Increased HUD FOV 1.0.5

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Adjusts weapon position in first person




  • HI

    First of all I want to thank you for this mod!

    It really really helps me tremendously

    I wanted to know if it is possible to make an extect arrow?

    Like an arrow that really directs us where to go, I'm new and I'm still really confused about it, I don't understand what floor and all these things

  • Mod not working on 3.3.0

    Mod SVM version1.5.8 by EmuRC/GhostFenixx loaded

    ModLoader: mod incompatible. It must implement at least one of IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod

    • Don't you see red badge and `SPT-AKI 3.0.0` on it?

      use this: Increased FOV but read install instructions first

      Thinking 1
    • Quote

      Don't you see red badge and `SPT-AKI 3.0.0` on it?

      Not sure what you mean.


      use this: Increased FOV but read install instructions first

      This one works :) I set up slider under F12 key.
      Thanx :)

  • when when when 3.1.1 i cannot live without your mod :D <3

    much love from germany Sam!

    Like 1
  • Can we get an update for 3.1.0 ?

    This is must have mod.

  • thx alot for da upate

  • Finally updated. Thanks. I really love your mod.

  • Thank you so much for updating this, my man; finally, it won't feel like the SCAR is hitting my face every time I fire it, lmao. Great work, chief, and keep up the excellent work in your modding endeavors!

  • Please update to 3.0.0 thank you :)

  • Thanks alot, I hate thada tiny 75 degrees

  • is this still working with the current build?

    edit: if anyone has tried it

  • I made an account just so I can say thank you. So so much thank you @SanSWAT

    You are the best. <3

    Like 2
  • Mod does not play nice with 2.2.3 got stuck in loading when going to the Hideout.

    Idk if its just me or not.

    Already tried changing package.json too.

  • your mod is not working for 2.2.0

  • ♂ Thank you for the update sir ♂

  • Can you confirm this doesn't mess with iron sights when leaning ? a lot of fov mods have this problem which is why i ask.

  • How did you get the new equiptment from 12.12... I did find a mod adding the new stuff however it did not work? if it is that same mod, how were you able to get it to work?

  • Hey, I'm getting a very weird occurance from this mod, whenever I try to enter the hideout it gets stuck in a never ending loading loop. Nothing else is affected and I checked all my other mods one by one to see what could be causing this issue and everything else is fine.

    • What spt aki version are you using?

    • 2.0.0 and changing the akiVersion in package.json didn't seem to help either.

    • You have the answer

    • I don't have much choice since I forgot to backup before 12.12 hit so rip I guess. It was worth a try.

    • follow this page AKI Patcher

  • this mod is over 9000 in greatness....absolutely essential for certain guns that are practically up your nose.

    No way to edit the value in this?

  • Hi, can you make one for 2.0.1? Really love your mod

    • Change "akiVersion" in package.json to 2.0.1

      Thanks 1
    • hYNvtND.pngchanged to 2.0.1, still won't work

      Like 1
    • without your mod, its running fine

      Like 1
  • Does this affect/correct the ADS of some weapons or is this Otical QoL? If so this would be huge. Cuz i felt the Snipers with Iron sights are kinda off smh. Thanks !

    • Nah, that would require extra work, and if I do that, it would affect every weapon, not just sniper rifles

      Thanks 1
    • So it affects ADS too? Some are already pretty far away

    • Nvm, it's pretty good and confortable.
      Distance is still ok, nice mod 10/10

  • Before I install it. Can I unninstal if I don't adapt? If yes, how so?

    • Uninstall the same way you installed it, just remove the file from the mods folder

  • I've been waiting a loooong time for a mod like this, it always bothered me the FOV on the weapons I felt like it needed going forward slightly so we can see more of the weapon.

    Thank you SamSWAT, the smallest changes can make a big difference.

    Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year bud!

    • Yeah, for me it was most noticeable on the m4 series. Happy New Year to you too

      Thanks 1 Like 1