Weapon Customizer 1.0.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Personalize your weapon! Adjust rails and attachment positioning.

Weapon Customizer

This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


If you'd like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee

  • Version 1.0.1

    - Fixed movement angles when changing mods on a rotated gun

    - Implemented better support for the Edit Builds screen. Changes on that screen will only apply when you click Assemble, and will apply consistently.

    - Added a startup step to clean the customizations.json file of weapons that no longer exist, so it doesn't grow infinitely.

    - Added support for a few guns where BSG used slightly different slot names because of course they did.

    Known issues:

    - The scope on the MDR cannot be customized because its somehow part of the gun's animations and is always being reset.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • Getting an error launching with new version (version 1 works perfectly fine. I have zero idea why this is going on.


  • If I didn't see this at work, I wouldn't believe it possible. Spectacular.

  • :爱: 多么神奇的模组!您能否创建一个所有附件都可以重新定位的版本?这将与 AIW 模组完美配合。

  • monkas Monkam monkass

  • crazy how i spent hours updating xMASS and then you come out with a better version

    thank you though 🙏

  • I consider this modification worthy of an Oscar. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

  • Am I the only one who have everything that can be moved almost going in a weird axis ? it doesn't follow the weapon's rail

    • Are you running latest? 1.0.1? Just published

    • I will try it, I wasn't

    • It works properly now, thanks !

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Another mod that should be a base game feature


    Thumbs Up 1
  • Can somebody explain how to save changes ? please )

    • It saves automatically. Or how do you mean?

    • use the modding menu, not the edit preset menu.

    • as of 1.0.1, the edit build screen will save when you click the Assemble button.

  • This rocks !

  • nice mod, huge potential

  • My guy, you just cooked one of the best mods

    IT MUST get featured

    Thumbs Up 2
  • whats my benefits if i move scopes? do i get more oats\hay? bugcatdrunk


  • hello i have a issue with the mdr and the PS-320 scope, just dont want to stay in place everytime i close the modding screen, anyway I LOVE THIS MOD really so if you drop a patch it would be so happy

  • There is currently an issue where the movement axis is being recaculated *wrongly* if you *change* attachments and the camera is at an angle. I'm working on a fix.

    In the meantime, build your weapons, close/reopen the modding window, and make adjustments.

    Heart 5 Thumbs Up 2
    • Thank you for your work!

    • I rarely change parts in the modding screen anyway, it irks me that parts end up in my backpack. Benefit to being the weirdo I suppose. pepelaughing

    • this issue is now fixed in 1.0.1

  • found a bug and a workaround

    if you don't own an item, it seems that the item doesn't follow the rail correctly. But once you buy the item it lines up correctly.

    • That doesn't seem to be right, I'm in my modding screen with nothing but parts I own and the items still move off the rail in some circumstances. It has to do with your camera position when you place the part.

    • That wasn't the case for me, it was independent of the camera and really only worked when i had the item. But it turns out you must be on the modding screen and not the edit preset screen.

      He just commented on the screen angle but it didn't seem to affect me often idk

  • Awesome sauce

  • W mod

  • im running into a bug with the optics, specifically everything you can mount on the RPK dust cover. all the attachments have a weird offset where they don't go directly forwards or backwards, but instead a little bit to the side as well

    • Seems that if you buy the item before repositioning it it works normally.

  • flexing HARD on bsg, nice work

  • I hope this works with the VR mod! im going to test it now!

    • tested in VR...test results: Sad noises :( lol still a cool mod nonetheless!

  • YEA... BSG needs to just hand this game straight to the SPT community lmfao

    Thumbs Up 5

  • Tyfon is officially my favourite content creator


    Happy 2
  • Is this possibly the best sptarkov mod ever made?

  • Oh baby!

  • peak has arrived

  • been waiting for this one to drop

  • damn that's good