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Weapon Customizer
This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
If you'd like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee ☕
Version 1.2.0
- Tyfon
- Fixed certain guns not working due to BSG animation system
- Guns returned via insurance will now keep their customizations
- Added F12 settings:
-- Step Size: Move attachments in discrete pixel amounts, if you prefer that
-- Move Everything: Allow every single gun part to be moveable, even when it makes no sense at all. Have fun
Version 1.1.0
- Tyfon
- Support presets
- Add fika support - teammates will see each other's customizations
- Ignore profiles in a weird state rather than logging an error
Please note that customizations in presets work just like attachments in presets - you must press save to save them to the preset, you must press assemble to apply them to a weapon.
Version 1.0.1
- Tyfon
- Fixed movement angles when changing mods on a rotated gun
- Implemented better support for the Edit Builds screen. Changes on that screen will only apply when you click Assemble, and will apply consistently.
- Added a startup step to clean the customizations.json file of weapons that no longer exist, so it doesn't grow infinitely.
- Added support for a few guns where BSG used slightly different slot names because of course they did.
Known issues:
- The scope on the MDR cannot be customized because its somehow part of the gun's animations and is always being reset.
Version 1.0.0
- Tyfon
This mod is the only reason why I stay on SPT 3.10
Thanks King!
another Tyfon W
This mod is exactly what the original game misses in terms of customization, you get so many attachement options but you don't get to decide the placement.
This mod makes gun customization a little more interesting / fulfilling as I was able to remake my own rifle from IRL almost to a T by finally getting to correct placement on the risers / scopes, butt stock, foregrip, laser and lights.
Absolutely awesome mod and I'm glad something like this is finally out here.
the very reason why I wanna get back on SPT, Tyfon you are the GOAT
Scope position doesn't save for me (modded weapon) but lasers do
weird because iron sights do save, the thing that doesn't save is geiselle super precision 30mm ring scope mount and sig tango6t 1-6x24 30mm riflescope
Tyfon Author
what gun?
carmel from wtt, but other scopes are working, this scope mount i listed is having issues i think
Tyfon Author
just tested and I'm seeing that scope mount works fine on other guns, and no scopes work at all on the WTT Carmel. So it appears that gun has the same issues that the MDR and Vector have.
Tyfon Author
Should be fixed now!
Amazing mod, thank you!
This is absolutely wonderful, works like a charm, should've been in the base game
Thank you kindly for this!
this is awesome, works really seamlessly and haven't had an issue yet.
would be insane to see the ability to move some of the transforms/nodes that are used for the target grip positions (so you can move/twist around the PMC's hand holding the handguard etc). not sure how feasible that is, but being able to tweak your viewmodel essentially like that would be revolutionary.
Even just having pre-set options like c-clamp, underside grip (like the standard one), vertical hold, etc. would be rad as hell. It'd be the one-stop shop for builds and you'd no longer have to use specific foregrips or handguards for specific viewmodel grips
Tyfon Author
So as far as objects go, the game object that I'm moving *is* the one that the model attaches the hand to. For example a specific foregrip is attached to a foregrip bone that is attached to the rail. The bone is the part that I move.
To move the hand, I'd have to alter the hand itself, and that feels like a can of worms. It's much, much more likely to be involved in animations that constantly reset the position (which is the problem with a few guns already), and the animations are *completely invisible* to code - they are loaded from bundles and never exposed directly to the C# layer for me to muck with.
Idk why but whenever I change the position on attachments they don't stay there and if i reload the preset even after saving they reset to the original position. does anyone know why? thank u
Tyfon Author
Assuming you're in the edit build window, do you press assemble?
i've both assembled the weapon with the custom placement but also modified an already existing weapon build where i just changed the position. both dont remain
Tyfon Author
There are a few guns that don't work right now (MDR, Vector, others) due to the animation system. Is this one of those?
If not, can you check if it works when you make adjustments in the modding screen (not the edit build screen) ?
we should really try to figure out a way to make these adjustments to rails and scopes inraid as long as u have a multitool handy
I'm Lost__
For some reason I cannot get anything to move. Also can you make a setting where everything is movable in any way? Including handguards, gas blocks, buffer tubes, stocks, etc. I like making cursed guns and gun builds that shouldn't make sense, using (universal weapons and universal ammo I do this).
Tyfon Author
As in you can't drag it? Or it won't save?
I'm Lost__
I was just being dumb, my version of SPT was behind 3.10. What do you think of my question for the setting(s)?
I would pay you actual money to port this to 3.9.8
Tyfon Author
Impossible due to how weapon ids work in 3.9
Also it costs you nothing to just upgrade to 3.10
Come on, you know that a lot of people prefer to stay a version behind ...
Tyfon Author
I know, but nothing I can do
could an invisible grip be added? moving the pistol grip to about where the magwell is creates the *perfect* magwell grip animation
Tyfon Author
I assume you mean foregrip, but not looking to add items/modeling to this
fair enough
Hi there.
Just wondering if this mod works with FIKA? And if it does will my changes be seen by my multiplayer partner?
Tyfon Author
It will work insofar as it will not create issues, but your friends will not see your customizations
Okay, I suspected as much. Thanks for the quick answer.
Any plans to allow customization in-raid?
Tyfon Author
It'd be cool - the challenge is enabling the weapon modding screen to work in raid, without magic stash access, and with all the modify-weapons-in-raid shenanigans that UI Fixes already has to deal with...
There was another mod similar to this. It used a keybind to activate customization mode, and used the inventory animation to make it look like Crysis. From there you used a key to toggle which attachment to move, then arrow keys to adjust it. The VR mod adds interaction UI to attachments, maybe something like that could be used to select attachments instead of keys
Tyfon Author
Adding to the list
Getting this error, 3.10.5 even with no other mods or plugins installed it still happens, not sure why
I'm getting this as well. Not sure whats the issue
Tyfon Author
you have a profile that has no inventory. Doesn't reproduce naturally, but a fair number of people are running into this - i'd blame some other mod, but if its happening with no mods? I guess I'll just update the code to ignore inventory-less profiles
gotcha, it stopped after I fully set up my character, before I created the profile then launched the game and closed it to install another mod
finaly i can adjust this 2,5 assault scopes not to close half of my screen
This mod is awesome! But the damn BSG has so many bugs with gun customization that it's a torture to save the adjusted positions every time.
If you use 'modding' instead of 'edit build', you don't have to save/overwrite a preset. Just move the mods and they stay there!
I did exactly that, but it doesn't work in a small probability.
when activated the server it showed
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'items')
at WeaponCustomizer.clean (F:\EFT3.10\user\mods\tyfon-weaponcustomizer\src\mod.ts:109:65)
at WeaponCustomizer.postSptLoad (F:\EFT3.10\user\mods\tyfon-weaponcustomizer\src\mod.ts:65:14)
really not sure about it
Tyfon Author
one of your profiles is corrupted and has no inventory.
This mod is really great
This mod is really great and makes the game more enjoyable. Can I share it on the Oddball Chinese Community Forum? So that more players can see this excellent mod. Thank you!
Tyfon Author
Yes, thanks for asking
Really great mod, was waiting for someone to finally drop something like this tyyyyyy
It would be cool if the attachments had snapping points to picatinny or mlok slots as well as the stock to the buffer tube positions. Not sure how possible but would be cool if it were.
Tyfon Author
Very difficult, I would need to add that information for every single attachment 🫠
Ah gotcha, all good
FN40GL have similar issue like MDR. Any slot in FN40GL didnt change position of scope in game, but in preview weapon icon or Inspect 3d have correct edited position. A bit strange, because I thought that this 3D Inspect of the item shows the item as the world sees it.
Getting an error launching with new version (version 1 works perfectly fine. I have zero idea why this is going on.…985654a3e97e086607441d08&
Tyfon Author
One of the profiles you have is corrupted? It somehow has no inventory.
That line is:
for (const item of profile.characters.pmc.Inventory.items) {
For it to error on "items", "Inventory" must be undefined, which I don't believe is possible in a non-corrupt profile
Hmm.. i see, i Think*(not 100% sure) i know the cause of this then. I doubt you can help me as im using fika. but im going to say what is going so if others have this issue this is why.
*im using a headless client (aka dedicated server) to start a raid, that client is a profile that does not have any inventory, and can not be played and is just there to run the raid and nothing else.
Disregard what i said. i checked files and the headless does have an inventory. A profile did not get deleted correctly. sorry for wasting your time.
Tyfon Author
No worries.
Re: fika - the changes this mod makes are 100% client side, so they won't interfere with fika... but your buddies won't see your customizations either. And no point installing it on dedicated client.
edit: actually on second thought, they would see any customizations that already existed when they first launched their client, since they pull it from the server. I think? Honestly I haven't tested with fika at all.
kiester kid
If I didn't see this at work, I wouldn't believe it possible. Spectacular.
:爱: 多么神奇的模组!您能否创建一个所有附件都可以重新定位的版本?这将与 AIW 模组完美配合。