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Version 1.0.2
- ViP3R_76
This version will only work for SPT 3.11.x
- Added: More Null-Ref Checks
- Bugfix: Added range for baseLoad-/Unload from 0.01 to 1 and added checks for config
- Bugfix: Changed some default config-related stuff
- Refactor: Config-Rewrite skipped if only comments have been changed
Version 1.0.1
- ViP3R_76
- Bugfix: Changed default config-generation settings
- Bugfix: Forgot to change the sizedown on 3-2 slot conversion for inventory optic of the weapon
Version 1.0.0
- ViP3R_76
- Initial Release for SPT 3.11.x
Thanks for making this mod. With this mod, can I change the default number of magazines? For example, from 30 to 60. It would be nice to have the ability to select which magazines you want to modify, like a previous mod did. Thanks for your time.
ViP3R_76 Author
Not at the moment. I will put it on my ToDo and take a look if i have some spare time for it, as i am working on another mod that takes some time for now. This is not a "i will include", most likely "i take a look if it is possible without breaking anything".
ViP3R_76 Author
You should take a look at: MOD PARAMETER - that can already do it and more
ah yes because I love my 3 slot 40 rounders when a 50x drum fits just fine in a 2 slot
W mod, wonderful stuff