Game Panel HUD 3.2.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Tarkov All-in-one HUD Expansion


  • Version 3.2.0

    Compatible SPT-Aki 3.10.0

    Add Immersive Compass Setting

    Please update your EFTApi to 1.3.0

  • Version 3.1.1

    Compatible SPT-Aki 3.9.0

    Please update your EFTApi to 1.2.2

  • Version 3.1.0

    Fixed a long-standing compass marker position offset issue

    Fixed Compass UI Elements too much caused Canvas.Rebuild time too long and cause frame drops

    Now GPH will also compatible Fika

    Please update your EFTApi to 1.2.1

  • Version 3.0.0


    Please update your EFTApi to 1.2.0

  • Version 2.7.8

    Now ShowQuest will skip quest for not current map

    Please update your EFTApi to 1.1.8

  • Version 2.7.7

    Fix 3.7.0 Exfiltration switches field change causing Compass throw error and moved out of Update

    (In order to quickly update mod I usually only tested it at factory, so the issue was not triggered.

    I don't have any testers, If anyone can help testing please contact me :aquacries: )

  • Version 2.7.6

    Update 3.7.0 Support

    Add CompassStatic InZone Tip

    And Other things I don’t remember

    Please update your EFTApi to 1.1.7

  • Version 2.7.5

    Before EFTApi 1.1.5 version I uploaded the wrong file caused Aki 3.5.7-3.5.8 will generate error, currently working

    Move old AssemblyInfo Company(ModURL) to new

    Use ConcurrentDictionary Solve FireUI and StaicUI destroy conflict issue

    Please update your EFTApi to 1.1.6

  • Version 2.7.4

    Fix HitPanel in 3.6.0 will generate error

    Fix Compass in 3.5.0 and below will generate error

    Fix When Remove Fire will generate error

    Fix When throw will keep generate error

    Fix Test Kill will throw Error

    Please update your EFTApi to 1.1.5

  • Version 2.7.3

    Quick Fix: ArmorDamage never output

  • Could we get a little more a documentation on some of the features available posted to the mod page? Your version notes say you added an immersive compass option, but all I can tell is that it makes my compass disappear.

  • Hi there!

    Love this mod - Just wondering if anyone's had success getting it to work on latest Fika build. I read that there was a temporary update to the API.dll and added that to the files but it seems to still spit out console commands regarding the failure to load plugins due to the API not being available?


  • Hey, great mod!
    I have a question probably others asked already,
    When i have a multi-objective quest in a map or across multiple maps, like planting the wifi cameras for example, if i complete the "plant wi-fi camera" in customs and start a raid on customs again, it shows again the objective even though i just completed it, and upon going in the same spot it disappears because it was already completed.

    Is there any option or way for those marks to not reappear , as in, once i'm done with the objective in that map for it to not show anymore.

    If i complete the quest it disappears without issues ofc and it's more of a QoL, i tried checking the setting in f12 menu but i don't think i've seen anything for that.

  • when my friend hit an enemy, my game stuck and crashed.

    2025-01-17 14:59:17.476 +08:00||Error|Default|
    EXCEPTION: System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in DTFType_GamePanelHUDHitPlugin_CoopApplyShot:CoopApplyShot (EFT.Player,EBodyPart,EBodyPartColliderType): IL_000d: ldarg 3

    at (wrapper dynamic-method) Fika.Core.Coop.Players.ObservedCoopPlayer.DMD<Fika.Core.Coop.Players.ObservedCoopPlayer::ApplyShot>(Fika.Core.Coop.Players.ObservedCoopPlayer,DamageInfoStruct,EBodyPart,EBodyPartColliderType,EArmorPlateCollider,ShotIdStruct)
    at Fika.Core.Coop.ObservedClasses.ObservedHostBridge.ApplyShot (DamageInfoStruct damageInfo, EBodyPart bodyPart, EBodyPartColliderType bodyPartCollider, EArmorPlateCollider armorPlateCollider, ShotIdStruct shotId) [0x0005d] in <b5869515bf114c34b2476130dd8db733>:0
    at BodyPartCollider.ApplyHit (DamageInfoStruct damageInfo, ShotIdStruct shotID) [0x00010] in <be9862b1593e41e48ad89bd48723d349>:0
    at EFT.ClientGameWorld.ShotDelegate (EftBulletClass shotResult) [0x00041] in <be9862b1593e41e48ad89bd48723d349>:0
    at EFT.Ballistics.BallisticsCalculator.method_2 (System.Single simulationTime) [0x00094] in <be9862b1593e41e48ad89bd48723d349>:0
    2025-01-17 14:59:17.476 +08:00||Error|Default|InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in DTFType_GamePanelHUDHitPlugin_CoopApplyShot:CoopApplyShot (EFT.Player,EBodyPart,EBodyPartColliderType): IL_000d: ldarg 3

    (wrapper dynamic-method) Fika.Core.Coop.Players.ObservedCoopPlayer.DMD<Fika.Core.Coop.Players.ObservedCoopPlayer::ApplyShot>(Fika.Core.Coop.Players.ObservedCoopPlayer,DamageInfoStruct,EBodyPart,EBodyPartColliderType,EArmorPlateCollider,ShotIdStruct)
    Fika.Core.Coop.ObservedClasses.ObservedHostBridge.ApplyShot (DamageInfoStruct damageInfo, EBodyPart bodyPart, EBodyPartColliderType bodyPartCollider, EArmorPlateCollider armorPlateCollider, ShotIdStruct shotId) (at <b5869515bf114c34b2476130dd8db733>:0)
    BodyPartCollider.ApplyHit (DamageInfoStruct damageInfo, ShotIdStruct shotID) (at <be9862b1593e41e48ad89bd48723d349>:0)
    EFT.ClientGameWorld.ShotDelegate (EftBulletClass shotResult) (at <be9862b1593e41e48ad89bd48723d349>:0)
    EFT.Ballistics.BallisticsCalculator.method_2 (System.Single simulationTime) (at <be9862b1593e41e48ad89bd48723d349>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    Class410:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

  • when i drink milk it makes the energy and hydration to go to "NAN" and it fixes itself after i leave raid

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Same

    • same, its with all drinks, waiting for patch(

    • now every redbull and monster energy drink are unusable in my inventory, but the vanilla drinks have a resource amount and are working.

      Edit: can't buy or sell redbulls/monster energy drinks from Therapist after this update, hoping mod author updates soon

  • Inside beplnex in new versions there is a new folder called spt,for newbies or og´s that drag manually inside the folder like me xD and don´t show absolutly anything ,the folder must be:




    if u drag the folder naturally after extract it works.But this is for dumb people like me xD

  • my quest locations dissapeared from dynamic maps and this mod, and I have no idea on how to toggle them back on

  • Can u make one option?
    I wanna show hud of exists and quests just with compass in inventory, can u make this plz?

  • Distance doesnt show on kill hud

  • Question: Is it normal that objective markers don't get removed as you complete them? For me, I need to toggle quest markers on and off again for it to update

    • The only time I've seen this is when the quest has parts that are on other maps that haven't been completed yet. As long as the quest is active it will show the marker on the compass. On Dynamic Maps mod it doesn't though.

    • Possibly, there is some interaction between dynamic maps and this since I have both on.

      When I open/close the (Dynamic Maps) map it updates.

  • hitmarker on dedicated server - dead.

    • +1 hitmarker dont work on dedicated fika spt 3.10.5

  • Hitmarkers only work for me as scav. As pmc not

  • Hi, my mod doesn't show exits. I installed this mod primarily to learn new maps. Do i need to buy a compass or map in game or do i need to tweak settings in mod menu? please help

  • Please add the mod requirement to Desc., I don't go to install because its easy to install mods, meaning I never saw a mod requirement. I am sure I am not the only one. I would have noticed it if it were in decsiption.

    ? 1
    • Well that's a you issue since in the Install section it explains what mods are needed to work. Don't be lazy.

    • I wasn't being lazy... I and assume a lot of people just download it and add it to their files as it's not hard to add mods, so why look at the install tab.. Most of the mods I have had the requirements in the Desc in a red box so that's the first thing people see. Was just trying to help :/

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Somehow in 3.10 the hit marker is not shown in raid while the other parts are working perfectly. There's no error in the log, the module is enabled and test botton shows the marker and damage correctly. EFTApi is updated to 1.3.0.

    • Same here, hit markers won't show

    • Well actually it shows marks and damage on bosses but not other targets

    • +

  • So I've got a problem with the mod not working at all, I get the error "Could not load [GamePanelHUDCore 3.1.1] because it has missing dependencies: com.kmyuhkyuk.EFTApi (v1.2.2 or newer)" But I have EFTApi updated? I'm new to modding.

    • I came here to say the same thing, until I realized I hadn't updated EFT API to 3.10 :P lol

  • Im in 3.9.8 and also having problems with quest markers, they just stopped working from one day of playing to the next. Everything else in the mod works though.
    Reinstalling didn't fix and deleting configs so they default in everything also didn't help.

    EDIT: So, the problem I had with quests not showing were happening only in Ground zero so far.

    What i assume is happening is that since it has two "versions", one for under level 20, and one for over level 20 the quests don't show on the higher level version.

    • Hola amigo, tengo exactamente el mismo problema, ¿solo sirven para las primeras misiones y solo para ese mapa? ¿O tienes algún otro mapa o nivel que esté causando el problema ?

    • It works fine in other maps and levels.

      In ground zero it works until you get past level 20 which is the threshold for "newbie ground zero access".

      If you have SVM you can change it and it'll probably start working but you lose the benefits from running the non-newbie version like better loot, kolontay, harder scavs and aidrop chance.

  • Is there anyway to add a feature where the the ammo display only comes up to show you how much ammo you have after you check the mag? then when you fire you have to check the mag again to see how much ammo you have?

  • hi, can you add radiations and toxins too at the hud? for realism

  • For everyone having the problem where only the compass shows with an orange box with an M in it. This is because the newest version of FIKA is conflicting with the EFTAPI. If you go to the FIKA discord server and go into the mod development channel, there is a drag-and-drop replacement for EFTAPI.dll that will fix the problem. Remember to actually replace your current EFTAPI.dll and not just drop the new file into bepin.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Unfortunately it doesn't work. The letter M in the orange rectangle at the bottom of the screen in the middle and that's it. The modified dll file from the Fika developers Discord didn't help.

    • It did for me... maybe you have another conflict somewhere?

    • I doubt it, I didn’t install anything else.

  • When using this mod, the only thing that works for me is the compass at the bottom. None of the other stuff works sadly :(

    • I am using this mod but only HP overlay.
      But I wonder did you try to click every "reset" value button and see if this will help?

  • Hello an M in an orange rectangular form appear in bottom center

  • just when I enter hideout and exit it shows me something like this what should I do with it ?  :(

  • Hi, the question is, how do I move the hit sensor lower? in the center of the screen, it gets in the way a little, I would like to see information about the hit, but so that it does not loom in the sight itself

  • Hi, i don't know if anyone had suggested this before. But is it possible the compas could be on top of the screen, where it's upside down ?.
    I tried to do it myself, but i doesn't look good.

  • Best mod ever, feels like battlefield. Didn't need to change a thing except minimizing some of the displays. Thank you for this essential mod.

  • After updating the hud is just gone completely. I have EFT Api and everything please help

    • Still haven't gotten it working need help

    • Try to delete config files of this mod in BepInEx\config

  • hello, this mod worked perfectly on 3.8.x however on 3.9.5 it doesnt show anything whatsoever. I've successfully used this mod before with zero issues and followed the same download path for this and its dependency. Please help?

    • Did you make sure to grab EFT Api this? Works fine for me aside from the two issues I mentioned below.

    • i did. No luck.

    • That's weird. It works fine for me aside from the issues I listed. Sorry I couldn't help!

  • Hi. I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but I upgraded my SPT to 3.9.0, and in doing so, upgraded my mods as well. I have the latest version of Game Panel HUD (3.1.1) along with the EFT API (1.2.2), but I'm only getting the compass as part of my HUD, and not with the quests or exfil markers.