ELCAN C79A2 Optic Sight 3.5.x

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Offworld Industries [Squad] — Models & Textures.

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  • getting a 410 error "gone" when trying to DL the latest, something on my end or host borked?

  • Hey Sam love your mods. Any plans to make a mod that adds the C7A2 rifle? either way keep up the great work! :thumbup:

    Like 1
  • Can you make a barter for this? (hardmode)

  • Not sure if it's a problem with the sight or the gun, but I can't put the ELCAN on the SCAR-H.

    Weirdly, the SUSAT works just fine.

    • Rename the folder of this mod to "zSamSWAT-C79A2", in other words, make it last in the list sorted by A-Z

  • May I ask where you went and how you did the modding? I've considered trying to make sniper optics more viable and make the ACOG similar an actual Trijicon ACOG.

  • Could you add the black machinegun variant that's on the saw pretty please?

  • Is black possible?