Kiki-HealthMultiplier 2.5.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Allows you to edit the health values for players, AI and bosses individually. Option to set all to health of player.


  • Version 2.5.0

    Fixed bug that could occasionally heal you for free.

    Added option to add additional health per level.
    Set enable to true, with the amount per level for each body part to use.
    Works for player scav too.
    Be aware, if AllEqualToPlayer is set to true, then the bots will get stronger with you.
    **note:- The health will not be added immediately when you level, but will do when the /launcher/profile/info route is called so it won't be much of a delay.**

  • Version 2.4.1

    Updated for 3.7.0++
    Added Kaban
    Rewrite of findBotType().

  • Version 2.3.4

    Updated for 3.6 ++ bot types.

    Updated the extra config from Patty (Legend) details as follows

    Previously I balanced hp around the Mosin caliber which might sound good but the issue with this is that enemy AI could tank 1 headshot from most bullets that players would most likely be running early mid-game in tarkov.

    I now balanced it around more commonly found bullets such as 5.45 bullets and adjusted head hp for all enemies except for Tagilla and Killa to 40. This means that any average bullet that hits an unprotected head will kill that opponent no matter what. Rewarding good aim.

    I also adjusted health values slightly on all enemy types so that if the player is running high-tier ammo they will be rewarded for hitting thorax or headshots. Tagilla for example will go down in around 5 shots or so if you are running .45 ACP AP and hit him in the head.

    To summarise.

    Players will only be rewarded with a quick kill when using average bullets if they manage to hit well placed shots in unprotected areas such as Head or Thorax

    But if the player is running high-tier ammo such as 5.45 BS rounds and anything like or higher they will be rewarded with quick kills in most scenarios (Unless they run into the chad of all chads ) granted they aim well.

    I also adjusted the player's hp somewhat. The goal is to stop 1 shots from happening but not as excessively as I did before.

    For example, previously the head hp was 150hp now it's 90 which will protect you from rounds such as 7.62x54. But anything that does more than that can instakill you unless you wear proper protection.

    I increased Chest HP from 100 to 150 to allow the player to take 3 - 4 shots to the thorax. They may feel a lot more as a tank should they wear heavy armor but trust me when I say that when they run into higher-tier enemies they will go down quickly especially if they aim for the head.

    As for arms and legs, I've set the hp to 80. 7.62x54 and below will pretty much black these limbs in 1 shot.

  • Version 2.3.3


    Extra configs contains a backup of the original config, as well as a config from Patty which makes bosses die to a single headshot (unless Killa and Tagilla), but balances them individually.

    To use a config from the extra configs folder. Copy, paste and overwrite the config/config.json.

    If you come up with an interesting config, give me a shout and I may include it in future releases!

  • Version 2.3.2

    updated for 3.5. Added Zryachiy.

  • Version 2.3.1

    Fix for initial health not being saved and applied on game exit. Credit to Deliveryserivce for finding the bug <3

  • Version 2.3.0

    Updated for AKI 3.4 ++
    Large refactor, much cleaner commented code.
    Fixed player scavs to take player health settings from the config each raid.

    Added a function that reverts changes made to your profile on log out, credit to MaxBIT mod HIWL for the inspiration, as you can now safely remove the mod as long as the game has been properly closed.

  • Version 2.2.4

    Updated for AKI 3.3.0.

  • Version 2.2.3

    Added new bosses to config (don't know how I missed that ^^ )

  • Version 2.2.2

    Updated to 3.2.5. Moved route to PreAKILoad.

  • i can't live without this mod....

  • Quote

    One of nust have mod for me, Is there any plans to update to 3.8.0?

    stucked in 3.7.3 and enduring the low fps :(

  • One of nust have mod for me, Is there any plans to update to 3.8.0?

    • good news bad news:

      I just found out you can change player health but not the bots with a simple modification

      to do so:
      1. open Kiki-HealthMultiplier/src/healthMultiplier.ts with a text edito (Notepad for me)

      2. find function public postDBLoad(container: DependencyContainer):void

      3. you will see something like for (let eachBot in botTypes){ ...... }

      4. delete these lines of code (this will allow this work in 3.8.0 and 3.8.1)

      to be specific, the text to be deleted is :

      for (let eachBot in botTypes){

      let type = this.findBotType(eachBot, botTypes)

      if(type !== "Ignore"){

      for (let eachHPSet in botTypes[eachBot].health.BodyParts){

      let thisBot = botTypes[eachBot].health.BodyParts[eachHPSet]

      if (this.config.AllEqualToPlayer == true){

      this.setBotHealthToPlayers(thisBot, playerHealth)



      let configOption = type === "Boss" ? this.config.Boss[this.bossDictionary[eachBot]] : this.config[type]

      this.setBotHealth(thisBot, configOption)





      or line 44 to line 65 in windows notepad.

      the result should look like:

      public postDBLoad(container: DependencyContainer):void


      this.container = container

      this.logger = this.container.resolve<ILogger>("WinstonLogger")

      const botTypes = this.container.resolve<DatabaseServer>("DatabaseServer").getTables().bots.types

      const globals = this.container.resolve<DatabaseServer>("DatabaseServer").getTables().globals

      const playerHealth = globals.config.Health.ProfileHealthSettings.BodyPartsSettings

      this.GPlayerHealth = playerHealth



      I was reading the error log and found it only reported errors when reading bot health but not the player part (lines were executed)

      This will bypass the bot health modification and make the game playable :)

  • possibility for an update for 3.8? :)

  • Thank you for the update!! animefingerdancing

    Heart 1
  • Mod does not seem to work anymore, version 3.6.1
    Get this error running the base config with edits only to player and bodypartmode set to true with edits to the values:

  • Here is there an updated version of this mod somewhere?

  • I cannot download version 2.3.1 Link is dead.
    But I can download 2.3.0 but it is with this bug that was fixed in 2.3.1 :(

  • excuse me, Is it possible to add a setting that increases HP by multiplying the level up?

    For example, if it is Lv20, add n*20 to HP, etc.

  • Please update for 3.5.8 <3

  • Thanks for your work, it's the only mod that helps me to achieve immunity in the head area, there's a bandana mod but for some reason it doesn't quite work, I always get a headshot and instant death, with this one mod is just putting a ridiculous amount of life in the head and fixed the problem, I am looking forward to its update.

  • any news about a fix for 3.5.7?

  • Not sure why it isn't working for others but it is for me.
    I'm on version 3.5.7.
    Little side note, in the config, if "AllEqualToPlayer" is set to false, it gives me an error message.

    Edit: I'm running several mods in a specific order so if more info is needed I can provide that.
    I have SVM loaded before this mod and I have a different Hp amount but all the AI have the Hp amount I set in Healthmultiplier so it works exactly as I wanted it to =)

    Heart 1
  • Dosent seem to work with 3.5.7

    • sadface. will try to remember to look into this tomorrow.
      Any errors, logs etc?

    • yea says something like about bodypartmode i even tested it without anything else and a fresh install

      (btw i love ur mod)

      Heart 1
    • TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'bodyPartMode')

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'bodyPartMode')

      at HealthMultiplier.setBotHealth (C:\Users\PMB2202008\Music\SP Tarkov\3.5.7\user\mods\Kiki-HealthMultiplier\src\HealthMultiplier.js:151:31)

      at HealthMultiplier.postDBLoad (C:\Users\PMB2202008\Music\SP Tarkov\3.5.7\user\mods\Kiki-HealthMultiplier\src\HealthMultiplier.js:40:26)

      at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'bodyPartMode')

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'bodyPartMode')

      at HealthMultiplier.setBotHealth (C:\Users\PMB2202008\Music\SP Tarkov\3.5.7\user\mods\Kiki-HealthMultiplier\src\HealthMultiplier.js:151:31)

      at HealthMultiplier.postDBLoad (C:\Users\PMB2202008\Music\SP Tarkov\3.5.7\user\mods\Kiki-HealthMultiplier\src\HealthMultiplier.js:40:26)

      at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

      happens without even editing config

      Heart 1
    • don't work for me too on 3.5.7. I get the same Error Code

  • I wonder I just set up everything and started my very first SPT run but my health is still the same as vanilla version despite increased health numbers.

    Is something wrong with this?


    "AllEqualToPlayer": true,



    "enabled": true,



    "enabled": true,

    "Head": 40,

    "Chest": 140,

    "Stomach": 120,

    "LeftArm": 100,

    "RightArm": 100,

    "LeftLeg": 100,

    "RightLeg": 100


    • I think you need a profil already created.
      If you put the mod and create a profil, it's not working.

    • You just need to re-launch the game if that is the case. There is a message printed on the console to say so too. (and at the bottom of the readme)

      Does this not fix the problem?

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey, excellent mod. I've had a lot of fun putting my health and the AI's health to 5000 and just blasting lmao.
    However, when I put the health back down to default levels in the config the health of my PMC is the default amount but the max is still 5000. So it would be 39/5000. Which would be fine, but when you die you get auto-healed to 1500 which is annoying. So what am I doing wrong?

    Heart 1
    • Nice one mate, turns out there was a bug, and the initial health values were not being restored as expected.
      This has now been fixed, and you should just need to logout of the game to have the original values applied.

    • Thanks!

  • Thanks for the update! now to play head eyes only mode where everyone has a million health on every body part except the head.

    Heart 1
  • Author has most of their mods updated to SPT-AKI 3.4.0. Hopefully this one will be done as well.

  • Hello, I'm on AKI 3.2.5 & using mod v2.2.3 & it doesn't appear to be working.

    I'm trying to adjust the health values via the bodyPartMode but I'm not seeing those changes even after loading a new SPT profile.

    Here are the changes I've made in the config.json file.

    One thing I did notice is that I'm using KMC Server Value Modifier, which also does have a section to do this (which I also tried but it also didnt work), which I thought could be conflicting with this mod. However I temporarily moved SVM out of my mods folder & tried again by loading a new profile & restarted a few times, but I'm still stuck with the default health values. There aren't any server error messages & it appears to load perfectly fine.

    Do my changes to config.json look ok for what I'm trying to do? Or did I fudge something up?

    Any help is appriciated! Thanks!

    Thumbs Up 1
    • If I run those setting with the latest version of the mod and AKI 3.3.0 then everything works as expected. All I can suggest is that you update everything.
      I have neither the means, or inclination to bug test old builds I am afraid.

      Heart 1
    • No worries, thanks for getting back to me anyways. Was just wanting to double check I didnt mess up to be honest. Thank you for your time and making some great mods for us to use anyway!

      Heart 1
    • Hey just wanted to post an update as I managed to fix my issue!

      TL:DR - SPT-Realism was the reason the health was not changing & the fix was as simple as making SPT-Realism be first in my load order so that KMC Server Value Modifier would overwrite whatever values SPT-Realism were changing to then allow me to set my custom health values.

      The fix:

      All I did was rename "SPT-Realism" to "01 SPT-Realism" & "ServerValueModifier" to "02 ServerValueModifier" (In the end im using another mod to achieve what this mod is doing but do the same thing with kiki's mod if you are using that & have the same issue.)

      So now my user/mods folder looks like this:

      Heart 1
  • I think `/raid/profile/save` or something like that would work better, since the second scav play doesn't increase health.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Critical error on server start.

    Heart 1
    • Oh no so there is. Hmm I don't know what happened there. Thanks for letting me know, I will push a fix asap.

    • I see the issue, somehow I pushed the old config. fix inbound.

    • And done, cheers.

      Heart 1
    • Thanks for fixing it! Glad you got the issue sorted with the pure minimum info i provided. :thumbup:

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Please update this mod.

  • Qualquer chance de atualizar para 3.0

  • I got the

    Mod Config is missing package.jason

    [Error] Invalid mod encountered

    your mod is the only mod i have and need, i had no issue with the previous version but when i updated it just now. that pop out

  • just installed this mod i tried putting 1500 on all body parts for the player but nothing is happening how does this mod work

    • Please read the readme / description. If there is anything unclear then let me know.

  • does this work with 2.3 or will this be updated to work with 2.3?

  • Appreciate the update. So I take it there will be no issues updating from 2.0.4 to 2.1.0 on an existing profile?

    • I can't foresee any issues at all, however it is always good practice to backup your profile before hand, just in case.

  • Crossing my fingers and hoping you figure it out!

    • This health mod plus your Amour and Bullets mod is a great combo. I'm using a 0.5 health multi for player and AI and it seems work well so far. Much less TTK and feels way more realistic.

      Like 1 Thanks 1
  • Reminds me, if it's possible to configure player Scav HP values separately? Currently when we modify Scav HP it also changes for player Scav. I doubt this is doable but i just had a thought.

    • It might be doable, but if it is I don't know how. I will ponder on it, and update if I think of a solution.

      Thanks 1
    • Thanks, let me know how it goes ^^

    • you can achieve this by changing it in your profile .json file

      Like 1
    • Hmm now that may warrant a fiddle, should be quite easy to implement a solution if that's the case.


    • PLayer scav values now get updated too animefingerdancing

      Like 1
  • Does this affect the "player" ai's as well when changing player health?

    • No they fall under regular AI as far as this mod is concerned, So it's player, bosses, and all other AI.

    • Aight just making sure. Had a oddly tanky PMC after I downloaded. means that it was a random fluke or my aim just sucked on that occasion.