Benelli M4 Super 90 [M1014] 3.5.x

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

new weapon pog

Adds new shotgun into the game - M1014 with custom sounds.

Video preview:


Models and textures - Offworld Industries Ltd. (Squad)

Sounds - Offworld Industries Ltd. (Squad)

If you have spare money to spend and wish to support me and my work, you can donate here


  • if only someone would update this, i can't launch the server with this mod in the 3.8.0 version

  • Would like to see muzzle devices added

  • not compatible with 3.7.1, it says weapon is incompatible

  • Great mod, but this mod is spamming that it cant be found in the item base cache in the console

  • Good gun, the BANG alone really rattles you

  • Anyone?

  • How can I use other ammo for this shotgun?

    I'm using JoshJ5Hawk's Super Ammo mod

    It has this explosive 12g shotgun rounds

    the ammo code in his mod is 5b47574386f77428ca22b33b

    I put the code in "weapon_benelli_m1014_12g.json" in "Chambers": [ paragraf in filters at the end

    also in "mag_m1014_magcap.json" in "Cartridges": [ in filters

    also in "mag_m1014_5_12g.json" in "Cartridges": [ in filters

    It's still not compatible in game.

  • Cant play without all of SamSWAT's guns, must have at this point. Hope they stay updated! ^^

  • I was so underwhelmed by M3's customization option in the game...

    How's modding option for this weapon?

    • There is/are none. Very unfortunate

  • glad to see this was updated, any chances we can see some Czech weaponry mods? like the Scorpion EVO and the 805 BREN? was also looking into making some mods myself but dont know where to start

  • Hi good mod. In this version where can I find the attachment and parts of the shotgun? Thank you!

    Fix: I'm sorry I erased the temporary ones and they appeared in the market

  • Thanks you so much man I needed this version, the M3 benelli nikita gave us is dookie water

    Happy 1
  • hehe shotgun go BLAM

  • Great work as always! Would love to see some muzzle device options.

    • Second this. Just not the same without muzzles...

  • Not sure if this is just a problem on my side, but if you equip an M10 from your stash, it will duplicate it and leave it in your stash and as well give you the same M10 in your character lol.

    • Edit - It seems to have an effect on only one of my M10s? Im not too sure why LMFAO

  • Can someone tell me how to make the attachment and parts show up on traders and flea?

    Edit: Recent update fixed it thanks my guy 8)

  • Не мог найти цевье с планками и приклад-весло, танцевал с бубном, копался в файлах, но модули никак не появлялись ни у торговцев, ни на барахолке, ни на локации. НО. выставил Тайгу-1 за бартер на модули и все получилось :D  FCx1CWtIR1TW3bXk_z4Va88JX9uVdPM4E1kHtEyI00XUOXez0TpHELfyq1c92-EpX-CcLvM0IXCxPauhzCX5aBUe.jpg?size=2560x1440&quality=96&type=album :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    • How did you create the barter?

    • It was just a normal order on a fleamarket. 1 TAIGA for all this mods


    • Ru:
      Я так фармил себе АШ-12, ибо их ценник был очень маленький. И, да, я то-то же балакаю на русском х)
      I farm Ash-12 like that because they had a small price

  • Good morning to all.

    I wanted to know what program is used to edit the weapons to change their color, I want to make some fantasy ak or hk skins, I wanted to open the .bundle files and I couldn't open it with anything, if someone can give me some advice.

    I wanted to thank the community for the mods and the opportunity to play another type of game format that we all like


    • thanks for the answer but I already followed that tutorial and I couldn't open anything, AssetsBundleExtractor doesn't open the files I tried to open the Bundle file with many programs and none of them open a 3d model that I can see the weapon, I give up it's not worth the effort.


  • Had the same error as ArcticOwl

    In my case it appeared to be conflicting with the 'MuchNeeded' mod

    Once removing MuchNeeded 1014 loaded up just fine.

  • the shooting sound effect sound very weak for a shotgun

  • File gone.

    410 Gone Error

  • I really wanted to use this gun but the screeching of the shell loading it's driving me insane, there's one particular audio between them that is very irritating, at least for me..

    • Same here, it really rubs me the wrong way.

  • the fix does not work

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'conditions' of undefined

    at Function.createWeapon (D:\spatki\user\mods\SamSWAT-M1014\src\m1014.js:49:86)

    at Object.onLoadMod [as SamSWAT-M1014] (D:\spatki\user\mods\SamSWAT-M1014\src\m1014.js:12:9)

    at Function.executeMods (D:\spatki\obj\bundle.js:26082:28)

    at Function.load (D:\spatki\obj\bundle.js:25971:15)

    at Object.load [as aki-mods] (D:\spatki\obj\bundle.js:16417:15)

    at Function.load (D:\spatki\obj\bundle.js:27461:27)

    at Function.main (D:\spatki\obj\bundle.js:15143:9)

    at Object.103../Lib.js (D:\spatki\obj\bundle.js:15148:9)

    at o (D:\spatki\obj\bundle.js:1:265)

    at D:\spatki\obj\bundle.js:1:316

  • I'm sure you're working on other mods ..... but any chance of adding barrel chokes/suppressors, and other modifications to this?

    It seems pretty bare, even after using the railed grip. I would love to use this for the "suppressed shotgun" tasks like "Silent Caliber".

    Also, just as a point of constructive criticism, maybe not have the gun start with the best grip/stock? Kind of makes modding that part a little pointless....short of memeing or whatever.

    • I took note, but can' t promise anything

    • Just some ideas.

      It's your mod, so do with it as you wish. :)

  • Best shotgun in the world comes to tarkov and everyone loves it. Would be nice if you could make the barrel clamp from the 870 work on it, cause it would be aesthetic as fuck.

  • I can't seem to find a RIS handguard in the game, has it been removed for the update?

    • I found it but it's rare, even on flea market

  • Hoping for a 2.0 update, this was my fave weapon you've added so far and I'm really missing it!

    • waiting for that also

      Thanks 1
    • It's already working without update from me?


      Like 1
    • The tag was set to 1.5 before but it's now 2.0, so never mind! Thanks though!

  • Loving this mod, tarkov can always use more shotguns. They're unlike any other playstyle. Animations on the model are excellently implemented.

    Do you plan on adding in muzzle devices in future?
    Simply reusing the mp-153's silenced gunshot sound would be fine with me.

  • Fire rate 80 is too low, 300-350 would be appropriate

  • I love this shotgun. Sounds are great and everything fits together so nicely. Well done!