Featured MOAR + Bagels - Ultra lite spawn mod 3.0.1-Experimental

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Ultra lite bot spawning mod, that expands spawn points and works great on servers. Highly recommended to be used with SAIN/QB/LB for an immersive live-like experience. Highly configurable. Built for use with FIKA.

  • Version 3.0.1-Experimental

    3.0.1 Experimental Update

    • Added performance improvements option to the "advancedConfig"
      This does a number of things to reduce unused AI and improve general performance on the worst maps for it.
      It turns down zyrachis chance of spawning, reduces the guard max bot counts for bosses (increases min slightly to compensate), reduces rogue spawn chance across the board.
      Turn off to make lighthouse spawn more rogues/zyrachi and have streets reduce it's fps back to an unplayable level.
      add the following line to the bossConfig to increase the chance of rogue spawning on lighthouse if that is what you are after.

        "lighthouse": {
          "exUsec": 45,

    • Major update to Pmc aggression and the introduction of faction based pmc aggression
      (pmcs will work with and be friendly to their own faction if this is turned on) don't worry, all pmcs still have a strong desire to murder you.
      This solved a long running bug that was causing performance issues, where pmcs that spawned together would murder each-other.
      Now we have much less shooting in the beginning of raids, and with SAIN, watchout, as teams will use tactics functionally again!
      Read the tooltip in the bepinex for more information.
    • StartingPMC logic updated
      Be aware, you can now no longer use the cascade system with startingPmcs.
      If you want to use both the cascade system and startingPmcs the closest you can do is reduce pmc distribution to the 0.1.
    • The 100% Partizan bug, and a few bugs around bosses have been fixed!
      Partizans karma logic is now removed, his spawn percent is all that determines his spawn chance now.

    Spawn updates:

    • Vanilla player spawns have returned!
      Players now have a few custom spawns and all the original spawns
    • PMC/SCAV spawns are now separated!
    • PMCS now have 100+ spawns they can use per map.
    • Moved all spawns to the config/Spawns folder, you can view your added points in there.
    • There are now button bindings to add/remove custom spawns of each type to the bepinex advanced section.
      NOTE: You may tempted to add a ton of spawnpoint; my strong recommendation, is there is kind of an art to spawn placement.
      I'd suggest placing far less than you think you need. Keep an eye on the associated file in: config/Spawns folder to watch your spawnpoint changes.
      MOAR culls spawpoints within a certain distance of eachother, so adding a ton in a certain area won't necessarily result in the behaviour you think it will.
      Also avoid placing spawn-points in areas that a regular bot wouldn't be able to walk to, it can make the bot potato on spawn. (think tops of rocks, inside locked doors).
      After adding spawns, it is advised to run the culling algorithm on your spawns via the advanced config, simply turn on "ActivateSpawnCullingOnServerStart" and run the server once. Then turn it off, and you're good to go.
      This process removes unneeded duplicates and processing.
      It is my hope that the community will begin to create packs that they can share of their custom spawn-points, which I will then parse and start incorporating in builds.


    • Many fixes have been attempted to fix the spawning apart bug, this is known, and this version has seen improvements there.
      For now, I have gone with a solution that should have players either spawning together, or near to each-other (50 meters).
      If you see this bug, know it's being worked on, and top of mind form me. Do feel free to report it in the Discord > Fika > DewardianDev mods chat.
      Logs/map/location do help track down issues.

    Bugs to watch out for:

    • If you spawn without exfils and you are on a clean install of this version of MOAR, REPORT IT.

    Requirements as of 3.0.0

    • Waypoints is now required!
    • The MOAR.dll is now required (both on clients and dedicated).
      Up until now MOAR has been a server-side only mod, as of the previous release, the .dll is required.
    • Now more than ever, SAIN and Questing bots/Looting bots are highly recommended to get bots moving.

    That's all for now!

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 3.0.0-alpha

    MOAR + Bagels - 3.0.0 Alpha Release

    This is experimental and likely to have a few bugs, but is now stable enough to get feedback from the broader community.

    Change Log:

    • Added more than 300 new spawn points, new Marksman spawns, and new player spawns included.
      Expect bots in unexpected locations.
    • Added the cascading wave spawn algorithm: MOAR now looks at where you spawn, and roughly makes bots spawn in a ripple outwards from that location.
      The result of this means you generally need less bots to have the same amount of action.
    • Added key to check preset your preset ('end' by default)
    • Updated starting PMC functionality, MOAR will do what it needs to make sure your game is running the way it should.
    • Optimized performance for lighthouse and streets.
    • Many many bug fixes (this is effectively a rewrite)
    • There are a lot of changes, and I will slowly start updating the mod page description, for now please just try it out and leave your feedback.

    Requirements as of 3.0.0

    • Waypoints is now required!
    • The MOAR.dll is now required (both on clients and dedicated).
      Up until now MOAR has been a server-side only mod, as of this release, the .dll is required.
    • Now more than ever, Questing bots / Looting bots are highly recommended.

    That's all for now!

    :) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.6.7

    Something Update

    • Updated something (I can't remember anymore)!
    • Added a second announce for when game starts.

    :S :thumbup:

    That's all for now

  • Version 2.6.6

    Small update

    • Updated bosses/rogues/raiders/etc.. to have MOAR run the spawn chance roll instead of spt.
      Basically this preemptively culls bosses that will not spawn (if they lose their roll), and assign those that succeed a 100% spawn rate.
      This may help with load times and mods like ALP in particular, as when the bot isn't in the pool, the game will not run the loadout generation on them!
    • Updated the preset announce to be a bit earlier, after the game is confirmed to load in, but before the player spawns.
    • Updated a few small things in presets.

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.6.5

    Major update

    • Updates spawn timing for pmcs
    • Updates marksman spawning method
    • Fixes and rewrites all of the zone related changes.
    • Set pmcOpenZones to ON be default.
    • Fixed bug with hotzones
    • Fixed bug with pmcQuantity not changing properly.

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.6.1

    The "Micro-itty-bitty-Labs" Update

    • One last ditch effort to fix the bug with trapped pmcs behind the gates on labs X/

    Let me know it works!


  • Version 2.6.0

    Updated Features:

    • Update bossConfig:
      Add other boss types that are possible for custom spawning
      Make console verbose on changes
    • Make minSpawnDistance configurable via mapConfig
    • Make snipers a bit harder, make them spawn sooner


    • Labs spawn zone fix (feedback wanted, I don't play labs)
    • Fix bug preventing custom bosses in bossConfig from being applied
    • Error handling for max escort amount
    • Remove sniper Spawnpoints from minSpawnDistance calculation adjustment

    That's all for now, happy holidays!

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.5.7

    Small update.

    • Sets minimum spawn distance for all spawnpoints on all maps.
    • Randomized PMC spawning.

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.5.6

    Sniper Bug fix

    • Fixes sniper spawning.
    • Added maxBotCapOverride option to mapSettings.json config.

    That's all for now

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.5.5

    Feature Update

    • Removed event related changes (should help people getting errors due to christmas event)
    • Moar now handles EscapeTimeLimit changes for those extending their raid times.
      BE WARNED: Moar will limit the maximum escapetimelimit to prevent performance issues.
      For those using longer than 2x escapeTimeLimits, Starting Pmcs will be automatically disabled to prevent performance issues.
    • Zombies can now spawn without halloween event.
    • Updated pmc spawning to be EXACTLY like live values. Now correct pmc quantities are GUARANTEED to spawn.

    That's all for now! 8) :thumbup:

  • MOAR + Bagels - 3.0.1 Experimental

    Experimental Update

    • Added performance improvements option to the "advancedConfig"
      This does a number of things to reduce unused AI and improve general performance on the worst maps for it.
      It turns down zyrachis chance of spawning, reduces the guard max bot counts for bosses (increases min slightly to compensate), reduces rogue spawn chance across the board.
      Turn off to make lighthouse spawn more rogues/zyrachi and have streets reduce it's fps back to an unplayable level.
      add the following line to the bossConfig to increase the chance of rogue spawning on lighthouse if that is what you are after.

        "lighthouse": {

          "exUsec": 45,

    • Major update to Pmc aggression and the introduction of faction based pmc aggression
      (pmcs will work with and be friendly to their own faction if this is turned on) don't worry, all pmcs still have a strong desire to murder you.
      This solved a long running bug that was causing performance issues, where pmcs that spawned together would murder each-other.
      Now we have much less shooting in the beginning of raids, and with SAIN, watchout, as teams will use tactics functionally again!
      Read the tooltip in the bepinex for more information.
    • StartingPMC logic updated
      Be aware, you can now no longer use the cascade system with startingPmcs.
      If you want to use both the cascade system and startingPmcs the closest you can do is reduce pmc distribution to the 0.1.
    • The 100% Partizan bug, and a few bugs around bosses have been fixed!
      Partizans karma logic is now removed, his spawn percent is all that determines his spawn chance now.

    Spawn updates:

    • Vanilla player spawns have returned!
      Players now have a few custom spawns and all the original spawns
    • PMC/SCAV spawns are now separated!
    • PMCS now have 100+ spawns they can use per map.
    • Moved all spawns to the config/Spawns folder, you can view your added points in there.
    • There are now button bindings to add/remove custom spawns of each type to the bepinex advanced section.
      NOTE: You may tempted to add a ton of spawnpoint; my strong recommendation, is there is kind of an art to spawn placement.
      I'd suggest placing far less than you think you need. Keep an eye on the associated file in: config/Spawns folder to watch your spawnpoint changes.
      MOAR culls spawpoints within a certain distance of eachother, so adding a ton in a certain area won't necessarily result in the behaviour you think it will.
      Also avoid placing spawn-points in areas that a regular bot wouldn't be able to walk to, it can make the bot potato on spawn. (think tops of rocks, inside locked doors).
      After adding spawns, it is advised to run the culling algorithm on your spawns via the advanced config, simply turn on "ActivateSpawnCullingOnServerStart" and run the server once. Then turn it off, and you're good to go.
      This process removes unneeded duplicates and processing.
      It is my hope that the community will begin to create packs that they can share of their custom spawn-points, which I will then parse and start incorporating in builds.


    • Many fixes have been attempted to fix the spawning apart bug, this is known, and this version has seen improvements there.
      For now, I have gone with a solution that should have players either spawning together, or near to each-other (50 meters).
      If you see this bug, know it's being worked on, and top of mind form me. Do feel free to report it in the Discord > Fika > DewardianDev mods chat.
      Logs/map/location do help track down issues.

    Bugs to watch out for:

    • If you spawn without exfils and you are on a clean install of this version of MOAR, REPORT IT.

    Requirements as of 3.0.0

    • Waypoints is now required!
    • The MOAR.dll is now required (both on clients and dedicated).
      Up until now MOAR has been a server-side only mod, as of the previous release, the .dll is required.
    • Now more than ever, SAIN and Questing bots/Looting bots are highly recommended to get bots moving.

    That's all for now!

    8) :thumbup:

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • For FAQ's sake, please read, before commenting:

    • I don't understand difficulty something something... ?

      Moar sets the difficulty preset (easy/medium/hard/impossible), sain or spt decides the bots behaviour from there.
      Yes this works fine with SAIN, and is intended to be used with it.
    • I changed pre-raid settings something something... ?

      Don't! Moar has it's own controls to disable bosses or handle difficulty. If you use the pre-raid menu, do not post about your broken game here.
    • I don't understand Bepinex something something!!?

      Hover over the value in the bepinex and read the tooltip.
    • I changed Something something in the bepinex but its not working grrr!?

      >>>>>> Hit "Save" at the bottom of the bepinex <<<<<<
    • FIKA something not saving bepinex something something!?

      For fika, the configuration is saved in memory on the server, the idea being that fika servers should be run on dedicated machines and have long up time.
      If you want your settings to persist through restart and use FIKA, make sure to set those defaults in config.json/presetWeightings
    • Bepinex version is saying XX but I downloaded latest?
      I forgot to update the version for the client mod, if you downloaded latest, this is fine.
      The client mod requires changes rarely, thus I don't always repackage it (updating the version).

    • Something something..server configs broken, I'm no Coder something 不明白 .json :cursing: !%#@?
      If you are attempting to adjust the server configs and are not technically inclined please take a look at this handy tutorial.

    • My CPU is dying with maxBotCap of 25 and/or startingPMCs turned on ANGRY something...! pepescream

      People love the idea of startingPmcs as this is what live is like, what it actually does is forces your potato CPU to spawn (the most cpu intensive operation in spt) all of the pmcs for the entire raid at the same time (or over the first few minutes in the case of Moar), to add to this, all bosses, there followers, rogues, raiders, are already using this period to smash your potato CPU to bits.

      When you spawn all of the pmcs at once, those pmcs will then go forth to murder each other and whatever other bots have spawned on the map (much like live), further heel smashing your already mashed potato cpu into the dirt. :kekw:

      I would suggest leaving startingPmcs off if you don't have a cpu with X3D in the name, or if you do not want the majority of your pmcs to die off in the first 10 minutes of the raid, or if you do not like finding piles of bodies around the map.

      If you still have performance issues:

      An alternative to turning off starting pmcs would be to reduce the maxBotCap, but be aware, pmcs/bosses will blast through that limit, meaning you will have a harder time finding marksman/scavs early game if you do both turn on startingPmcs AND turn down the maxBotCap.

      Thus, I recommend only reducing maxBotCap if startingPmcs is already off, pmcs will still largely spawn in the first 10 - 15 minutes by default.

      One can also set the maxBotCap via the mapConfig.json per map if so desired.

      Extra potato mode:

      Some settings to try if you are still having issues.

      Change these values in your user/mods/Dewar...Moar/config.json to ensure they are always active.

      "pmcWaveDistribution": 0.5,
      (this makes it so pmcs will spawn over the entire period of the map)

      "scavWaveDistribution": 0.3,
      (as bosses spawn at the beginning this pushes those initial scav waves a bit later in the raid to balance cpu load).

      "maxBotCap": 18,
      (lowest recommended 15)

      "maxBotPerZone": 3,
      (lowest recommended 3)

      "pmcMaxGroupSize": 3,
      "scavMaxGroupSize": 3,

      Once you open the game, reset the default settings in the bepinex by clicking "reset to default".
    Heart 2 Thumbs Up 2
    • :thumbup:

    • is it testet on latest 3.10.5 ? fresh install sain + moar ONLY, standart preset everything on low - extra potato mode (i9k 10th 5ghz 32ddr4) stable 60 fps on streets BUT everytime i kill someone fps drops to 23!

      in the name of the lord emperor. what i need to do to stop fps drops like this.. :kannatiredofthis:

      Heart 1
    • This isn't a faq, play with your settings do other things.

      Remove this comment. And place one below.

  • is there a way to use the vanilla spawns and values for bosses while still using the mods spawns for scavs and pmcs?

  • When trying to spawn on Interchange with the mod active (only thing i've changed is switch the moar preset to "live like") no bots spawn in. I have this issue too with other maps on occasion, something about a failure to generate a certain marksman class with a certain mosin loadout, which is an error with realism mod, but if i try to play interchange, no bots spawn 100% of the time, and they used to prior to installing the mod. i can see it's trying to generate the bots looking at the server log, but it gets hung up on the marksman class that it can't spawn every time..

  • Hi, I have a little query, is there any way to start the server with the custom preset instead of the random one? :/

  • If I switched zombies on would it be a chance the spawn into a single raid or would it spawn them every raid. If it’s not a chance how would I make it so some raids they spawn and some raids they don’t?

  • No bots spawn with this mod, no realism.

  • Hi, thanks for the mod i'm using the experimental version on 3.10.3 and have trouble of it ignoring the bot limit i set on the f7 panel (i set 15 and on the map there is at least 20 scavs and keep spawning) leading to huge freezes.
    I'm also using RaidOverhaul which sets the raid time to about 3hours.

  • So not entirely sure what's causing this issue but ever since i installed this along side Entry point selector 2.0 it spawns me wherever basically make Entry point redundant. any assistance is appreciated and if you need logs or anything lmk tyia

    • The issue is entry point selector is not supported at the moment.

    • Got it thank you for replying

  • No PMCs or Scavs spawn when I use this mod. I disabled all the bot tweaks in Realism but still nothing.

    • I have exactly the same

  • I'm the administrator of a FIKA server that I use privately. I've encountered some issues when modifying the mod presets. Anyone can upload custom presets to the server. As a result, once a user changes a preset, all other users will be forced to change theirs accordingly. This has led some people to maliciously modify certain presets. I really hope there's a way to solve this problem, like restricting users from uploading custom presets to the server and so on.

    • If you mean updating the presets.json on the server for fika, that is 100% on you to figure out your security around.

      But I have considered a setting for client to limit settings.


  • I'm really trying to get this mod working, but the performance is just constantly garbage, and I need some input. As soon as ANYTHING happens during a raid I get massive fps drops followed by a lot of stuttering. This means that MOST of my raid is subject to stuttering. I'll lose around 40% of my FPS over the course of the first 5 minutes of a raid when a lot of the spawning is taking place. These two issues combined make the game hard to play. If I am getting close to the end of a long raid, I will have lost another 20-30% of my initial fps, and the stutters will get worse.

    I started out with "quiet raids" preset, because anything else is just a constant meat-wave of enemies. I have further decreased the max bots count to 18. I have decreased the PMCWaveQuantity to 0.5 to further reduce the BARRAGE of enemies thrown at you. Random spawns is enabled TO EVEN IMPOSSIBLY FURTHER decrease the experience of soloing the defense of Helm's Deep against every single orc in Tarkov.

    I am not using Performance Improvements since it not even ironically reduces performance and has compatibility issues with every other mod known to mankind.

    I AM using Realism (duh) with Spawn Tweaks, Boss Spawn Tweaks, OpenZones Fix and Increased Bot Cap disabled.

    If I remove MOAR and instead use the current test build for SWAG I have zero performance issues. Zero stuttering. Performance doesn't degrade as bad over the course of a long raid. No modern Russian infantry tactics of non-stop throwing every single breathing organism in Tarkov at the player, without remorse.

    Rant over. How the fuck do I improve performance and remove the stuttering? The answer CANNOT be to disable every feature of the mod.

    • Make changes in the server config.json so they persist.

      Perhaps try reducing waves in the mapConfig if you have a potato.

      Also maybe try reducing maxbots to 15 or so.

      Also as a reminder, I don't work for you, I owe you nothing.

      This is a mod given freely to the community.

      Use it or not

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I noticed when using the more scavs preset, I see boss guards sometimes roaming on the map and raiders, is there a way to turn this off?

  • Я устал, без этого мода на Резерве одни дикие, с этим модом только босы с ЧВК-диких нет да что такое то!!!

  • my sain menu isnt opening with f6. any ideas why?

  • Having a minor issue; the PMC waves seem to all pick the same area I spawned in to spawn no matter if I am PMC or Scav. I've tested with both Dynamic Maps and Raid Review to see the behavior, and it does not seem to matter what map.

    I run MOAR on default settings, and do not use Realism.

    • Turn on random spawns. If you don't wamy cascade spawning.

      And read the mod description before commenting

    • I did, nowhere did it mention this would happen.

  • Quick question, how do I stop the horde of raiders on labs? I tried setting the pmcBot setting in bossconfig to 0 and I still get swarmed. Thanks in advance!

  • I have an issue that some PMC's are spawning behind the Parking/Warehouse door in Labs.

    Didn't add any custom spawns, using Livelike for the preset.

    • This is known, I don't like labs so bugs there are bottom of the list.

    • hahaha It's a great mod regardless!

      Heart 1
  • I can confirm that this has a soft incompatibility with Realism. Had pretty much zero PMC spawns (or boss spawns, now that I think of it) with version 2.6.7, had pretty much zero spawns at all with 3.0.1.

    I had to go into the out-of-game Realism configuration GUI and untick "boss spawn tweaks" and "OpenZones fix" ("spawn tweaks" was already off, but one should make sure it's off because that would probably break it too). I turned both of them off at the same time so, to be fair, I don't know for sure which one was the culprit and I don't really care, all I know and care about is that it fixed it.

    After doing that, I went to test and Woods had turned from a horror game, where everything is dead silent and you keep jumping at shadows and expecting something to be around the next bend (although there never is), back into the ironically calming warzone we're all used to.

    I also got a Rogue in the (metaphorical) killfeed on Woods, which means that spawn variety is working as intended too.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you for posting this. I had this exact issue and this fixed it for me.

    • thx man. this is so much appreciated!

    • Simply disabling spawn tweaks and boss spawn tweaks works for me. OpenZones fix is left on and I get normal PMC and boss spawns on latest MOAR and Realism

    • This didn't work for me. Only when I remove MOAR from my Tarkov directory do Scavs and PMCs spawn.

  • Is there a way to see what preset the game is, incase I miss it on load up?

  • Every map feels like an absolute warzone with this, like 40 bots in 10 minutes, whats up with that ?

  • Hi, when I enable MOAR no AI spawns. what am I doing wrong? thanks.

    • Try reinstalling.

    • Nvm I found the Issue for anyone wanted to play with SPT realism disable all spawn related options in file settings.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Where exactly did they do that ?

    • @Rappo. go to your SPT folder go to mods. find the realism mod. there should be a launcher, open it. bots. then disable anything that has "spawn" in the title or description.

    • @Parza

      I don't have the realism mod or I don't see it. I'll upload a picture for you.

      can you link the mod for me?


  • Legend Thank you

    Heart 1
  • So glad to see that FIKA spawn thing fixed, my friends kept making fun of me when I'd spawn on the opposite side of the map from them :(

    Happy 1
    • I'm working on it!

      Let me know if you see it.

  • How should I use this with Realism's progressive boss rates? Should I just set all boss rates to 0 in bossConfig.json and load before Realism?

    Looking through the code, it seems removing the boss entries ie. "bossKnight": 30 from each map in bossConfig should do it?

    Based on buildBossWaves.ts:190

    const mapBossConfig: Record<string, number> = cloneDeep(
            bossConfig[mapName] || {}

    It simply checks if any entries exists for the given mapName inside bossConfig.json and if not it sets the record to {} or essentially empty, correct?

    • Make sure realism loads first, remove all references in the bossConfig.

      I don't know if Realisms changes will cause issues, but many have complained of no pmcs.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Yeah Realism seems to change raider and rogue spawns as well with it's boss spawn tweaks setting so I'm not sure how that will conflict. I tested it but I'd rather just use MOAR's boss spawns at this point for the sake of simplicity

  • My preset keeps resetting itself to Random every server restart. Client restart retains settings.

    I've checked config,json, and it's not updating. It also doesn't have a setting for a starting preset. Is that somewhere else?

    I don't believe write permissions are an issue.

    Edit: BepInEx\config\MOAR.settings.cfg updates settings when I change them in F12. It looks like the settings update when I make changes, but it resets itself back to default every time the server starts. I've tried setting it to Read Only, but then those settings go missing in F12.

    Is it possible that the mod keeps doing some kind of first time setup every boot?

    • Adjust your weightings in the presetWeighting configs.
      Set everything else to 0.

    • Looks like it still reset the options, but kept the preset as Custom.

      Before your reply I was going to write this:

      Found this line in GlobalValues.ts:

      public static forcedPreset: string = "random";

      When I run the game it generates a .js and a .js.map files with the same name.

      I've changed it to this:

      public static forcedPreset: string = "";

      deleted .js and .js.map, restarted server and client. IT STILL RESET MOAR.settings.cfg

      It seems to trigger when I start the client for the first time after starting the server.

      I guess, I could force a preset through that .js file and manually edit it to my liking.

      Edit: I did this:


      static forcedPreset = "quiet-raids";


      "quiet-raids": {

      "randomSpawns": true,

      "spawnSmoothing": true,

      "scavGroupChance": 0.2,

      "scavMaxGroupSize": 3,

      "pmcGroupChance": 0.2,

      "pmcMaxGroupSize": 4,

      "scavWaveQuantity": 1,

      "pmcWaveQuantity": 1,

      "mainBossChanceBuff": 10,

      "bossOpenZones": true,

      "bossInvasion": true,

      "bossInvasionSpawnChance": 5,

      "gradualBossInvasion": true,

      "randomRaiderGroup": true,

      "randomRaiderGroupChance": 10,

      "sniperGroupChance": 0.1,

      "sniperMaxGroupSize": 2,

      "randomRogueGroup": true,

      "randomRogueGroupChance": 10,


      Something I found:

      Both rogue invasion and rader invasion are the same. They both reference randomRaiderGroup and randomRaiderGroupChance. I found randomRogueGroup settings in "insanity" preset. So I assume that's what it should be.

    • Or you could just set your preset to custom, and edit it to your liking, and it will always save it.

      Always remember to hit the "save" button.

    • It doesn't seem to keep those settings. Every time i restart it resets preset settings to default.

      Above workaround works for me, so I'm happy.

  • Awesome mod, my guy. Question: any way to change the text that appears when you spawn with a selected preset? For example: 'Live-Like' changed to something like 'Normal' or something?


  • One feature I *really* miss with SWAG+Donuts is being able to disable bot spawning at X amount of time in the config for both scavs and PMCs. Is it possible to implement in this mod as well?

    • You can just have the distribution something like 0.5 for both scavs and pmcs.

      That make the last spawn of the raid like halfway through or so.

  • Is it possible in this mod to alter the max bots per map?

    Like 30 on woods is ok - on factory its definitly not :D

  • [MOAR] Starting pmcs turned on, turning off cascade system and smoothing.

    Do i understand this correctly, that turning on starting pmc´s does disable one of the core features of the mod... smoothing?

    • Starting pmcs as an idea is a bad one, I support it, but why would you want smoothing if you want 10 spawn waves all at the same time at the beginning of the raid.

      An alternative if you want smoothing and something similar to starting pmcs is just to to put pmcDistribution to 0.1.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Ok, will try - thx for your reply!

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