Kiki-CameraRecoilRemover 1.2.6

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Sets the camera recoil on all weapons to 0. This can be changed in the config if you just want to tone it down a bit instead of removing it completely.


  • Hey, I just read that you changed it into a multiplier in the config, is it percentage or just number?

  • Will it be updated to 3.6.X ?

    • should still work as intended, Let me know if not.

  • Does this mod work for 3.5.8?

  • Would love to get a multiplier so I can just tone it down quite a bit instead of removing it completely or having it equal for all guns

    • it is a multiplier ^^

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Okay, wasn't able to make that out :D thanks, glad to hear it

      Heart 1
  • hey sorry to ask this silly question, do you think your mod can work on spt 3.5.0 ?

  • Quick config question: Lets say I want to cut camera recoil in half. Do I set the config to 50, or 0.5?


    • Ah so no it isn't a multiplier, it is a hard value. So for instance a mosin has a value of 0.4 a glock 17 is 0.018.
      I probably should of explained that better,gives a smooth experience across all guns.
      maybe a multiplier would be better? or perhaps the option of both?

    • Ahh, interesting. So if I set it to one value it will be more intense than usual with some guns and less for others. Multiplier might be cool if it isn't too much work. Idk, I'm modding illiterate

      Like 1
  • After downloading 1.0.2 I get a syntax error trace in the local server

    • well shit my bad I will get on that what a mess :(

    • Don't worry about it bud we will get this mod working :)

    • Haha cheers for the bug reports, it should all be groovy now
      Or :notlikethis::kannatiredofthis:

      Thanks 1
    • Installing it now I'll get back to you :thumbup:

    • Had the trace error too but working fine now =)

      Good work once again Kiki !

      Thanks 1
  • I need some advice with the config, a tad confused on how to customise it --

    I always use the EOD unless I want to play the Hardcore way then I would use Standard, nevertheless how do you configure this correctly? What are the min/max values for the parameters?

    "ChangeAll" : false,

    "566abbc34bdc2d92178b4576" : {

    "name" : "Standard",

    "size" : 28


    "5811ce572459770cba1a34ea" : {

    "name" : "LeftBehind",

    "size" : 38


    "5811ce662459770f6f490f32" : {

    "name" : "PrepareForEscape",

    "size" : 48


    "5811ce772459770e9e5f9532" : {

    "name" : "EdgeOfDarkness",

    "size" : 68



    const items = DatabaseServer.tables.templates.items

    const weaponClass =[










    var hitCounter = 0 <<<<<<<<<<< do you change this value??

    class CameraRecoilRemover{

    • Hmm maybe I made a fuck up hang on let me double check (that is the wrong config and yeah I left a debug counter in there, it just counts each item the recoil is being set on)

    • No problem bud. I like the idea of this mod and hopefully this will improve it going forward :)

    • Cheers :) should be sorted now.

      Like 1
    • Fantastic! Keep up the good work :)

      Thanks 1