Fontaine's FOV Fix & Variable Optics 2.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Makes it so FOV does not change when ADSing by default, and allows you to instead set the FOV change yourself. Includes Variable Zoom optics and toggleable zoom (like ARMA).


  • Version 2.0.0

    Fontaine's FOV Fix v2.0.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.3

    I fucked up the versioning so we're starting fresh at v2.0.0. Fixed SamSwat's Vudu zeroing, fixed issues with toggle zoom when it's disabled for un-aimed state.

  • Version 1.2.0

    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.2.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.3

    Fixed issues with toggle zoom randomly disabling, improved performance, toggle zoom no longer cancels when toggling ADS, option to have toggle zoom on hold breath only. Also corrected mod versioning, please ignore previous versioning scheme.

  • Version 1.12.0

    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.12.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.3

    Improved keybinds, check release notes for details.

  • Version 1.11.0

    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.11.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.0


    • Fixed rangefinder not working.

    Tweaks & Minor Changes:

    • Added config options for non-optic FOV and sensitivity multipliers.
    • Added config option to disable the EFT "Change Magnification" keybind when using variable optics.

  • Version 1.10.0

    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.10.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    Follow the download link for patch notes.

  • Version 1.9.0

    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.9.0 for SPT AKI 3.7.1

    Updated to 3.7.1, not backwards compatible.

  • Version 1.8.1

    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.8.1 for SPT AKI 3.7.0 - HOTFIX

    Fixed FOV Scale config option not working.

  • Version 1.8.0

    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.8.0 for SPT AKI 3.7.0

    Updated to SPT 3.7.0, not backwards compatible.

  • Version 1.7.6

    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.7.6 for SPT AKI 3.6.1


    • Updated compatibility for latest release of Realism Mod featuring Recoil Overhaul 2.0. You must delete the Realism compatibility bridge .dll if you are going to update Realism Mod to the latest version.
  • Version 1.7.5

    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.7.5 for SPT AKI 3.6.1


    • Updated compatibility for latest release of Recoil Overhaul. You must delete the recoil standalone compatibility bridge .dll if you are going to update Recoil Overhaul to the latest version.
  • Hi, I am unsure which scopes this mod is supposed to work with.

    I'm assuming its all scopes that have variable magnification toggle?

    Is there a list somewhere?

    Thanks <3

  • This is a wonderful mod, I can't believe tarkov didn't implement this into the game, thank you so much.

    I use toggle zoom with a hotkey. I've found out that "Un-Aimed Toggle FOV Multi" in 1.0 deactivates your toggled zoom in ADS, so when you switch to optics you gotta toggle it again.

    Any value other than 1.0 keeps your zoom toggled when you switch from ADS to Optics. A quick fix to maintain your zoom toggled when Optics -> ADS (heal/reposition) -> Optics, is Un-Aimed Toggle FOV Multi = 0.99999.

    • Can you please clarify what you mean, your description is not clear. A video would be best

  • How do i keep the scope from going full zoom as soon as i scroll the mouse. kind of annoying when i don't need full zoom all the time and have to zoom back out every time.

    • no clue what you mean, but the answer will always be: read the config tooltips

    • im saying one click of the mouse wheel the scope goes into full zoom insterd of 1x to 1.5x its going from 1x to 6x and then i have to zoom out to go to 1.5 and so on

    • The mod doesn't work like that for anyone else so far, so you're either not giving enough good information for me to act on, have a bad install, or a mod conflict, so can't help you there.

      Please provide details when reporting bugs

  • I'm missing some options in the BepinEx menu such as the:

    [ ] Enable toggleable zoom for optics
    [ ] Enable toggleable zoom for non-optics
    [ ] Enable toggleable zoom while not aiming (optional)

    I also reconfigured the keybinds for the toggle zoom and it does not change so it is still the default key.

    • those options are redundant sine you can jus set the multis to 1

      Thumbs Up 1
  • i notice the reticle on the vudu isn't very bright when zoomed out all the way, is there a mod you know of that can fix that or and change to make on this one to make it brighter?

  • Simply amazing. This mod is a must-have, I can't play without it. Thanks for making it! :love:

    Heart 2
  • do we no longer need the sam swat vudu overhaul then with the newest version?

    • not sure what you mean, if you want SamSwat's Vudu mod you need it

  • Fixing the vudu bug is absolutely amazing! I gotta know, what was the root cause?

  • I just downloaded the latest version and I am still able to zoom in without aiming. It's also disabled in the bepinex menu.

    • Also just noticed allow toggle while not aiming isn't working as well

    • It does work, either you misunderstand the config options or didn't do a clean install

    • how do i do a clean install? I just extracted the files in my spt directory like usual.

    • delete the old .cfg file

  • Haven't been using many scopes except the Specter for a while so no idea when this started happening with other scopes. Also not sure if it is related to this mod or Geoffs OpticRework reuploaded, But I've removed this mod and the following issue goes away.

    SPT-AKI 3.8.3

    Related server mods including their order.

    OpticRework 1.2.2

    FOV Fix (this mod) 2.0.0

    Realistic Thermals 1.0.3

    SamSWAT's Vudu overhaul 4.2.0

    When zoomed on some variable scopes at 1x, some gun's barrels don't render or partially render, and it looks like its clipping in odd ways. See the latest example below of the Burris FullField on an M700.

    This was happening for the VUDU and Razor at some point, but after I included the Vudu rework it has since gone away for those.

    • the issue is because of the option to force the zoomed reticles. Disable that and it works fine. You'll have to live with the tiny reticles though...see my answer to the comment below this one and also fontaine's answer below

    • There is no difference whether I use force zoomed reticle or not in this case. Plus my issue has nothing to do with the reticle size.

      A full reinstall of the FOV mod got rid of the suppressor clipping, but it still doesn't render the tip of the gun at all, like the screenshot of the scope without the mod.

    • Not reproducible, what Salchi said was correct. If a full uninstall "fixed" it that means you're doing something to your config settings to cause the issue.

    • notice that after the last update (I did a fresh install of the mod) the force zoomed reticle option is no longer working for me either. I tested it in the hideout, going into raid, with two different scopes, and nothing. Not that I'll be using it, the clipping issue was too distracting...but the option might be bugged now

    • The issue is also fixed when I remove OpticRework 1.2.2 but kept this mod. So its obviously some sort of conflict between the two. And since it's not reproducible on your end I'll assume its some configuration of mine.…work-with-fov-fix-agLaaac.

      Anyways tested a few more scopes. Burris seems to be the only one that is bugged, I'm not sad about avoiding it, and it's even usable when there isn't any clipping of the suppressors.

      Hopefully someone else will finds this thread useful. Thanks for your contributions Fontaine!

  • Hi there. Im enjoying this mod but for some reason the reticle on all variable zoom optics are super tiny and dont get larger as you zoom. I was wondering if i missed something in the config? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    • I was wondering the same. I was using the "force zoomed reticle" option, but it has issues with some scopes, where you can see the tip of the rifle clipping. The only scope that seems to zoom the reticle is the vudu, using the vudu mod

    • Most scopes in real life depicted in the game don't increase the size of the reticle with magnification, and for those that do it requires essentially making a new scope with multiple modes. You can decrease the scope distance offset or increase FOV when aiming

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks Fontaine. I tweaked the settings you mentioned and it looks a lot better.

  • Hi, I'm testing the mod, and I've got some errors that I need to report.

    Most of the scopes do not allow the mouse wheel to be used to change magnification, making the mod useless. I did check that the checkmark was on, don't worry! :D

    Some scopes work, but sometimes they slow down my PMC walking speed too like you do when you want to walk slower, some other times they don't.

    All the scopes work fine in long distance shots, but they send the bullet about 4 inches below. If I'm aiming eyes, I hit upper thorax, where the collarbones are.

    I asked a friend to try the mod, and he reported some other issues: if the mod is enabled, using Alt+Right doesn't change the scope magnification anymore, regardless if the first mod checkmark is active or not. Mouse wheel works regardless if it's active or not, and a restart doesn't fix it.

    Overall the mod is basically the best mod ever, so even with all the bugs, I'd like to say THANK YOU, because this mod is a complete gamechanger! Thanks a lot for all the hours of work you put in this!

    • To stop the walking speed issue, You have to rebind "Next" And "Previous" Under your Tarkov controls, HOWEVER, Whatever you rebind it to, You'll have to hit that key to scroll when looking at doors/actions, So I put mine to CTRL+mouse wheel, So when I want to breach a door, I have to hold CTRL then scroll wheel to that action.

    • Hi, I tried to rebind "next" and "Previous" as you say, but after that the mod has problem on variable zoom...
      I have tried to "Revert" keybind, delete and reinstall the mod, but the problem persist.
      Any suggestions? Thanks!

    • Have you considered that not all optics have variable magnification in real life or in the game? As for shots landing low, it's zeroing, it's a base EFT mechanic

    • Yes, I did consider to try the scopes that you show in your mod preview, and none of them but one work as intended. As for shots landing low, with the exact same zeroing and no mod I land the shots exactly where they're intended to land, as per the base EFT mechanic. Your mod is messing the zeroing, and even when I correct that manually, it still lands the shots incorrectly, as if the manual zeroing didn't work at all.

      Have you considered fixing your mod, or telling me what logs should I send to you so to have some clues about what to debug?

    • The scopes that do not have variable zoom are Elcan (FDE and black) and the Valday. I cannot think of any others that have multiple zoom options but no variable. There are also a lot of fixed zoomed scopes such as the Prism, monstrum, Pilad, PSO, and im sure im missing more. As for the mod working. Make sure you have your load order setup right. As for zeroing, theres a mod called "Zeroing QOL" by the same mod author being Fontaine. That mod lets you change the zeroing steps per caliber. So if you want your 7.62x51 guns to have proper zeroing for Ultra Nosler. You can. Or any other cartridge.

  • strange thing is that for some reason the prizm 2x scope will auto default to zeroing at 100 meters setting it back to 50 doesnt seem to be perma after switching guns also the sam swat vudu stuff doesnt work properly it cant change to 2x-3x and so on stuck on only 1x or 6x not only that for some reason on 6x the zeroing of the scope will be set to 300

    • This mod doesn't change zeroing for the likes of the Prism scope. If SamSwat's vudu isn't working right then either you didn't configure or install it correctly

  • The variable zoom works with most scopes that ive tried so far but not with the valday. I still have to use default either 1.2x or 6x and nothing in between. I dont know if this was even an intended feature, but the variable zoom works for the other scopes ive tried. Is this something I can fix?

    • Does the Valday have variable zoom in real life?

  • Love it!

    Heart 1
  • 1X



    Two more photos at standard FOV


    Hey Fontaine First off love the mod,

    Yesterday i had no issues using variable zoom optics and they functioned without issue,
    Today i logged in ran one raid and came back to my hideout to test out a new weapon build with the S&B 1-8

    In the photos above you'll be able to see that the reticle itself won't change but the zoom itself will. Any idea one what is scuffed if you need any info I'll be able to respond tomorrow if you're able to get to this before i get home from work. Much love <3

    • It's not a trivial thing to make the scope reticle change with the magnification, that scope in particular would have to be rebuilt to have 8 modes

  • Hello, first of all thank you for the mod. all the Toggle Zoom Sens Multi are not working, nothing changes if it is 2 or 0.1. i have variable zoom disabled and also tried both true and false for the "disable_sens_changes" in the config file

    • Same thing, one time i get it to work idk how, but after server reload - in didnt.

      LOL i re-install everything AND i go back to 1.12 version and it works.

    • Read the documentation, disabling variable zoom will disable half of the mod

  • Hello! I am having a new problem, compared to a previous version of FOVFix.
    Previously, I set my Zoom Toggle key to my middle mouse click. This worked great and I was able to zoom my FOV when aimed and not when un-aimed because that's how I wanted it configured, since middle mouse click is also my free look button and I didn't want to be FOV-zoomed when free looking.

    After I installed the new version this morning, I noticed that the FOV zoom would apply at any time, whether I was aiming or not, and even when I was in my inventory (identifying items). When I free-look, my FOV zooms in since middle mouse click is my key, just like the old version of FOV Fix, and I do not want to zoom when I free look. There's a toggleable option in the new version that says "Allow Toggle Zoom While Not Aiming" and I believe that option is not working. I have tested disabling and enabling that option but I do not see a change in behavior. The tooltip on "Allow Toggle Zoom While Not Aiming" mentions a "Change Magnification" keybind, but there is no option in the F12 menu with that name, but this might be a naming error and the tooltip should read "Zoom Toggle keybind" instead - I'm not sure.

    • Did you consider setting unaimed toggle zoom multi and sens change to 1? Because that's how you disable toggle zoom while not aiming. "Change magnification" is a base EFT key, "Allow Toggle Zoom While Not Aiming" is for something else.

    • Fontaine you're a legend.

      It works great now, it's very slightly different than the last config I got comfortable with but honestly this is better. I'm going to share this info with my friends. Much appreciated, mate.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks for the fix! I was also having the same problem but one more thing I wanted to mention is if there is any way to disable the mod from remembering the last state in which the zoom was in? For example when I use middle click to zoom in and then come out of ADS, the next time I go into ADS expecting it to be at the default FOV again like last patch, it stays zoomed in which throws me off a little. Thanks! Love your work btw, can't play SPT without it.

  • For some reason I am getting this error when I attach / detach the range finder attachment from weapon.

    • Doesn't happen on my end with standard config

  • i was messing around with the fov settings and got them to my liking. i went into wood and my iron sights were so off i had to aim at the ground in order to get headshots like 2 feet under there feet. i was running a scope and took it off in the map and im not sure if that may of been why? i wont have time to tell until later and was hoping to get advice before i am able to get back on. thank you.

    I have vision issues, and this is helping so much! can't wait to get it working thank you!

    • this mod doesn't touch zeroing so very unlikely it's causing that issue

    • I was able to get on. i have tested and restarted. i am using the M700 with iron i have changed irons and the further i get from the target the lower i have to shoot. i have tried with 388 bolt and it is working perfect. im only running a few other mods and nothing to do with weapons or sights.

    • I don't know what you mean but like I said: this mod doesn't touch zeroing so very unlikely it's causing that issue

  • The most recent version has a bug with Blackcore's scopes. Tango 6t and Black razor. They now default to 2x and have no 1x feature on them. Thought you should be aware

    • Blockcore's scopes have a bug with FOV Fix since they haven't been made compatible, need to be added manually to the db file in FOV Fix's server module

  • Hello, I've disabled "toggle on hold-breath", but now the "allow toggle zoom while not aiming" function always works even if it is disabled (trying to enable/disable/reset - doesn't help). I noticed it because I used the same button to delete items from inventory and got constant zoom-in/out in the background.


  • 1.2.0 breaks the key binding "M" He works only if press alt

    • I don't know who M is, I never met him. But you can check and read the config options and disable the one that requires toggle breath for toggle zoom.

    • New version breaks "zoom toogle" function. whatever value I put there, the switch works by pressing ALT. Еverything is fine on the previous version


    • you're not even using the latest version

    • I've already rolled back and taken a screenshot from the previous version to show what the M key is...Okay, I'm putting the new version 1.2.0 back on.....

      .....a few minutes later....

      АААААА.... While I was writing this message, I realized how it works now......)

      When holding your breath, the default FOV is automatically triggered, and it does not switch by pressing the button with this option enabled) Need to disable it so that it works as before.


      Very convenient)!

    • i love you

  • Hi,

    First, appreciate your work. This mod is fantastic.

    I have an issue where it appears to me like all the reticle within scopes appear way too small. It is not possible to make out the mildots/numbers or markings. They are still functional, but they are all really tiny.

    I tested this by performing a clean 3.8.3 install and only installing your mod, so I know it can't be a conflict.

    Is this intentional, or am I missing something with the install and/or configuration? (all settings left default btw).

    Best example is the SPEAR's default scope, Also doesn't matter what magnification I am at, there doesn't appear to be any change to the reticle like in vanilla when switching magnifications.

    Thanks again mate.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • experiencing the same, the last update has something broken in it

    • If you can't see the reticles with your FOV, config settings, resolution, and graphics settings then you need to tweak them. Scope reticles can't be automatically zoomed in EFT, scopes have 2 modes. Only scope that supports having the reticle change is SamSwat's Vudu, because it has 6 modes, not two. Visibility of reticles has not changed at all since this mod was uploaded.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Scope reticles size in the vanilla game was optimized with ADS FOV changing in mind. This mod removes standart ADS FOV change (by default), ergo scopes themselves and reticles inside them appear much smaller on the screen. You can fix that only by manually restoring ADS FOV change. Go to F12 menu and change ADS FOV Multi for all magnifications (for it to be consistent across all powered scopes) to around 0.6 or 0.7. Reticles will return to "normal", variable zoom will still work fine.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you for the feedback, good to know it's a me problem. I'll tinker with the settings. Thanks for you work @Fontaine its a great effort. @PRoFeSSoR_GSc cheers for pointing me in the right direction with the settings.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Personally I use 75 base FOV, with no ADS FOV zoom, with scope offset of 0.2, + Geff's scope overhaul, at 1440p with FSR 2 I don't have issues seeing the reticle except for the HAMR, and BSG's new SIG LPVO which they did very badly

  • A suggestion for future updates, is it possible to have this work for whatever key you have set for that keybind?? To make it so people that rebind those keys can still use that function

    Tweaks & Minor Changes:

    • Improved keybinds: can use multiple keys for variable zoom and toggle zoom. If using mousewheel for variable optics without key modifier, it will not change zoom if holding Left Control, Left Alt, R or C keys.
    • I can't easily account for non-standard keybinds in this way

    • Ok no problem ill work around it :thumbup:

  • Hey, is there a way for me to add my own custom key that the mod should look for to disable zoom scroll?

    I use Caps + Scroll to control movement speed, but Caps isn't one of the keys that trigger the disabling of zoom scroll, so I was wondering if there is a way for me to add it myself.

  • Is it possible for friends to disable this mod and others to have it on? I have friends that like it better in vanilla, but I would rather use it since it fixes most of my gripes with the scopes and how they are zoomed in...

  • sometimes when i ADS , its zoom-in and zoom-out , what is that ? xd

    holding ads using the 0,9 fov , and 1sec later , change for further fov i cant figure out whats the issue

    Thumbs Up 1
    • It's not clear what you're trying to say

    • i set all the fov for 0,9
      when i ads the fov works realy nice and i love it , but sometimes its broke or idk what happens ,

      i ads fov on 0.9 and just couple of second later its zoom farther, i reset the ads and it fix it

      sorry my english not as good i tough :D xD

    • I have the same problem. My Global ads FOV Multi is at 0.9, when I aim it zooms in, then suddenly after a few seconds it zooms out again without me doing anything else. The whole thing seems to happen very randomly. Sometimes when standing, sometimes when sitting, sometimes after 4 seconds, sometimes only after 10 seconds, sometimes not at all. Also in the Arma Zoom Toggle (I have the value at 0.8) it happens that I zoom in and it randomly cancels the zoom. In this case it does not jump to my global FOV 0.9 but all the way back to 1.0 as if I had not set a zoom. The issue did not occur in the hideout. Everything else is at the default values. I have the FOV Scale Fix on. However, this error also occurs when it is off.

      Thumbs Up 2
    • this is what i wanted to say xD thanks :D my english is rusty ...

  • its ok? mb need same other Unfuck": false  ?


    Code: ScopeTemplates.json
    "6567e7681265c8a131069b0f": {
        "ItemID": "6567e7681265c8a131069b0f",
        "Name": "scope_30mm_sig_tango6t_1_6x24",
        "MinZoom": 1,
        "MaxZoom": 6,
        "IsFixed": false,
        "CanToggle": false,
    ===>>>    "Weight": 0.626


  • Hello, so I have an issue where I have removed the mod from my game files but while in game, my sensitivity is messed up. Anything above 1x feels to have a higher sensitivity. As you could imagine, this can be an issue for high-powered optics, as the sensitivity for anything above 1x is actually higher than 1x. Any tips on how I could resolve this? Thanks.

    • It's also worth mentioning I've already cleaned temp files AFTER removed the mod files from my game folders.

    • SPT mods can't permanently alter your game, if anything remains that means you didn't uninstall it properly