Time & Weather Changer 2.3.1

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Change the time and weather in a raid with a GUI-based mod

  • Version 2.3.1

    Updated to SPT-AKI 3.1.0+ [EFT]


    Extract SamSWAT.TimeWeatherChanger.zip into root SPT-AKI directory near EscapeFromTarkov.exe

  • Version 2.3.0

    Updated to SPT-AKI 3.0.0 [EFT]


    Extract SamSWAT.TimeWeatherChanger.zip into root SPT-AKI directory near EscapeFromTarkov.exe

  • Version 2.2.0

    Updated to SPT-AKI 2.3.0 [EFT]


    Extract SamSWAT.TimeWeatherChanger.zip into root SPT-AKI directory near EscapeFromTarkov.exe

  • Version 2.1.2

    Updated to SPT-AKI 2.2.3 [EFT]

  • Version 2.1.1

    Updated to SPT-AKI 2.2.2 [EFT]

  • Version 2.0.2

    Fixed the link

  • Version 2.0.1

    Updated to SPT-AKI 2.2.0

  • Version 2.0.0

    Now you can change the default "Home" key that controls the panel in config.ini file.

    [LIST OF AVAILABLE KEYS] scroll a bit down and you will see them. Your key MUST match one of them.

    [SPT-AKI 2.1.2]

  • Version 1.0.0

  • hello, mod champion, any chance this will be updated to 3.9.0? one of the best mods ever created.

  • I am having no success on this mod. All I can do is change the time. No wx control.

    • Make sure when you access the menu in-game, that you select/tick the 'weather debug' box to access the weather controls. You will know they are working as they will stop being greyed out and the weather will change instantly.

  • lol how does this work? no video, no explanation in f12, no explanation in home key.

    • tested in-game 3.8.3 all this does is change time of day and the clouds. no rain or thunder.

    • Yeah because rain doesn't work in 3.8. Try now in 3.9.

  • No longer works on 3.8

    • Made an Account just to say that this mod still works on 3.8.

      Just like it still worked in the previous version.


      Heart 1
    • Fazo you bloody legend

  • No longer works with 3.7.6.

    • Works for me on 3.7.6

      Heart 1
    • Works fine for me too, amazing mod!

    • Мод не работает на 3.7.6....!

  • Still works on 3.7.5.

  • Can confirm 3.7.2 is working for me.

  • Still works fine on 3.7.3

  • Перестало работать на версии 3.7.2

  • This works with 3.7.1!

    amazing mod, very nice ui too! ❤️

  • someone make a new mod of this please, its a must to change lighting and everything

    • See my post from below--It doesn't need to be updated, because it still works.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • This appears to still work in 3.7.0.

    Thumbs Up 2
    • still working in 3.7.1 baby!

    • this mod is the GOAT for long-term support on Aki.

  • Are quests properly affected by this? Could I go in during the day, set the time to night, and get kills that count towards Insomnia or other quests that need nighttime kills?

  • ive only messed with cloud density and time setting, seems to be working fine on 3.6.1

  • Appears to be working for 3.6.0

  • Works for 3.5.7 for those who're wondering.

    Also my question is, and maybe i'm just blind but do you have to set the weather/time every raid or can you turn on an option so it stays the same, and doesn't change after each raid?


    Thumbs Up 2
    • I'd love for this to be an option. Guaranteed day or night on a raid depending on which phase you select would be great--like Factory's settings but for all maps.

  • that's crazy but it worked, i installed today (22/05/2023) the mod TIME & WEATHER CHANGER 2.3.1 with SPT-AKI version 3.5.5. Now, playing became clearer and cleaner.

  • Update please

  • I just tested and it works fine on 3.5.5. Is there a way to lock the time to a specific hour and not advance the time?

    I have the extensive raid mod and it's daylight very soon.

    Thank you for your work.

    • I am having the issue were I open the changer with the HOME key in raid I cannot close it again to continue the raid after changing selections, how do I do this?

    • You should try to reinstall the mod, press F12 and change the Home key to another one from your keyboard, I did it and it worked.

  • does not work 3.5.5

  • Hi I just opened the weather changer with the HOME key in a raid but once I'd changed the setting I couldn't close the weather changer again to continue the raid, wat button do I press to do that? This is my first time using this mod.

  • Work with 3.5.1 8)

  • im using 3.2.5 and it doesnt seem to be working? im also using Lua Spawn Rework, does it not work with this mod?

    • 11/16/2022 - Seeing how the author just updated the [Compatible SPT-AKI Version] Label to show support for [SPT-AKI 3.3.0] without updating the mod since Version: 2.3.1 (Jul 28, 2022), it's safe to say it is working for SPT-AKI 3.1.x, 3.2.x and 3.30

      Thumbs Up 1
  • does it work with 3.2.4?

  • Does it work on 3.2.2?

  • Good day!

    please update the mod for use with the new version of AKI

  • Hello, I have encountered such an error |Error|FilesChecker|Consistency ensurance failed. File not exist. File: "EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe". ElapsedMilliseconds:87

    • I'm sorry, I seem to have installed it wrong, I decided to reinstall SPT and everything worked

  • While i press f12 nothing shows up. Same happened with Valenshaspower mod. After that he updated and instead only BeinEX files he also had to make smth that goes to mod file.

  • i love you <3;(kanapoker:aquacries:pepelaughinghummmpoganimedance2

    ? 1
  • You beautiful bastard! Thank you for the update.

    Like 1