsewhere.

    • wasnt fear mongering would you have a thought why it would do that?

    • Some antivirus software throws false positives on new/unknown DLL files, or compressed archives containing DLLs, there's nothing the mod author can do about these.

      At the end of the day, it's a false positive though

    • thank you very much

  • can we get the ability to put underbarrel grenade launchers, or other attachments on it? like adding forward grips etc?

  • Yo this gun is AMAZING!!! Love the sounds and the look of this weapon so much, thank you! Might have to give up my favorite gun (SMT-9) for this!

  • It's like you reached into my brain and did this just for me! THANK YOU

    Heart 1
  • I have a bug to report. For some reason, when i use the USGI A2, Surefire SF3P, SF4P, or Warcomp flash hiders, the gun immediately dumps all 30 rounds into the target. Theres also no sound. I will test without realism ballistics and see if that changes it. I tested every other muzzle and they work fine.


  • WE GOING BACK TO BLACK OPS 2 WTH THIS ONE animedance animedance2 animefingerdancing panic

  • Such a classic firearm! I normally hold off on downloading gun mods but this is going right in! <3

    • Why? All mods by WTT are great!

  • This is awsome. Thanks for the great work!

  • legen....wait.....wait...DARY

  • Great work!

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks for the video, glad you're enjoying it!

  • Now we just need a smiley face pin on the grenade... Happy WTT Thursday!

    Thinking 1
  • So hype for this. Thank you guys for all you do, these weapon mods far exceed expectations. Absolutely vital to an SPT playthrough. Keep them coming :)

  • perfecto

  • realism compatibility? didn't see an attached file for it.

    Happy 1
  • Fish gun.

  • wasnt expecting arma 2 nostalgia this thursday but im not complaining

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Ahh, I see there's another person who bought the PMC DLC for a few guns and the SUV with a minigun ;)

    • worthwhile investment if you ask me

  • oh snap. i knew this would be coming at some point. time to be a future soldier

  • Thanks for bringing this amazing weapon system to SPT! <3

    Is it Realism compatiblity ready? Or should we add it?

    PS: bringing back those BFBC2 vibes!!!

  • Wow! This one is unexpected! I assumed it to be a late-game weapon though... Amazing, regardless! Thank you!

    Thumbs Up 1

    Happy 2
  • One of my favorite rifles are in the game now! <3

    Heart 1
  • I'm happy I didn't sleep

  • O M G

    Heart 1

    Heart 1
  • <3

    Heart 1
  • WTT Thursday 8) <3