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Weapon Customizer
This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
If you'd like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee ☕
Version 1.4.0
- Tyfon
- Added rotation! Hold ALT while dragging the dots to rotate the attachment. Hold down SHIFT or CTRL as well to rotate on other axes. Some things to note:
- Which axis rotates is usually consistent but some mods are already rotated internally so the axis might not be what you expect
- Rotating foregrips will almost certainly cause weirdness with the character's arm
- Special care will be required with sights and lasers to keep them lined up
- Updated
format, previous versions ARE compatible - Try/catch calls to the server so failures are a bit more graceful
- Reverting many customizations at once are now batched into a single /weaponcustomizer/save call, avoiding race conditions
Version 1.3.0
- Tyfon
New stuff 🚀
- In-raid customization! Enable a stripped down weapon modding screen in raid. Disabled by default, enable in the F12 menu. Optionally require multitool.
- Multiple axis movement! Hold SHIFT or CTRL while dragging to move the attachment vertically or side to side.
Bug fixes 🪳
- Fixed model caching issue that caused uncustomized weapons to sometimes pick up other weapons' customizations
- Fixed dot and mouse not lining up correctly when dragging on a rotated weapon
- Fixed null ref exception that may have caused exfil black screen
Version 1.2.0
- Tyfon
- Fixed certain guns not working due to BSG animation system
- Guns returned via insurance will now keep their customizations
- Added F12 settings:
-- Step Size: Move attachments in discrete pixel amounts, if you prefer that
-- Move Everything: Allow every single gun part to be moveable, even when it makes no sense at all. Have fun
Version 1.1.0
- Tyfon
- Support presets
- Add fika support - teammates will see each other's customizations
- Ignore profiles in a weird state rather than logging an error
Please note that customizations in presets work just like attachments in presets - you must press save to save them to the preset, you must press assemble to apply them to a weapon.
Version 1.0.1
- Tyfon
- Fixed movement angles when changing mods on a rotated gun
- Implemented better support for the Edit Builds screen. Changes on that screen will only apply when you click Assemble, and will apply consistently.
- Added a startup step to clean the customizations.json file of weapons that no longer exist, so it doesn't grow infinitely.
- Added support for a few guns where BSG used slightly different slot names because of course they did.
Known issues:
- The scope on the MDR cannot be customized because its somehow part of the gun's animations and is always being reset.
Version 1.0.0
- Tyfon
You beautiful man, do you even know what you have done? COMPLETE MODULARITY!!!!
Hell, attachment slots are not even needed anymore, you can now attach anything, rotate anything everywhere!!!
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, OMFG. This is probably THE BEST mod on this site.
Must have mod
Thank you for this mod
Carbon Black
My OCD urges me to ask for `real` step sizes instead of the projected pixel size along the movement axis - which, depending on the angle of the 3D view, the step size varies, and the positions are unrepeatable after the 3D view angle changes.
Proper Step Size should be based on the actual position intervals along the rail which are independent from 3D viewing angle.
Rant done. Please ignore.
me when spt developers are doing battlestate's job part 21 (nikita stop adding fucking AKs)
Do not stop, Nikita
More Kalash, pls.
Tyfon, I have to say that as a weapon modder- this mod is incredibly helpful for deciding bone placements for accessories. Very well done! I will be making all of my weapon mods work with yours as much as possible.
it is normal to be able to move certain parts and accessories and have them remain in a position where they are not in contact with anything?
Tyfon Author
From the description:
Forgive my ignorance, I had just skipped that section.
amazing update! really the only possible thing i could think of at this point is being able to change rotation... i mentioned before about changing only the hand grip pose, and i think i've come up with a clever workaround by the way!
i hope to have a proof of concept in the future to show
Great mod and great update! Now all we need is rotation. I always hated how the canted rails only work in one rotation.
Carbon Black
Three Axis movement of everything is peak! Looking forward to trying it with the new features, if it works then this mod is up there as a must have mod in SPT.
I seem to be missing the config options in the F12 menu. Apart from that, this mod works fine and all files are where they should be. Even tried a re-install. Is there a way to set the config options in a config file?
Tyfon Author
F12 options would go into /BepinEx/config/Tyfon.WeaponCustomizer.cfg, but that's all managed by BepinEx through the F12 menu, if you're not seeing it in the F12 menu then something is wrong with your BepinEx setup. Do you see *any* F12 menu? Check the BepinEx log (F12 menu, click show log)
I'm sorry, I somehow managed to download the 1.1.0 version again for my reinstall instead of the latest version. I'm dumb. Everything is fine now, thanks for the great mod!
Now this is straight up SPT at it's prime. Thanks, Typhon!
Quick question: how hard would it be to make ti possible to customize guns in raid? Say I found a red dot and wanna put that on a gun and immediately move it
Tyfon Author
Its been requested - I have to get the modding screen to work in raid without causing a whole bunch of other issues. It's on the list
Tyfon Author
Wow! God tier modding. Downloading now
Carbon Black
This mod is fantastic, question though. Are the hands of the character supposed to move with the foregrip if I edit the position of the grip?
I swear I thought it did in v1.1.0 but after the new update the hands are still in the default position after moving the foregrips on different guns forwards and backwards. Not sure if I am gaslighting myself or not and I couldn't discern if you said that it wasn't possible down with RaiRaiChu down below. I enjoyed this mod so much I made an account specifically to ask this! Not sure how to provide extra documentation if that would help or not. Thanks!
Tyfon Author
it still works for me. What gun and foregrip specifically?
Carbon Black
I am going to be out all day so i'll provide pictures when I return but so far every weapon I have tried with any grip. I will re-install the mod to make I didn't update improperly but I know for sure I noticed this issue with the RSASS and ADAR using things like the DD MLOK grip and I believe it is called the AFG forward grip? As I said I'll post some pics later on with a list of my mods later on. Regarding animations, the only mods I think impact that is choccymilk's animator updater!
Carbon Black
Google Folder with images as promised
Good News: The hands move with attachments still (Adar-15 + 4.1in rail + AFG black + MOE SL handguard)
Bad News: New bug I found in process of testing it in game. It seems like if the weapon is the same kind with same attachments is found, the "Normal" type weapon will take on the characteristics (position of hands and model) of the last held "Customized" version. Here is a list of my mods installed (These are in zip since its a separate folder for my record keeping) and pics of what I am saying. Sorry if this is bloating the comments section.
Order of images goes Inventory, Grip far, Grip Near, Grip Normal Inventory, Grip Normal after Near, and then Grip Normal after no other weapon (I reloaded a game with no custom guns in hand)
Not sure if what I am saying makes sense, thanks for the responses!
Tyfon Author
Great catch. I think this is the same underlying issue I knew about where sometimes the gun doesn't apply changes immediately at the firing range. There seems to be some kind of model caching going on. I have a repro now, I'll see if I can track it down.
Tyfon Author
Should be fixed now
This mod is the only reason why I stay on SPT 3.10
Thanks King!
another Tyfon W
This mod is exactly what the original game misses in terms of customization, you get so many attachement options but you don't get to decide the placement.
This mod makes gun customization a little more interesting / fulfilling as I was able to remake my own rifle from IRL almost to a T by finally getting to correct placement on the risers / scopes, butt stock, foregrip, laser and lights.
Absolutely awesome mod and I'm glad something like this is finally out here.
the very reason why I wanna get back on SPT, Tyfon you are the GOAT
Scope position doesn't save for me (modded weapon) but lasers do
weird because iron sights do save, the thing that doesn't save is geiselle super precision 30mm ring scope mount and sig tango6t 1-6x24 30mm riflescope
Tyfon Author
what gun?
carmel from wtt, but other scopes are working, this scope mount i listed is having issues i think
Tyfon Author
just tested and I'm seeing that scope mount works fine on other guns, and no scopes work at all on the WTT Carmel. So it appears that gun has the same issues that the MDR and Vector have.
Tyfon Author
Should be fixed now!
Amazing mod, thank you!
This is absolutely wonderful, works like a charm, should've been in the base game
Thank you kindly for this!
this is awesome, works really seamlessly and haven't had an issue yet.
would be insane to see the ability to move some of the transforms/nodes that are used for the target grip positions (so you can move/twist around the PMC's hand holding the handguard etc). not sure how feasible that is, but being able to tweak your viewmodel essentially like that would be revolutionary.
Even just having pre-set options like c-clamp, underside grip (like the standard one), vertical hold, etc. would be rad as hell. It'd be the one-stop shop for builds and you'd no longer have to use specific foregrips or handguards for specific viewmodel grips
Tyfon Author
So as far as objects go, the game object that I'm moving *is* the one that the model attaches the hand to. For example a specific foregrip is attached to a foregrip bone that is attached to the rail. The bone is the part that I move.
To move the hand, I'd have to alter the hand itself, and that feels like a can of worms. It's much, much more likely to be involved in animations that constantly reset the position (which is the problem with a few guns already), and the animations are *completely invisible* to code - they are loaded from bundles and never exposed directly to the C# layer for me to muck with.
Idk why but whenever I change the position on attachments they don't stay there and if i reload the preset even after saving they reset to the original position. does anyone know why? thank u
Tyfon Author
Assuming you're in the edit build window, do you press assemble?
i've both assembled the weapon with the custom placement but also modified an already existing weapon build where i just changed the position. both dont remain
Tyfon Author
There are a few guns that don't work right now (MDR, Vector, others) due to the animation system. Is this one of those?
If not, can you check if it works when you make adjustments in the modding screen (not the edit build screen) ?
we should really try to figure out a way to make these adjustments to rails and scopes inraid as long as u have a multitool handy
I'm Lost__
For some reason I cannot get anything to move. Also can you make a setting where everything is movable in any way? Including handguards, gas blocks, buffer tubes, stocks, etc. I like making cursed guns and gun builds that shouldn't make sense, using (universal weapons and universal ammo I do this).
Tyfon Author
As in you can't drag it? Or it won't save?
I'm Lost__
I was just being dumb, my version of SPT was behind 3.10. What do you think of my question for the setting(s)?
I would pay you actual money to port this to 3.9.8
Tyfon Author
Impossible due to how weapon ids work in 3.9
Also it costs you nothing to just upgrade to 3.10
Come on, you know that a lot of people prefer to stay a version behind ...
Tyfon Author
I know, but nothing I can do
could an invisible grip be added? moving the pistol grip to about where the magwell is creates the *perfect* magwell grip animation
Tyfon Author
I assume you mean foregrip, but not looking to add items/modeling to this
fair enough
Hi there.
Just wondering if this mod works with FIKA? And if it does will my changes be seen by my multiplayer partner?
Tyfon Author
It will work insofar as it will not create issues, but your friends will not see your customizations
Okay, I suspected as much. Thanks for the quick answer.
Any plans to allow customization in-raid?
Tyfon Author
It'd be cool - the challenge is enabling the weapon modding screen to work in raid, without magic stash access, and with all the modify-weapons-in-raid shenanigans that UI Fixes already has to deal with...
There was another mod similar to this. It used a keybind to activate customization mode, and used the inventory animation to make it look like Crysis. From there you used a key to toggle which attachment to move, then arrow keys to adjust it. The VR mod adds interaction UI to attachments, maybe something like that could be used to select attachments instead of keys