Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
- This mod allows you to keep all your equipped items after your death. Nothing is removed.
IMPORTANT: This mod sometimes doesn't work well with custom/modified items
Configurable values:
- disableThisMod: true/false => as the name indicate, if you want to go full YOLO then set this value to true
- backupProfileBeforeSave: true/false => This option will create a backup file of your profile after every raid (whether you character die or live and it will overwrite the previous backup file); one way to prevent broken profile if something went wrong.
- restoreInitialKit: true/false => when you die you get back everything you had before entering the raid
- [currently disabled] keepSecuredContainer: true/false => Only matters when "restoreInitialKit" is true. When false your Secured Container also gets reset to its inital State. If true you keep all your items you put in the Secured Container during a raid. Warning can be abused for item duplicating if you put something you brought into raid into your secured Container and then die you have it in your inventory and the secured container.
- enableFoundInRaid: true/false => If you really want to make things even easier, you can set the "enableFoundInRaid" to true to keep all the items you found during your raid as FIR after your death so you don't have to rat your way to the extract when you have that quest item. Has no affect when "restoreInitialKit" is true.
- noSaveOnPMCDeath and noSaveOnScavDeath : true/false => means that nothing changes in the profile when a pmc/scav die! the stats for the player will not change anymore so you can't level up your character if they die in raid and anything you put in the secure container will be removed also (set to false by default)
When you die as a PMC you should see this line appear in your server terminal if you wanna verify that the mod works:
How to install:
- extract zip file
- move it to spt folder
- done
Work in progress:
- Add option to recover the items from scav if you die (This probably require modding the game as well so I'm probably not gonna do it because it will take too much time)
Version 6.3.0
- Revingly
- Added new configurable features:
backupProfileBeforeSave: true/false => This option will create a backup file of your profile after every raid (whether you character die or live and it will overwrite the previous backup file); The backupfile will be in the profiles folder as well next to your character's profile; It's one way to prevent broken profile if something went wrong.
noSaveOnPMCDeath and noSaveOnScavDeath : true/false => Added by suggestion from MacQba; means that nothing changes in the profile when a pmc/scav die! the stats for the player will not change anymore so you can't level up your character if they die in raid and anything you put in the secure container will be removed also! Also the health will not be updated so you have to heal your character in the profile menu! (These options are set to `false` by default)
Version 6.2.0
- Revingly
- SPT 3.8.0
Version 6.1.0
- Revingly
- SPT-AKI 3.7.6
Version 6.0.5
- bluwatch
- Updated for SPT 3.7.3
Version 6.0.4
- Revingly
- Disabled the "keepSecuredContainer" until I find the bug.
- Your secure container should reset back to before the raid and without the items you put inside it during the raid in case your die
Version 6.0.3
- Revingly
- Fix FIR status not applying correctly
Version 6.0.2
- Revingly
- SPT 3.7.1
Version 6.0.1
- Revingly
- Remove some extra lines
Version 6.0.0
- Revingly
- SPT 3.7.0
Version 5.0.0
- Revingly
- Rewrite the mod, thanks to bluwatch for the help with the code
- The mod now actually resets your character's gear to how to stuff you entered the raid with and all the shit you found in raid is removed when you die (secure container stuff obviously will stuff but added option to remove it as well)
- It is recommended that you don't use insurance
- Also make sure you backup your profile just in case
- Add new config, please check and read the README file
With the release of version 1.0.3 of [Yet Another Keep Your Equipment Mod], we have a replacement for this mod working with SPT 3.9.x
would be nice if it didn't reset consumables as well
plz update this...
Lord this "required" awesome mod can't get updated to 3.9.x fast enough, because the alternative [Keep All Items] is still just struggling to get it working. We pray
I was able to get PART of this mod working for SPT 3.9.X. With the mod file changes I found/made, the ONLY features that are working are "backupProfileBeforeSave" and "noSaveOnPMCDeath" / "noSaveOnScavDeath", and you MUST use the "noSaveOnXXXDeath". Without using the "noSaveOnXXXDeath" feature, all the other features ["restoreInitialKit", "keepSecuredContainer", and "keepFoundInRaidStatus"] cause the game to crash and lockup (errors in the SPT.Server.exe window). So basically you can temporarily use this in 3.9.x in lieu of having to Alt-[F4] upon death to prevent losing your gear. It will simply be as if the raid never happened. For me at least, this is better that nothing until this mod hopefully gets properly updated by the dev.
Note: Basically just changing all the "aki" and "spt-aki" references in these files to just "spt"
1) \user\mods\revingly-nle-6.3.0\package.json
- "akiVersion": "3.8", -> "sptVersion": "3.9.2", or "sptVersion": "3.9.*", or "sptVersion": "~3.9",
2) \user\mods\revingly-nle-6.3.0\src\mods.ts
- change/replace all the "aki" and "spt-aki" references to "spt"
3) \user\mods\revingly-nle-6.3.0\src\NLE.ts
- change/replace all the "aki" and "spt-aki" references to "spt"
4) \user\mods\revingly-nle-6.3.0\config\config.json
- set the option as follows
"disableThisMod": false,
"backupProfileBeforeSave": false,
"restoreInitialKit": false,
"keepSecuredContainer": false,
"keepFoundInRaidStatus": false,
"noSaveOnPMCDeath": true,
"noSaveOnScavDeath": true
agreed and thanks for posting this!
i like when i die for it to be like i never went into raid, instead being able to keep everything i picked but the ammo/durability i used in raid stays.
so i may be dumb, but with your fix you provided and changing those settings, what does the mod do? does it still restore your initial kit?
The mod was not changed. I simple found/identified all the "AKI" references from the SPT 3.8.3 and below versions and changed them to the new 3.9.0 "spt" only format. SPT 3.9.0 was when the SPT devs "rebranded" the product and dropped any and all AKI references. It was a major "naming convention" change made that thus effect ALL mods going to 3.9.0. THIS IS NOT ALL THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE FOR 3.8.3 AND BELOW MODS TO PROPERLY AND FULLY WORK WITH 3.9.0.
With that said. after changing ONLY those AKI name references for this mod, I tested all possible config.jons options and found that ONLY the
"noSaveOnPMCDeath": true,
"noSaveOnScavDeath": true
ones were working. Those mod options (when set to true) do one thing. When you die, it puts the profile back to as if you never did the raid. No EXP gain, no loss of gear, no loss of health, no loss of metabolism, nothing. The raid simply never happened. The other config options (i.e. "restoreInitialKit") that do other things I found are not working with only the name changes I made. Actual mod changes most likely need to be made by someone who knows how to "mod".
As for the term "restore your initial kit" (i.e. config option "restoreInitialKit"), that refers to giving you back your kit (BUT in the condition it was in when you died). So loss of any bullets used, used med kits, weapon and armor damage taken, .... Think of it as the same as if you had actually "survived" the raid. If you want the EXACT kit in the EXACT starting condition, you use the "noSaveOnPMCDeath" option. That's the one I found is working. The words used in the config variables can be confusing.
OK thanks, but I have an issue when I survive raid it dosn't finish raid it sort of freezes then I can't even alt tab, any other screen I choose just goes back to the frozen tarkov screen so can't read server log to find out what failed even task manager screen won't show even though I can see it is open in alt tab selection, anyway so this works when I die but not when i survive. anyone else having issue? I followed above instructions and thought yay it worked, I even did same method on old "no save on death" mod and that does exactly the same thing. hoping someone has an idea on how to fix this, error log mentions something about "can't use affinity mask - error code 0"
Thanks for your help!
Im getting this error when i start the server saying the mod the has to use at least one of these 3
IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod
i followed the guide and checked the files at least 20 times i dont know what's wrong.
Just to shed some light on a workaround I found. You can edit the .json file called "lostondeath.json" its located inside of SPT_Data\Server\configs
You can then enable or disable what you want to lose or retain on death.
Question, a workaround to what? There is no SPT_Data\ directory in SPT 3.8.0/3.8.3 (which this mod is currently for). The directory name was changed from Aki_Data\ to SPT_Data\ when 3.9.0 was released.
Its just a way to keep items on death. Thats it. Nothing special. This is just for 3.9.0+ Until this mod updates.
Okay, so modifying one of the 3.9.0 "SPT" files, nothing to do with any "mod". Thanks
Server Value Modifier does the same thing guys. Except when you die, you lose found in raid status for everything, and your raid is counted as a run through. However, it is all saved. Could be a temp. fix. The option is called "softcore"
does it work on 3.8.3?
Yes, I use it on 3.8.3
would it work on fika coop mod?
It works on 3.8.3 with the Fika mod installed, at least for the host. Don't have anyone to play with to test if the client works
Like Hachiko, we are waiting for the update of our favorite modification
For those who can't wait
TeeJayMerks made a very similar mod (doesn't backup profile first, but otherwise have the same functions and config)
Keep All Items
I just tried the new [Keep All Items] mod and it did not work. Appears that modder "copied" at least some from this mod as the config.json file is EXACTLY the same, even down to the formatting. However, the "restoreInitialKit": true, is not working currently.
We are waiting
I think the absolutely ideal version of this mod would be that you could set a percent in the config, and then that percent applies to every item on you (in your vest, backpack, etc., excluding secure container of course) as the chance that you'll lose that item. So for example if you set it to 10, each item individually has a 10% chance of being lost on death, and a 90% chance of not. Overall then you're likely to lose ~10% of your items each death. Of course people could change this stat (current mod is 0% chance of being lost). I would love this and think it would make the game overall so much better.
update plzzzzzzzzz
Please update, thank you.
I know we're not supposed to ask, but +1. This is the main mod I'm waiting on 3.9.0 for.
Im not asking per say merely hoping
im eagerly waiting for the update as well !
Hey @Revingly i got a question. Is there a way you can mod in an exclude function for certain player and a chance rule?
Like 25% Chance you still can lose your Equip.
As a Background for my question. I got you mod running with the Fika mod and im Playing with some Friends and my Gf.
My gf is still very unexperienced in Tarkov and me and my Friends know all in and outs.
For us it would be good if we could exlude the good players from keeping the equipment and that my gf can still keep it.
Is there a way or an Idea?
Sry for bad english. Im from Germany^^
Awesome mod! I have a request: a "max player level" option that allows these features to work only up to a specified player level. (Ex: a MaxPlayerLevel of 15 means after level 16, this mod's features no longer apply)
kiester kid
The mod seems to be loading, then not providing any functionality. I've moved it to the end of my load order, and still nothing. The notice about custom items gives me a little pause - I'm using Pack n' Strap, and wearing one of the pistol belts as well as carrying a few of the item cases. I'm also running Realism Mod, SpecialSlots, and many other mods. Does the notice mean that *only* custom items are dicey, or that having *any* custom items compromises functionality?
My settings, running 6.3.0:
And the end of the server.log, containing the block that seems to match the screenshot of the server window on the Overview - the "NLE active" text is not present at all.
is it possible to modify the values from the game with the F12 command to manage all the mods ? Because the only way to do this is to go to the "config.json" file, which means that you have to restart your game each time you want to activate or deactivate the settings so as not to lose your stuff, etc...
Thank you in advance for your attention to my comment !
Revingly Author
If I'm not wrong, add config support with F12 from inside the game requires me to use Bepinx which I have not used before.
It is an interesting idea! I will try to look into when I have time
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my comment.
I understand your position on the subject, and I wish you all the best in finding a solution. As I was saying, it would indeed be better to possibly add this functionality to avoid having to close the game every time to modify the values in the "config.json" file.
Does the mod currently work for 3.8.1 or no?
No One
Everytime i Die as an PMC my game Crashes, is this normal?
Revingly Author
Obviously not normal, I need to see your server crash log and what other mods you are using!
I am having an issue where if I die with a quest item the quest item no longer spawns in subsequent raids. It has happened for Chemical Part 2 and Audit. Any idea how to fix it?
Installed mods -
Artem Trader
Saria Shop
Artem Equipment
Harry Hideout
Scorpion Trader
Atlas Gear
Preset to Fence
Onyx Container
SWAG & Donuts
Revingly Author
I think the quickest fix for this specific issue is to use SPT profile editor and and reset the quest from there.
I will investigate this on my side and see what I can do to fix it if possible!
Is this mod working for aki version 3.9.0? Keeps saying its not compatible.
Revingly Author
I am having issues with the mod working for SPT and was hoping you might know the issue.
I have LootValue the only other Server Mod.
For Client Mods I have;
- Amanda's Graphics
- Amanda's Hitmarkers
- Backdoor Bandit
- Take a Break
- Loot Value
- Minimap
I am on Version 3.8.0. I have a feeling it might be conflicting with the Loot Value mod but I am unsure.
Thank you!
Revingly Author
I need to see the server error if there is any on the terminal!
When playing make sure that the mod is active and game is actually using it by confirming that you see the info text in the terminal when you extract/die in the raid!
Thank you for making this mod!I am a Chinese player and I want to ask may I repost your mod to our website? Of course I will indicate the source and your name
Revingly Author
You can repost it there but my support will be limited to only this website so I can't help you with bugs coming from there!
I got that,if there has any bugs,I will return here to tell you. Thank you again!
Hi there ! Is there a way to configure this mid, so JUST the Pocket slots Secure container and special slots are saved ? I would like to "loose" my other gear, but I want to keep some meds in my pocket slots and don't wanna buy them all over again
i would like it also!
Revingly Author
Thanks for the suggestion! I will look into it and see if it is possible.
Currently, the game's spaghetti code handles the pockets weirdly so spt code has to accommodate that as well which means more hacky shit for me
Is there a way to configure this mod so that used items are still, well, used when you die? I remember using a mod that did that; let you keep the gear you brought, but any used items were still used and you didn't get them back.
Revingly Author
It used it to be like that before in the older versions but SPT core code keep changing so I have to change my code as well to make it work with the new version of spt which means some logic has to be updated unfortunately.
I will think about your suggestion and see if it is possible to add in the future versions but no promises!
Turning off restoreinitialkit in the config seems to do this. Armor/weapons are degraded, ammo is used up, and health items are used if they're used in raid, you won't just have your gear restored back to pre-raid.
Hello, what do You think about adding the functionality of No Save On Death to Your mod? I have done the code modification when I was doing this for myself, but thought that maybe other people would also like this. I have moved the pmc died log message and added the checks for the new config setting.
If anyone wants to implement it themself. Let me be clear, that with those options selected. You will not receive any progress from the raid if You die/leave/MIA. No skill changes, no items in the secure container, any quest progress that do not require to safely extract etc. It will be like that raid never happened and You will be back to the state exactly before the raid.
Revingly Author
This is fine but you have to make it clear to people that this modification means that nothing changes in the profile when a pmc/scav die! the stats for the player will not change anymore so they can't level up their character if they die in raid and anything they put in the secure container will be probably be removed also!
Okay, I have added this info in my description above. But I thought that maybe You would be willing to add this to Your mod during some update? I don't know if You expect some in the nearest future though.
Revingly Author
I will add it in the next update!
I love this feature
You never die on record because when you die everything resets, but your memories are intact. The world doesn't know you ever died, and for them you're the legendary merc who always come back from the missions.
It's like the movie Edge of Tomorrow
Was hoping Toad updates but luckily you saved the day MacQba.
Thanks for up Revingly.
Glory to the Modders.
Thank you for making this mod , and i met some issues after i die in a raid, it seems that some item has been added twice , is this just my issue or someone else met this before?
ERROR:An item with the same key has already been added . Key:0403143251939513647633ff
I solved this kinds of problems again by use the old saves in profile editor.
Revingly Author
If you encounter this error again, pls send me the broken profile and the names of the mods you are using as well. Thanks!
Thank you for the reply, How can i send the logs to you? In discord or some other ways?
Revingly Author
Discord is fine
Can you check the SPT hub "community support"channel and search"item issue" which is send by Haltzman, i post all the logs there and CJ replied me there, if you cannot find it just tell me and i will send it directly to you. Thank you.
I found the issues. Somebody in discord says that If the presets have the same name , even you cover the presets, it seems still exist as two presets. And it caused that issues.I will try to wiped them all. Sorry for wasting your time.
thank you for making this mod! this mod totally changes the game for me as i'm just not a fan of loosing gear in the vanilla game. really appreciate all your hard work on this mod!
I've tried using the ammo pouch mod. When I die it disappears, whether it's in the pocket slot or the armband slot. Any workaround for this? Thanks.
Revingly Author
Give me more information:
- What version of SPT
- What other mods you are using
- If there are errors in the server console, copy/paste them here
i just want my ammo back.
Or can I get my ammo insured, too
hi, I encountered the following problem: in general, the mod works the way I want, but sometimes when you die, the backpack disappears: not only its contents, but also the backpack itself, along with everything that is in it.
spt version 3.7.6, mod version 3.7.3
"disableThisMod": false,
"restoreInitialKit": false,
"keepSecuredContainer": true,
"keepFoundInRaidStatus": true
I also use the mod "JOSH MATE'S BETTER BACKPACKS", perhaps this could have something to do with it?
how can I solve this problem?
Revingly Author
Mods that generally adds custom items with unique IDs or modify existing items can cause such issues unfortunately. Even with all the precautions I take here, I can't predict all the weird cases!
anyway to just lose what's in my vest, pockets & backpacks but keep my guns and whatever is in my secure container.
So this way I can actually use what's in my stash.