Priscilu: the trader 5.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A distinguished gunsmith who smuggles some of the best weapons and equipment into Tarkov. Also, he is excellent in repairing weapons and armor.

This is the simple Priscilu version. No quest in this version. If you want the complete Priscilu version for SPT 3.10, visit:

Priscilu: The Trader [TimmyGG Edition]

If you want to play with the best weapons in Tarkov, try this mod:

Priscilu Special Weapons

If you are facing issue to access other custom traders on your game, you can solve it with this mod:


If you want to change Priscilu item's price, try this mod:

Assort Editor

Finally, do not forget to backup your profile before playing with Priscilu. :thumbup: :)

New kid on the block!!!!

Is he a trader? Yes, he is!

Is he a smuggler? Yes, he is!

Is he a gunsmith? Yes, he is!

Is he a repair man? Yes, he is!

Priscilu is the guy you must look for if you want to go to Tarkov equipped with the best gear.

Besides, Priscilu is well known for his excellent job in repairing weapons and armor. Some say he provides the best repair service in Tarkov.

Below you can see some of what Priscilu is bringing to Tarkov:


Download the mod, unzip it and drag and drop the "user" folder into the SPT-AKI_folder.

Path should be like this: "SPT-AKI_folder\user\mods\Priscilu".

To check if the installation was successful, just look for a "package" (or package.json) file on "SPT-AKI_folder\user\mods\Priscilu" folder.

In my specifically case, "package.json" file is on: "D:\Games\SPT-AKI\user\mods\Priscilu".


1) When playing with SPT-Realism and Priscilu Trader, noticing only 2 or 3 weapon presets available and only a handful of ammo.

Fix for this compatibility issue (credits Chaos_Mortal) :

Open your SPT Realism config .exe in your user/mods folder, then go to traders and the 3rd option should be "change item loyalty levels". Turn that off, since it changes what items are available.

2) Any other compatibility issue between Priscilu Trader and SPT-Realism mod.

To fix this, we suggest you disable everything related to "traders" on SPT-Realism config. After that, try to enable each one at a time to discover what are the conflicting config parameters.

3) Any compatibility issue between Priscilu Trader and LATE TO THE PARTY mod.

Fix for this compatibility issue (credits lopas123) :In LATE TO THE PARTY config, set "trader_stock_changes" to "false".

Obs.: although these fix have worked for some players, we can not guarantee they will work for all, once we do not play with these mods.

  • Version 5.0.0


    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.10.0
    - new and better AS-Val

  • Version 4.0.4


    - fix plates issue on BNTI Zhuk body armor

    New weapons presets for maximum performance and for those one playing with new Priscilu Special Weapons mod:

    - new HK416

    - new Springfield M1A automatic

    - new VPO 209 automatic

    - new VPO 136 automatic

    - new SAG automatic

    - new SAIGA automatic (oh yeah!)

    Obs: these weapons listed as "automatic" are indeed full auto and better just when Priscilu Special Weapons is installed. If this mod is not installed, these weapons will be original in every aspect.

  • Version 4.0.3


    - Fix incompatibility with Priscilu TimmyGG Edition. Now you can have both.

    - New MDR 556 (one of the most balanced weapon in Tarkov)

    - New AUG A3

  • Version 4.0.2


    - New AKS74UN

    - New FAL for long range

    - New FAL for close quarters

    - New MCX .300 BLK

    - New AK12

    - Fix plate problems on the vests

    - Fix helmet problems

    - Upgraded AS VAL

    - Upgraded M4A1

    - Upgraded some other weapons I do not remember

    - Fix some minor bugs in the code

  • Version 4.0.1


    - Update to SPT 3.9

    - Priscilu is now an insurance broker too

  • Version 2.5.6


    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.7.6

  • Version 2.5.5


    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.7.5

  • Version 2.5.4


    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.7.4

  • Version 2.5.3


    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.7.3

  • Version 2.5.2


    - Update to SPT-AKI 3.7.2

    - Update Priscilliu's trader enum (thanks to @Pettan who kindly did it)

  • "


    - Fix incompatibility with Priscilu TimmyGG Edition. Now you can have both.


    dose this mean i will have two different trader in page? or i will get this mod in clouding Priscilu TimmyGG Edition?

    • It means you will have two different traders on your game.

      Heart 1
  • someone help install the trader is not there

  • harika mod, ellerine sağlık

    • Thanks, man! :thumbup: :)

  • How can I change the 5 amount or just the low amount of weapons and other things since I thought it would say alot on all the items?

    • You can change it. But as it is not a simple task, we do not provide this type of support.

  • Hello.

    Is it possible to add different types of armor plates to trader class 5 and class 6?

    • Yes, man.
      It will be added in the next update.

    • Thank you very much.

      I appreciate it.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • can you add the cold front to the trader, only thing holding it back for me.

    • Sorry. I don't understand. Is "cold front" an EFT item?

    • yeah its the cold fear (CF) balaclava (i misspelled it)

    • No problem, man.
      This item will be added to Priscilu in the next update.

  • Do you have plans to update Priscilu: The Trader [TimmyGG Edition]?

    If you do, I won't download this version.

    Thank you

    • HI,

      Unfortunately, I am not the principal developer of Priscilu: The Trader [TimmyGG Edition].
      TimmyGG is. So, he is the only one who can update this mod.

      Maybe it will help if you send him a polite private message about the update. He is a nice guy, and I'm sure he is planning to update it.

    • I understand, I won't bother him.

      I'll use this version until TimmyGG updates his work when he's ready.

      Thank you!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • ok how do i level Priscila up??? he does not have any quests and i have spent close to a mill on his trader.. lol

  • Thank you for the amazing mod! is there a way i can edit something to make the price items cheaper? tyvm

    • Hi Footlicker,

      You are welcome, my friend. :)

      And yes, there are some ways to modify items price. IMO, the simplest one is using the mod Assort Editor.

      Hope it helps.

      See you.:thumbup:

  • Hi! Is there a way to modify some items price? like some items are a little too low on price and i want to high them a little , ty for your time and everything you've done!

    • Hi Advanced,

      You are welcome, my friend. :)
      And yes, there are some ways to modify items price. IMO, the simplest one is using the mod Assort Editor.

      Hope it helps.
      See you.:thumbup:

    • Hi m8 thanks so much for your reply it helped a lot! :D

      Thumbs Up 1
  • can you change the folder name, conflicts with the other one

    • The last version (4.0.3) has already done it.

  • Hello i have recently encountered an error with the quest unfortunate situations, i have the dog tags FIR but its not letting me turn them in, its giving me the turn in prompt however when i do it gives me the - (Quest handover error:condition not found or incorrect value. qid : ,condition: ) error

    Any ideas on how i can complete this quest without installing a skip quest mod

    • Hi Jordan,

      Unfortunately, I have no idea of what is happening. What I can say is that this Priscilu edition does not have quests. So, maybe it is not something related to this Priscilu.

      Anyway, if it is indeed a mod issue, you can find the problematic mod by uninstalling one mod by one, running the game after each uninstall, keeping on doing this until the problem is solved.

      Hope it helps.

  • вы долюаебы хоть проверяйте, после того как моды обновляете

    • This version (4.0.3) has been downloaded more than 900 times, and you are the only one who has faced this problem. Sincerely, I don't think it is a mod issue.

  • всю игру похерели, теперь профиль не загружается, молодцы мододелы

  • В профиле был обнаружен торговец: Priscilu, которого не существует в SPT. Это может быть связано с использованием модификации, добавляющей нового торговца и которая была удалена без предварительного удаления сообщений от указанного торговца, и ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО приведет к ошибкам. НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ ДАННЫЙ ПРОФИЛЬ. Откройте файл SPT_Data\Server\configs\core.json и измените значение параметра 'removeModItemsFromProfile' на true. Это позволит серверу отредактировать ваш профиль и, по возможности, удалить проблемные сообщения

  • Hi Reis

    Im assuming that your mod and the mod from TimmyGG does not work together ?.

    The reason why i ask, is because that i've had both your mod, and TimmyGG's mod installed at the same time, and tried to do quests from Priscilu, and got an error :S .

    The solution from TimmyGG is that i have to go into my profiles json files, and find your Priscilu, and delete that.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Hi Sepraxx,

      We have just released a version (4.0.3) to correct this issue. With this new version, you can have both Priscilus woking fine together.
      Thanks for reporting. :thumbup: :)

      Heart 1
  • ca ne fonctionne pas , il me dit qu'il y a un probleme avec SVM

    • Man, it must be another issue because I have always played with Priscilu and SVM together. Besides, I have several friends who play with Priscilu and SVM. Are you sure you are using the right version for EFT, SPT, Priscilu and SVM?

    • salut bro, j'ai résolut le problème en enlevant touts le mods en chargeant le serveur et en remettant touts les mods et ca fonctionne

    • I'm glad you solve it, man. :thumbup:
      Thanks for letting me know! :)

  • I wanna see a full new things that were added to the newest version. I mean. not just "new items", what exactly are those?

    • I have just added it to the version changelog.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello, I wanted to ask, what is the difference between version 4.0.1 and version 4.0.2?

    • Hi,

      The new version has:
      - New AKS74UN;
      - New FAL for long range;
      - New FAL for close quarters;

      - New MCX .300 BLK;
      - New AK12;
      - Fix plate problems on the vests;

      - Fix helmet problems;
      - Upgraded AS VAL;

      - Upgraded M4A1;
      - Upgraded some other weapons I do not remember;
      - Fix some minor bugs in the code.

  • Hi, Ive have a problem i put ingame a couple traders but im not able to click them through the info panel with Photo of operator, amount of money etc... any way to give me advice what to do ?


  • While it’s cool that this one is updated and I love it, the other Priscilu mod added some new items. Is it possible to take a look at that one and possibly add the items that mod had?

    • Came here to say thank you to the mod author and to say exactly this.

    • Lol exactly like its cool that this original one is updated but yk...we were spoiled by the new version having the newer items.

    • The other Priscilu author can not upgrade Priscilu for now. As I had this simple Priscilu developed for my personal use, I release it thinking that this would be better than nothing.

      But I have good news: a friend of mine is working on an upgraded Priscilu with quest, among other new things. This new Priscilu is almost ready and maybe release in a couple of days.

      Heart 2
    • That makes sense and I personally am grateful to have the mod updated. The effort to update the mod is not unappreciated. Can't wait to see what the next version holds.

      Heart 1
    • What he said^

      Heart 1
  • thanks for the mod mate my friendly bullet seller , my energy for 3.9.0 release

  • Here is the updated base code,

    delete mods/priscilu file and install this one.


    SPT 3.8.1 (29197) Priscilu 3.1.7


    Update preview On Youtube


    Base code adapted to new spt version

    Priscilu/db/assort.json updated. New items added.

    Priscilu/res/Priscilu.jpeg updated. Our furry and handsome friend took a new selfie :D

    Old bullets were deleted and replaced with the best ones 8)

    Added all Class 6 plates,

    Helmets and armors were arranged according to the new item code scheme,

    Most item prices have been adjusted according to Flea Market,

    Duplicate and unused weapons deleted and added new weapon presets 8)

    Heart 3
    • So far this is working ok for me. I did start having one issue after installing it, but it could be unrelated, since I have 30 other mods installed. My hideout keeps showing me as having a bitcoin to collect from the farm, but when I do, it says no items to collect and kicks me back to the menu. Profile is all good though, and trader works perfectly.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • @hereticj Thanks for your feedback, I think we succeeded with little loss. ^^

    • Can confirm no issues now that I've seen \o/, log is currently error free.

      Thank you.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • @thun0r

      Good to hear that, enjoy with our updated furry trader 8) animedance2

      Heart 1
    • @hereticj

      I have had that bitcoin bug in almost every recent version of SPT i have played. All with very different mods used and some without this Priscilu mod as well. So i am sure it is not this mod causing it.

      Thumbs Up 2
  • I saw Priscilu on the recent updates and my heart fluttered, but I see it was an attempt gone wrong. I think I just lost 5 years of life.

    But I won't give up hope ;(

    Crying 1
  • J’ai supprimé avant d’avoir lancé, mais maintenant je n’est plus accès à mon profil je fais comment pour avoir accès ?

    • Si vous avez installé la version 3.8 publiée plus tôt, cela corrompra votre jeu. Il n'y a actuellement aucun correctif. Vous devrez peut-être créer un nouveau profil car il n'a pas été testé correctement. Avant d'installer un mod, faites toujours une sauvegarde.

  • anyone getting the NULL error go inside profile.json change the line that says as folowing

    "Priscilu": {
    "disabled": false,
    "loyaltyLevel": 1,
    "salesSum": 0,
    "standing": 0.2,
    "nextResupply": 1576762923,   <-------- this one is originaøly sett to "NULL" cange it to 1576762923
    "unlocked": true 
    Happy 1 Heart 2
    • didn´t work for me. my profile isn´t that long, i haven´t line 39530.

    • Made an account just to say that this worked and gave back access to my profile. Haven't had any other issues so far so thanks a lot mate

    • gives the same error with the mod on,with the mod deleted,yes the profile is running


    • step by step instructions for us newbs would be greatly appreciated.

    • All I did was edit my profile.json using notepad, use the search function to find the above lines (just searched Priscilu), and copy pasted that number over where it says NULL.

      I also deleted Priscilu's files for now, maybe that helped.

  • Update to SPT-AKI 3.8.0 was suspended as it is not working.
    I'm sorry.

    Crying 4
    • I'm sorry to hear this and I couldn't see the cause of the bug in my game. That's why I couldn't understand what I needed to fix. I will make a clean install and try again. I removed the link in the previous post. Sorry fellas :(

      Heart 2
    • No problem, man.

      You were trying to help and I appreciate that.

      Heart 1
    • Hey Reis, ||

      I made a new installation and opened a new profile. Then I just added only the updated trader mode and I still didn't see any problems.

      I still don't understand what caused the error or why it happened that way.

      Maybe it might conflict with other mods or the EFT version might be incompatible? :/

      Heart 1
    • i have 30 other mods installed. tomorow i will try a clean installation, on fresh profil and try to ad the other mods, until the error occoured.
      i will give feedback ;)

    • @Kampfnille Thanks for your nice thought,

      I'm doing what you suggested right now, I'm downloading the most used mods and try one by one checking if there are any problems ;)

  • Warning to anyone using this on 3.8 - Make a back up before trying as new version may corrupt profile, errors may persist after removing Priscilu (only for updated version on 18 April).

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Too late. Hmmm...Shouldn't this have been tested before it was released?

    • save is 100% corrupt. get same error, like hereticj. =O

  • got an error that the same players are submit.. not working on 3.8 its crash the game \

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hay still getting an error Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path '[11].next.Resupply', line 1, position 28335 i download the one off google drive not sure if it was fixed yet. love the mod <3

    • almoust the same...line 1 just the position is 34157

    • Hi,
      Some players are facing similar error.
      Unfortunatelly, at this moment I can not help you once now I have to deal with other duties in my life. Hope someone help you with this.
      I'm sorry.

    • almoust the same...line 1 just the position is 39530

    • I'm getting the same error. It also now errors out after deleting the mod.

      EXCEPTION: System.Exception: Critical error receiving profile data. Close the game and contact us at forum ---> System.Exception: In response to Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'Priscilu.nextResupply', line 1, position 680664.