No Barter Trade 4.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

If you want to disable barter trades

** UPDATE 3.10 **

I finally give it a look to update for 3.10. I don't have much time so I make some fast edits and it should be working. Some options seems to be broken but the main goal is achieved that's all that matters :) Have fun !

Intro :

This is my first mod. English is not my native language but I will try to do my best :)

I updated to Aki 3.1.1 the mod "No barter" made by Alex. He give me the permission to upload it.

Original mod can be found here

For a more balanced version go there (Thanks mgp82)

Description :

This mod let you decide if you want barter trades, buy with dollars and euros.

I use the config made by Alex and 1 more option :

  • enabled : true -> mod is active [Default]/ false -> mod is not active
  • custom_traders : true -> will modify trades of any custom trader / false -> don't modify custom traders [Default]
  • no_barter_trades : true -> Transform trades with item by the price in roubles [Default] / false -> No transformation of the trades
  • no_dollar_trades : true -> Change dollars trades in roubles one (with Peacekeeper as an example) / false -> No change [Default]
  • no_euro_trades : true -> Change eurostrades in roubles one / false -> No change [Default]
  • price_multiplier : a decimal number for multiplying every trade price modify by this mod.
  • default_price : price to use when the game can't find the price of an item [Default = 10 000]


Feel free to leave any comment on the mod.

If you have any troube don't forget to tell me which trader is not working.

Pay attention that Aki loads mod by name so if one of your trader isn't modify even by setting custom_traders to true then try to rename the repository by adding zz at the begining to load the mod last.

  • Version 4.0.0

    Compatible 3.10.X

    As requested by some of you I manage somehow to make it work for 3.10 version. Very light tests so you may find some bugs but the main goal seems to be working :)

    no dollar trades and no euro trades seem broken and not behave like intented.

    Didn't test price multiplier and default price but they should be ok.

    Have fun

  • Version 3.0.0

    Hotfix for an error on dollars and euros trades

  • Version 2.0.0

    An update for AKI 3.5.0

    Should be compatible with 3.5.X . PM me if you encounter any bug

    => Seems to be still working on 3.7.X. Don't pay attention to the filename

  • Version 1.0.1

    • Fix the "Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Double'." issue.
    • Adding a default_price option in the config for items which doesn't have a price
  • Version 1.0.0

    Throw an error when an item doesn't have a price in the database

    Download 1.0.1 instead

  • could you add toggles for "no GP coins" and "no lega medals" since they are Ref's currencies and cannot be sold to other traders?

    • I will see if I have some time to reinstall my dev tools.

      I can't give you an ETA sorry

  • Does anyone know if there is an updated version of this mod, or what I would have to change to get it working in 3.10.x?

    • Hello ! Sorry i don't have time anymore for updating my mod. However if you want to get it working i think you should check the database access parts. As far as i remember it check every barter trades and modify it according to config files. Updates change the way we access database, traders inventory...

      I hope it helps you a bit :)

      Heart 1 Thinking 1
    • Wdym database access parts, im pretty knew and I just want to remove bartering. if you can explain just a little that would be helpful. :)

    • Well I mean if you want to make it works you should change some parts in the code of the mod itself (modify sources) because I think that all process related to the database are outdated and not working anymore

  • So the mod seems to work great when I first load in to the game but after my first raid the traders revert back to having barter trades again. Anyone else having this issue?

    • First time I heard about it and I play with dozens of mods. Don't know what to tell you. Any error in the console ?

    • No errors. Also I actually figured it out. It's from Realism (because of course it is) even with all the trading stuff turned off.

    • Oh I see. Well the fact is I didn't test it with this overhaul who modify so many things in the game where mine modify only when starting the server. I think they're not compatible

  • Im getting the error "In response to http : // Error converting value {null} ti type 'System.Double'. Path '6507ff20644a656aee0f73f4[0][0].count', line 1, position 16421" for Skier.

    "In response to http : // Error converting value {null} ti type 'System.Double'. Path '6507ff2a644a656aee0f7fbc[0][0].count', line 1, position 94" for Peacekeeper.

    "In response to http : // Error converting value {null} ti type 'System.Double'. Path '6507ff25644a656aee0f7a02[0][0].count', line 1, position 32824" for mechanic
    "In response to http : // Error converting value {null} ti type 'System.Double'. Path '6507ff1f644a656aee0f7361[0][0].count', line 1, position 9756" for Ragman.

    "In response to http : // Error converting value {null} ti type 'System.Double'. Path 'zonabd223668a4lali239bf[0][0].count', line 1, position 14601" for custom trader Evelyn from AllinOne A.E.S Questing Traders Mod

    • Wich version are you playing on ?

      What options are you using ?

    • Im playing on 3.7.5.

      Playing on these settings:


      "enabled": true,

      "custom_traders": true,

      "no_barter_trades": true,

      "no_dollar_trades": true,

      "no_euro_trades": true,

      "price_multiplier": 1,

      "default_price": 10000


    • Also for Evelyn, ive found the item which seems to be the issue, it seems to be the MP9 9x19 30-round magazine which is the issue.

      For Skier the issue is the Ultrafire WF-501B flashlight.

      For Peacekeeper the issue is the Dollars.

      For Mechanic the issue is the Glock Lone Wolf AlphaWolf pistol slide.

      For Ragman the issue is the MS2000 Marker.

      This is just what i think from what i can guess/understand from the error messages. These seem to be te culprit items but I could be completely wrong lol.

    • Ok well you can set no_dollar_trades and no_euro_trades that causing the error. I test it with


      "enabled": true,

      "custom_traders": true,

      "no_barter_trades": true,

      "no_dollar_trades": false,

      "no_euro_trades": false,

      "price_multiplier": 1,

      "default_price": 10000


      and it works.

      I will try to look out for the issue during the holidays if I get some time !

    • ok TYSM

  • It's amazing that you kept this up to date.

    • Well this time I just change the label from 3.5.1 to 3.7.1 nothing more :P

      Happy 1
  • works on 3.7.1

    • Thanks for the intel I will update the label then.

      Did you add some traders or only the vanilla ones ?

    • I only use vanilla traders but seems to work fine with them. It's a great mod that did exactly what I was hoping. Thank you!

    • Thanks ! Good to know it works well after so many patches (didn't update it since 3.5). That's why it should conflict with custom traders but not the vanilla ones ! anyway enjoy :)

  • does this work with 3.6.x ?

    • I don't know. I stopped playing EFT. You can download it and try

    • Fair enough, i currently have no access to my pc but once i do I'll try and let know here

      Thumbs Up 1
    • i just tested, sadly it doesnt work

    • Well this is expected... Sadly I don't have much time now for updating it to 3.6 version I will try to got it working for the 3.7 version but no guarantee .

      Feel free to modifiy it if you knowwhat you're doing ;)

    • Sadly i know nothing of modding

  • absolutely amazing mod, a must have. works perfectly.

  • havent come across any issues, makes it a ^^ whole lot easier, thanks a bunch!

  • Will this be updated to 3.5.2?

    • I will. Did you try to use it with 3.5.2 ? It may be compatible

    • Yeah seems to work haven't come across any issues.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Yoo this has been a mod!? I've been dreaming for someone to do this and somehow I've never actually seen it before lmao. Thx for this mod, I hate 90% of barter trades

    • Yeah ! I'm not the original creator but I updated it months ago and try to keep it up to date as long as I'm playing SPT tarkov :)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Any hope for update ?)

    • Unfortunately it's not planned :/ I don't have time to play eft anymore... Feel free to update it by your own as I did ;)

    • I tried, but dont understand how fix your script. In all i did mod in my way, i manually changed every barter scheme for money, it was long but it is working )

    • yeah agreed, I crave for this mod, but i dont understand shit in coding xdd

    • Well I can't try to take a look for 3.5 if it's not too complicated. I'll try next week but no promise :)

      Heart 2
  • Well it's not supposed to change price

  • Does this mod change trader prices? It seems the trader prices have changed quite a lot since ive played, (I just updated from 2.2.3 to 3.2.4)

  • It's working at 3.2.0, but some times traders miss some stuff that they usually sell...

    • Strange... I will take a look after my holidays if you could give me some examples ?

    • I updated AKI and all mods to last possible version (3.2.1) and it solved the problem )

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Will be update to 3.2.0 ?

    • I think I will when I all the mods I used are updated to 3.2.0 but you can try to modify the package.json file and edit the line "akiVersion" and put "3.2.0" instead of "3.1.1" and see if it works because I think it should be compatible but I don't try it yet

    • Hah, this is one of main mods that i waiting for 3.2.0, now i'm on 3.1.1, one day i'll try your idea )

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Jaeger is not working for me, i get the error "In response to http : // Error converting value {null} ti type 'System.Double'.
    Path '62bc83b594a0fde72e0a6c5b[0][0].cound', line 1, position 90463".

    • Ran into the same issue. Was just going t come comment on it. It was perfectly fine, until I unlocked LL3. I have just disabled it for now.

    • Ok thanks I will take a look !

      Thumbs Up 1 Heart 1
    • Find it : 3 of the flares for the flare gun trade didn't have a price and throw this error.

      Download 1.0.1 version it should be fine now

      Heart 1
    • Wonderful! Thank you!

    • You're welcome !