Gaax Weapons / Port for latest AKI 1.0.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

the thiccest one of them all

good ol gaax weapons, although i think BAM is a better name cause this a Big Ass Mod with lots of retextures and various other things

also since you guys annoyed me enough about it, there, a mod icon

keep in mind that this is a BIG mod, so there is a problem with it causing crashes, not too much I can do unfortunately

this mod requires JustNU Core to work

Original Author: Gaax
Original Mod Listing: GaaxWeapons

  • will there ever be a version for 3.x.x?

  • Do you have any plans for updating it for 3.x.x?
    Thank you very much!

  • for anyone wondering about crashes, let the parts load up slowly so that the game doens't handle too much at once. you WILL crash a few times that much is guarnteed. however eventually once everything loads up, you are good. a great mod

  • have you thought of adding a tan KAC RIS handguard for the M4A1? or making a red retexture of the LVOA series handguards? just some suggestions for the mod to add in more colors

  • Mod is pretty unstable, always crashes. I couldn't even get into the trader and buy the modded parts.

    The only fix I believe would work is to reduce the content and limit it only to gun mods and have its own custom trader rather than using the vanilla traders. Like KawaiiWeaponMods.

    • not gonna cut content out, and if I put them all on one trader then it will definitely crash more

    • Welp. Unfortunately there's nothing else that I could say then.

      Since I believe if the mod focused solely on the weapon mods, it'd probably be less crash-y, considering this mod includes gear too. Which can be put in a different mod.

  • Any plans to update to 2.3.1? Would love to use this mod but its causing issues with loading into the raid sadly :(

    • it works still, just rather unstable, and yeah it messes with load times and I can't really do anything about it cause of how mf THICC this mod is

    • Well the problem I was having was that it would say "local game starting" and wouldnt actually load me in and I tried removing multiple different mods to see if that was the issue but I couldnt seem to come across a fix. Unless Im just supposed to wait longer than 5 mins for it to load and Im just dumb lmfao. nonetheless I might just try it with absolutely no mods aside from this one.

    • strange, never had that issue, if removing this mod doesn't fix it then you might need to open a support thread

  • So, I decided to get this mod because I do love Gaax's entire collection, but I think it's safe-to-say that it's kind of busted.

    I tried applying a long Magpul handguard and well...


    Yeah - that's the result. Regardless, the "scroll slowly" issue persists even with 32 gigs of ram on a semi-empty HDD. I scroll slowly at Peacekeeper's, and blam.
    Sometimes I open Prapor, and blam. I get CTD'd.

    My suggestion to solving this entire thing is to moving everything to a separate trader or traders. Divide them between NATO weapon mods and AK-platform mods.

    I'd double check all attachment hook ups too, considering this glorious error, lol.

    All and all - thank you for reposting Gaax's stuff.

    EDIT: 69 nice

  • Is it possible to to remove all the added weapons from the traders? that would resolve the trader crashing issue maybe? :)

  • Is the download link broken? It says that I do not have permission to view the document and even it passes that screen it says that its down.

    • everythings good on my end, i think its just giving you trouble in specific because I still have permissions set to everyone

  • Still receiving crashes with the new version, also get a 9001 error every time when using Linked Search on flea. Have tried with and without the mod installed. Only happens with it installed.

    • as I've said before, the crashing issue relates to the power of your PC and the sheer size of this mod (2.7gb compressed and with 400+ retextures), this issue cannot be fixed afaik, as I have tried using a bundle compressor but it doesn't want to work with the bundles in this mod

      you'll just have to use the flea market to find the items you want

  • My game crashes with no errors or anything in the server whenever I try to view a Trader or edit any weapon preset.

  • Guys, i think you just need Lua's Examine All Items mod, it helped me

  • it still crashes the client when loading into ragmans inventory, every other trader is fine but ragman crashes as soon as you click on him.

    • can't recreate it on my end, thus it is most likely another mod causing this issue

    • I don't know about that brother, I've seen multiple people with the same issue, I'll do my due diligence and troubleshoot by trial and error with the other mods I have installed but I would look into it on your end just to be 100% certain that your mod isn't the root cause of the issue.

  • Crashed Loading into Ragman's store

    • can't recreate it on my end, thus it is most likely another mod causing this issue

  • Thank you for update mr. kobrakon

    we may need another stable version for 2.1.2

    stay safe from covid guys. i recently had it

  • @Kobrakon

    To help with the crashing issue, you could try spreading out the weapons/mods/magazines across a few custom traders, possibly lowering stress on the server (and avoiding a crash) because it wouldn't have to call upon so much data at once. Might be worth trying if you haven't already.

    • I'm gonna try to do that and also compress some of the files so it's not so large and see if that can reduce the crashing

    • Any news on the change regarding the shifting of gear to multiple traders so it isn't as hard on the PC/server?

      I really want to use this, but don't want to be in fear of crashing my game every time I go to look at the goodies. :) I had that problem with KMC-Core and stopped using it as a result.

    • Sorry, but I’m currently taking a break from modding for a bit but I plan on doing that when I return

  • I think the crashing while visiting certain traders may be a RAM issue.

    This is just my experience, I used this mod when it first was ported and also used KMC, I would crash at the traders all the time, most specifically, Skier.

    1. I upgraded my system day before yesterday from 16gb to 64gb. I haven't crashed at all.

    2. I also sort by loyalty level when at Skiers because of the sheer amount of content added with all the magazines.

    I hope at least #2 will help some folks, as it is free.

    • thats strange considering i have 16gb and it doesn't crash for me

      maybe the loyalty level thing is the fix, idk this problem is weird as hell

    • As I said, just my experience. I only changed one thing and the problem stopped, most times the catalyst is obvious in those cases. Not worth discounting.

  • it crashed my game when editing an adar preset and trying to change the pistol grip, it just froze and closed the game, havent had that issue before installing

    also crashes when i load skier lvl 2

    • It’s because of too much data, this mod is 2.4gb COMPRESSED, but the trader crashing on load is an issue I have yet to know, if it’s that it crashes while scrolling then the solution is to scroll slowly

    • yeah i read the other comments, but all the new stuff loads at once and i have no way to scroll slowly

      i dont know how modding works, maybe implement loading the items before game launch or something

    • i dont think thats possible as the server/game only loads trader assorts when called, so there's really no way to patch this

    • rip, but ill still try to use the mod

    • f

  • Would you consider porting lirkanas plate carrier mod?

    • Yeah I’ve been thinking about it

  • You are a character. I like it. Keep up the good work.

  • hat is this

    • look at the original mod listing in the desc

  • Hey first off thanks to the person who updated this, and also the original mod author.

    Is there anyway to just use the gun modifications, the gear is cool but I could do without it.

  • Mod works great for me. I'm using the most recent ported versions of each requirement as well.

    I have found that the new retextured scopes (specifically the Vudu) if you use ACOG4Life Optic Rework, you have to put a 'z' in front of that mods name so it loads after GAAX Weapons. Otherwise, youll get black glass on the scope.

    Thanks again!

    • You mean put the z infront of the acog4life mod?

    • yea the mod folder itself so it looks like this (zACOG4Life-OpticRework)

  • yeah this mod needs some work.

    after i uninstalled most of the mods i managed to look at ragman and skier but when i try to buy either from this mod or from other or even from the vanila game it would make it seem like the tarkov server crashed and then i had to restart to do anything. also right after i boot the game up and i want to scroll either at skier or ragman it crashes.

    pls fix i actually want my guns to have proper drip


    • yeah, i have the same problem

    • I had the same problem with KMC Core.

      I would scroll down the new trader's goodies and BAM .... crash to desktop. After a while, I just searched the flea for gear the trader sold. And a while after that, I contemplated what I was REALLY using and it wasn't much, so I deleted the mod.

      No need to have an obviously buggy mod that could bork your profile at some point.

      I hope they both get fixed, as they're great mods.

    • ill look into it

    • I was unable to recreate the problem on my end

    • i think i found the issue. try redownloading the ported justNu core mod. it might be we dont have the latest version. worked for me

  • When I scroll down on Skier's page, the game often crashes.

    • Yeah im experiencing this too

    • also ragman crashes for me

    • looking into it

    • I was unable to recreate the problem on my end

    • yeah im getting this exact crash too, skier ctd wehn scrolling through the gear. could be another mod causing a conflict but im unaware as to which one

  • The google drive download says the quota has been exceeded. Not sure if its just my end or is happening to anyone else.

  • What gun's we got in this mod? Even a simple little list with a few examples would be enough

  • doesnt it usualy come with a trader

  • fixed

    Thanks 1
    • at first I was like: YAY

      and then a saw a size of the file...

    • tell me about it

    • Yeah ..... 2.4Gb.


      I just wish it had the ATF mag from Le_Kaiju Advanced Modding. That blue mag not only looks amazing, it's really easy to find when you combat reload or reload while flashed.