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Major thank you to GrooveypenguinX and the rest of the WTT group for letting me use their codebase, Qwertyalex for helping me with presets, And to SamSwat for making the original weapon and mod
SamSwats VEPR-12 "MOLOT"
Contains everything from the original mod.
Realism Patch Included (Don't install the SPT-Realism folder if you don't have the Realism mod)
Drag and drop the folder into your root spt folder
Version 1.0.4
- OptimusChad
- Updated to 3.10
- Updated realism patch for newest update
Version 1.0.3
- OptimusChad
- Updated realism patch malfunctions for the newest realism update
Version 1.0.2
- OptimusChad
- Updated ID's to mongo
If you had this weapon installed prior to this update make sure you run SPT's profile cleaner to avoid any errors in the console
Version 1.0.1
- OptimusChad
- Fixed magazines not taking Piranha ammo
Version 1.0.0
- OptimusChad
Fixed Download link
In raid I am unable to reload mags when used by the VEPR-12.
These are the errors I get in my logoutput.
OptimusChad Author
If the name of the mod is wrong in the server head to "user/mods/modname/src" and delete the mod.js file, relaunching the server will show the correct name (I used WTT's AN94 to update it to 3.10 and forgot to delete this part myself sorry!)
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
The weapon takes ammo but the mags do not such as piranha
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
When I take the magwell off i cannot put it back on
OptimusChad Author
Piranha ammo I can fix but im not sure on the magwell. The original mod was made so that the magwell attaches to the barrel (idk) so make sure you have the barrel installed or else u cant equip the magwell
Wrong folder naming in zip. Thanks for update.
FYI the download for this isn't open, says access denied
OptimusChad Author