Fin's Anti-Cheat 1.2.0

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Removes your gear when you die, even if you alt-F4 or close the server

This mod should respect insurance. However, it will also restore your secure container's contents to the way it was when you first entered the raid. In all other inventory-related respects, however, this should be identical to having been killed in a raid.

  • Version 1.2.0

    Just a package file update for 2.x.x compatibilty

  • Version 1.1.0

    Version 1.1.0 for AKI 2.2.x

    • Compatibility changes for 2.2.x
  • Version 1.0.0b

    Bugfix release. It was previously possible to lose your PMC's gear when alt-f4ing from a raid as a scav.

    That should no longer be possible (I hope)

  • Hi fin, I wonder if this mod will be updated to 3.5.0?

  • WIll this work with 3.5.0?, after i found out this trick, i find myself alt f4 quite a bit

  • Hi.

    Is it possible to update this to 3.1.1 ?

    I want the pain back...

  • Is this still working? I can no longer apply insurance to items, I click on them and then it says the price is 0 and does not allow me to insure.

    Other mods installed:
    Andrudis Quest Maniac

    KMC-Core, gear and weapons

    Server value modifier - only thing I have edited is hideout construction time.

    Upon deleting the anticheat folder I can insure items again

  • i have no shame in admitting i really need this mod

    as soon as i realized i could just not die if i close the server, months ago, i played a different game, with 1 kit, no need for extra weapons or anything.

    let the pain truly begin. thanks

  • Hi Fin,

    i wonder if a Anti-Crash Mod is possible? Where u keep everything you found in Raid till the Server crashed?

    A nother cool Mod would be something like a "Flare" that let u extract anywhere when u use the item.

  • In the latest version, the function of mod does not work properly. There are still items left even after the game is over.

    And can't insurance all the items.

    Can't you solve this problem?

    • and I think need to stop the mode from working in hideout.

    • I'll have a look and see if I can figure that out!

  • A better anticheat service than Battleye

  • Will this remove cheaters from my online tarkov experience

    Haha 3
    • If you install this mod in your Live directory, I guarantee you won't need to worry about cheaters any more.

      Haha 5
    • very pog :senkosmug:

      Like 1
    • Now if it only made Killa not such a cheater whenever I see him -_-

  • I think it had a bad impact on my play experience because the equipment was restored when I forcibly quit the game on SPT.

    I personally asked FIN for a favor and he created a perfect mod.

  • this feels like a personal attack

    Haha 3 Sad 1
    • Hah. -No, just a request someone made. I don't plan on using it, myself, but some people may enjoy it.

      But for me, there are just too many things that can go wrong with SPT, from bugged weapons to bugged exfils, that I'd like to be able to get a mulligan on X.X

    • yeah, I alt-f4 more than I should admit...sometimes for good reason.

    • Had to Alt-F4 after a 30 minute shoreline because extracts weren't working. Wasn't going to run around for another 15 just to go MIA :P