Fontaine's Always Level Endurance (ALE) 1.6.0

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Let's you level Endurance skill while overweight.

Always Level Endurance

Let's you level Endurance skill while overweight. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

By default you gain half as much Endurance XP while overweight, this can be changed with the in-game config (press F12, change multiplier, click outside menu, restart).

To install, simply put the .dll file into your BepInEx/Plugins folder.

This is already included in SPT Realism Mod.


If you wish to support me and my work you can become a member on Patreon!.

  • Cant get to your drop box for whatever reason. Just a white page.

  • Apologies if I'm just overlooking configuration options in Realism:

    • I see this mod is unnecessary when using Realism, and I am.
    • However, I don't see a similar configuration option to adjust the %gain for Endurance as exists when using this mod in isolation.
    • Does such an option exist? or is it set to a static value under the hood? Also, is it attached to the Movement module? or is it just enabled by default?

    I dug through all the Realism documentation and the config.json and didn't see any mention of the Endurance component. Just wondering if I'm missing something or if this component was actually separated from Realism at some point in time.

    • it's not configurable for Realism mod so that it is balanced

  • Thank you for updating this, much appreciated! <3

    Heart 1
  • trying to download some of your last mods gives me a error 500 on dropbox.

  • Bro, I install your mods first, they are the best. Please update the mod to remove modifications from weapons in the raid and increase endurance during overloads. Thanks for your mods, you're the best.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • does it work with 3.8?

    • don't think so

    • It doesn't seem to be working for me, either. No errors, but my endurance skill is getting left way behind as I'm almost always carrying enough to be in the yellow for weight.

  • Is it possible to change this mod to level strength when underweight at all. I have adjusted some weight values in SVM and now barely ever overweight so my PMC is like a scrawny sprinter haha.

    • Not within the scope of this mod

  • Would like a similar mod for weight. as for using weight reduction mod it can be difficult to gain level on that as well.

  • anyone know if this still works for 3.7.1?

    • the big green box says it does

    • the big green box obviously wasn't there when i asked, but thanks for the update notification

  • Fonitaine, can you take jobs in BSG? All your mod need adding in live tarkov :)

    Happy 2 Thumbs Up 2
  • this mod is so popular, dropbox disabled the link.

    "Link temporarily disabled

    This can happen when the link has been shared or downloaded too many times in a day.

    Check back later and we’ll open access to more people."

  • anyway we can get other mods that level other skills like strength etc? :)

    • I'm not aware of any other skills that prevent another skill from being levelled

  • Source code on github for 3.6.0 was updated 4 days ago but for some reason project wasn't built for release. there ya go, built it from github code.

  • for some reason when i have this on and i set it 100% on the slider, it's ONLY levels endurance and not strength, i only level strength when i jump, throw grenades etc. would you know why?

    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Happy 1
    • so i know this is a year old but... it says ENDURANCE not strength lmao

  • does this affect gym XP? or is it only based on in raid leveling?

    • It shouldn't. When leveling Endurance the game checks if you are overweight, I simply change that.

    • W

  • Tried this mod with 3.2.5 and it didn't work :(

    I don't know why this would be the case unless the way endurance/strength exp gain is calculated has been changed between 3.2.5 and 3.4.1

    • It's meant for the latest version of SPT. Every time the client is updated, obfuscated class references change, so any client mods that makes reference to these classes (like mine) won't work client version to client version.

    • Yeah, I figured as much. Dumb comment on my part, but I'm refusing to update again until SPT Streets drops (not just dev but a more stable version)

      Either way, thank you for creating this mod

      Thumbs Up 1
  • One would think you should get double XP being overweight seeing as you are technically weight lifting.

    • See it as cardio vs. weight lifting. Either way this is BSG's skill system and logic, doesn't make sense to let the player double boost Endurance while also levelling Strength, this isn't supposed to be a cheat mod.

    • Oh no just saying realistically if you're carrying more weight than usual, it will increase muscle mass therefore allowing to carry more if it was a constant upkeep.

      No hate on this mod, just the logic of BSG not allowing endurance to level up more when carrying more weight. Haha

    • BSG logic do be like that ^^