Fin's Eerie Silence 2.6.0

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Hate the deafening rain? The incessant wind? This mod makes all headsets much better at blocking out ambient noises. It can now also reduce or remove the deafening effect from helmets.

This mod improves the ability of headsets to block out ambient noise and reduce distortion. Values are configurable.

  • Version 2.6.0

    Version 2.6.0 for AKI 3.5.x

    • Compatibility update for AKI 3.5.x
  • Version 2.5.0

    Version 2.5.0 for AKI 3.1.x

    • Compatibility update for AKI 3.1.x
  • Version 2.4.0

    Version 2.4.0 for AKI 3.0.x

    2.4.0 - (June 26, 2022)

    • Updated to work with AKI 3.0.x
  • Version 2.3.0

    Just a package file update for 2.x.x compatibilty

  • Version 2.2.0

    Version 2.2.0 for AKI 2.2.x

    • Compatibility changes for 2.2.x
  • Version 2.1

    Compatibility update for AKI 2.1.X

  • Version 2.0.0

    Ver 2.0.0 for AKI 2.0.0

    • Added option to limit or remove the deafening effect from helmets
    • Added an option to more specifically control headset values
  • Version 1.0.0

  • is this going to get an update???

  • I changed the name in packagejson because it says "fold everything again ver. 1.0.0" got scared for a minute thinking I downloaded the wrong mod.

  • I also want to turn down the ambient sounds when headphones are not plugged in. How can I do?

  • Thank you for this mod. I had it updated while you were away. I will stop updating it on my end now.

    • Appreciate you taking care of it <3. There are so many new mods on the site I hadn't noticed when I was browsing though.

  • Good day!

    please update the mod for use with the new version of AKI

  • Just a tiny thing, your latest version has the wrong "akiVersion" and "name" in the package.json file, calling itself "Fin's AI Tweaks" and claiming it's for version 3.0.0 of AKI. Just mentioning that because some people may be confused by the server saying they're using an outdated FAIT.

    Otherwise, great mod, and thanks for updating it to the latest version!

    • Oop, good catch. Fixed, and re-uploaded with a corrected package.json!

      Thanks 1
  • i <3 you ;(<3:thumbup:

  • this is amazing! thank you!

    btw what does "distortion_Multiplier" do what is distortion?

    "maximum_helmet_deafness" filter all sounds including footsteps?

    "ambient_noise_reduction_moltiplier" are things like rain sound and the background deafening noise at factory?

  • This is such a good mod it actually ruins live Tarkov for me lol, thank you based Fin

  • Can I forward this file to other forums? Some people like it, but can't download it

    • Sure, just follow the credit instructions in the license file ^ ^. TL;DR: Just make sure there's a link back to here somewhere in the description, and give credit.

    • Thanks again! ^^ I really like this mod that restores the true purpose of the headset,I also made this suggestion to the original production team of tarkov. hope Nikita can see it.

  • This is amazing, thank you

  • Hello is there a guide? It's not working properly for me. What about water noise?

    With Scav without headsets it's no use?

    Best regards 2.3.1?

    • It should be affecting rain, if that's what you mean. However it doesn't work if you don't have a headset, no, as it just modified the ingame values the headsets have.

  • Is there a way I can make it deafen gun sounds more? I started using this without tweaking anything and I can hear footsteps better but the guns are still pretty loud, I didn't want to tweak it and mess it up.

    • As far as I know this isn't possible with simple javascript edits like I'm able to make.

    • Dang, Well the mod still helps, Thank you.

  • For me it only toggles if I reload, is this a known bug? Or is there a way to fix it?

    • It also happens to me, it only trigger if you change equipment, eg. equip something, reload etc.

    • That's an EFT bug, I'm afraid.

  • Any news of an update?

    • It works with 1.2.0 (As far as I know, anyways! It works on my end, but lemme know if it isn't for you), I just forgot to update the tag.

    • oh wow I didn't know you replied I'm sorry lol. It worked perfectly fine with 1.2.0 but not any more with 1.4.2.

      This mod definitely helps with adjusting to sounds and noises it great!

    • That's odd, it's been working with 1.4.x for me. -Can you give me more details about the problem? Is it bringing up an error in the server, or is it just not doing what it's supposed to?

  • interesting idea, cant wait to test it out.