Featured Friendly PMC 3.7.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Spawn with a squad of your side, recruit others while in the raid, and command them on the battlefield.

Spawn with a squad of your side, customize them, recruit others while in the raid, and command them on the battlefield.

This mod makes it possible to have bots follow you around and fight alongside you against enemies. You can either spawn with a squad that is customizable through the Config Manager (default F12 key) or recruit others while in a raid.

If you enjoy this mod and would like to show your appreciation you can support me at Ko-Fi!

Special Thanks to @SlavetoTheGames for helping me out with testing version 3.7 and ironing out the bugs!

  • Version 3.7.0

    - !! all server configuration options have been moved into the Configuration Manager, you can now update them through that and they take effect at raid start

    - updated Come Here, That Direction and Stop gesture commands where you can now use them to move bots one by one where you want them.

    - updated some Phrase commands to be able to be used on individual followers by looking at them. Be careful, bots too close to your view will be picked up, and thus the command will not go for all. Being in bushes can interfere with this or not seeing the bot clearly.

    - altered "get back", "cover me", "hold position" and "go go go" voices to always say the same thing instead of going through different phrases in order to bring them closer to what the commands do relative to the followers

    - added "On Your Own" command. This will tell bots to stay at a distance (similar to "Get Back"), switch to their default tactic, and no longer prioritize their position and safety during fights. "Cover Me" resets this

    - added a field to provide a custom nickname for each follower in the Configuration Manager

    - added fields to provide custom uniform (top and bottom) for each follower in the Configuration Manager

    - added options for setting custom shortcut keys for Contact and Status Report phrase commands. (This means you can put these 2 on other than just F1-F12 keys)

    - added "Raid End Messages" in the config manager to enable/disable messages followers may send at the end of the raid (return loot messages are excluded)

    - fixed the issue with long spawn delay that was happening for some people

    - attempt to fix follower still getting stuck in healing animation under certain circumstances (still not 100% of the cause or how to replicate)

    - altered how the enemy is added to followers as the current method would make followers aware of any enemy position as soon as that enemy made the player his goal target.

  • Version 3.6.4-beta

    - fixed using bear voices for USECs when englishBear is disabled

    - ensure looting bots brain, if present, is disabled when a bot becomes a follower

    - enforce followers to have the same side as the player on spawn

    - refactor the code that deals with followers using player equipment in order to address some errors

    - added flag to turn off enemy marker when reporting status

  • Version 3.6.3-beta

    Fixed incorrect options positions of squad setup in the configuration manager that 3.6.2 has.

  • Version 3.6.2-beta

    • followers picked up in raid will now have "assist" tactic. In assist mode, followers do not listen to push or hold commands, they tend to do their own thing.
    • added flag to copy player's clothes for squad setup in Configuration Manager
    • Extended the distance for which the bot decides to search for a shooting spot during combat (Default tactic only)
    • Removed fence level settings that originally were used to force commands to work on bots (before version 3.x.x)
    • fixed bug where the follower that was picked up during raid was giving back loot that was given to him (only the squad remembers should do that)
    • fixed some bugs in what messages are sent to the user based on if he did not give any loot to a squad member or picked up a follower
  • Version 3.6.1-beta

    - improvements on how bots push the enemy when conditions are met

    - fixed cursed open door command to finally work properly

    - made followers appear as friendly in the Dynamic Maps mod

    - added a slider for adjusting the report status sound in the Configuration Manager

    - the "Hold Position" phrase no longer triggers stay in place when out of combat. It only switches the followers to hold mode.

    - made squad skill level relative to the player's skill

  • Version 3.6.0-beta

    - removed looting bots dependency, this also means you cannot use the loot corpse command anymore but you can now tell bots to pick up loot that is elevated (like on a table)

    - reserved the secure container of bots for extra ammo. The secure container of a bot will be used for adding extra ammo for the main weapon. If you create presets that include a secure container, that will be ignored and instead use the default one the bot would spawn with.

    - changed "balance" tactic which is now named "default" where bots will look for shooting spots when at a distance from the enemy instead of falling back to holder tactic

    - fixed bots not appearing under the same group.

    - fixed BEAR still speaking English when englishBear flag is off

    - fixed BTR being seen as an enemy to the followers

    - changed the squad spawn logic to help deal with an error SAIN was throwing because of not liking that the followers were spawning first

    - "Fire" command removed

    - "Stop" command removed

    - "Hold Position" command updated ( triggers hold tactic if in combat and hold position if out of combat).

    - "Stop" gesture triggers hold the position for any follower within 15-meter radius.

    - enabled "exit located" command to trigger followers to regroup on the player's location

  • Version 3.5.1-beta

    Fixed plugin throwing an error because the cfg file was not present at startup.
    Improved the cover-to-cover action as well as the regroup command.

  • Version 3.5.0-beta

    Updated squad spawning system where you can now select which equipment preset each squad member can spawn with as well as selecting their tactic.


  • Version 3.4.0-beta

    Upgrade to SPT 3.9.x.
    Added "report status" under TEAM STATUS (this was previously the ping command) which in addition to giving you the follower's status, it will also display the location of the enemy they are currently observing.
    Improved following during combat and the "balance" tactic.

    Added "englishBear" flag in config.json for the server side which will make all bear bots speak english.
    Followers now spawn before you, making this compatible with SWAG+Donuts and Questing Bots.

  • Version 3.3.4

    Updates to the fighting logic of the followers. Normal and the Goons. In my opinion, goons are a lot more better now, although bird brain still could use some work. And still haven't managed to find the best logic for fighting marksmen. I will try to find time to focus just on the marksman fight.

  • For those having issues, please head over to discord : https://discord.com/channels/8…99922/1276236908451856526 and describe your problem there.

    Notes for the 3.7 release:

    The way an enemy was added to the followers was by observing who the current target was for any bot. This created situations where your followers would instantly pick up the enemy's position and even run to him. This is changed now, but it might feel different as you can now have situations where an enemy is shooting at you from a distance, not hitting you, which in turn makes your followers not react. The "Contact" command makes them aware of the situation.

    How to successfully use the gesture commands in order to move your followers one by one:

    Always start with the Stop gesture and look at a bot, a maximum 25m distance, and do the Come To Me gesture. The bot will come near the position you are in and then switch back to hold. Repeat as necessary.

    Using That Direction works at a maximum of 15m and it will affect the closest bot. Best to do it with your back turned to him. Once the bot reaches the point it will switch back to hold. Repeat as necessary.

    You can now use the following commands while looking at a bot, at a maximum 35 meters distance, to affect only him: Hold Position, Go Go Go, Get Back, Cover Me, On Your Own, Stop, and Follow Me.

    The stop command persists through combat. That means if you tell your bots to stay in place and then they engage in combat, once out of combat they will resume standing by. You can combine things, you can tell all of them to stand by and look at one and say "Follow me" or "Cover me" and only that one will resume following. But, do not wander too far from the others as the cover system always has you at the center in a 120-meter radius.

    Heart 1
  • any idea why i am getting this red spam log when starting the client?

    • It can be ignored. I'm not sure why spt gives it if a certain call is made to early, but other than that message, it is fine.

  • YES ! More customization update ! Can't wait to see if we'll be able to set their heads and voices in the future, great job you're doing here :)

    Thumbs Up 1
  • I think squad health multiplier is broken, they always show 440 for their health if I set to x5.0

    • I have not tested with maximum, most I went was 2. Could be that, that much breaks it and thus it reverts to initial

  • Code
    hello, I don't see an on your own display anywhere
    • In the phrase (or voice) commands menu, under COMMAND group. Only PMCs have it.

    • unfortunately, I don't have it in the offer. it can't be a problem with a language other than EN or SamSWAT's Fire Support - Arys Reloaded?

    • It's built into the game, the game has this option so very strange that you do not have it.

    • I'm missing a lot more commands and I don't know why. maybe some mod but I don't know which one

    • These commands are built into the game. We are only making them actually do something. If they do not show up for you it can be because you are using some custom voice that does not have the phrases or you are a scav. I remember once wanting to use Kinght's voice for me, but that made most of the commands not show up. Stick to standard voices. Otherwise, I don't know.

  • Hello. Thank you for the mod. I have a quick question: Are you aware of any conflicts that would cause the settings for FriendlyPMC to not appear on EFT Config Menu or F12 Bepinx?

    Im going to try a fresh install after I get off work. Im sure its another mod causing the issue but wanted to see if you have heard this before and if there might be a solution if you had. Thanks again.

    • I am not aware, but there must be some conflict. All these mods touching bots... - one of them will cause issues. If you find which one, post the name to see if anything can be done about it.

  • вы долюаебы хоть проверяйте, после того как моды обновляете

    ? 1
    • Have you read the first statement under Known Issue?

      This mod had a lot of conflicts with existing bot mods and they almost all touch either the spawn behavior or the brain of the bots. Things are stable now, however, I would not rule out conflicts still happening. If you have problems, be sure to specify what other bot mods you are using in the comments

      Your comment will not help anyone.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Thanks for the update! :thumbup: I have a suggestion: Is it possible to add voice selection to the follower setup in the future? In this case, we would have received the final maximum point adjustment of the personality.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Oh, it didn't cross my mind to also add voices since they can be personalized. Yeah, I can add that.

      Heart 1
    • That's actually pretty cool.

    • Hmm, is it possible to add a face selection in this way?

  • So I'm not 100% sure if the custom outfits are working, because it only shows player, default and faction standard.

    • You have to have the clothes unlocked.

    • Screenshot-2024-09-15-022506.png

      Whatever you have available will show up.

    • oh HELL yeah, thanks brother

  • can i ask about the strange choice of the download url? why is it some weirdly vague site that ive never heard of before that takes a bit longer than usual to load. is there an alternative?

    • It offers some features I want in addition to link sharing. I do not want to use Google Drive or box. I don't know what you mean by taking longer. I find the site very useful and fast.

    • the site loads extremely slowly for me upon clicking on the link and its ONLY this site. nothing else is sluggy like this one

    • Are you using VPN?

    • nope, my wifi is fine as well

    • obviously not a big problem because it does load, its just slightly inconvenient

  • maybe it's not possible or someone already asked for this or i missed something but

    a cool idea could be that the AI tries to match the players speed and height?
    like if the player went prone the ai could also prone or crouch

    and if the player was moving at a slow pace then the teammates could also follow at same pace

    • It is impossible to predict the reason you would do those actions. Thus you will end up with a situation where they will do it when they are not supposed to do it, interfering with a different action. Just throw the fist gesture which means stop, go in front and investigate and then recall them.

  • Thank you for such a great mod.
    I'm trying to download the compatible version for 3.8.3 but it seems links doesn't work anymore.
    Can you fix the links or can you post a working link here?

    • There is no compatible version with 3.8.3 anymore. I just didn't have time to delete all posts about previous versions

  • i really enjoy it so far but i have two questions:

    1- can i change my squad mate names?

    2- can they heal when they got shot?

    thank you so much for the word you put <3

    • 1) in the next update
      2) they already do, make sure they have meds.

      Thumbs Up 2
    • thank you for your time and am excited for your next update.
      sorry but about your second answer may i ask you how to do that?

      i did 13 raids so far with them but they dont heal :( is it something wrong with that or do i have to give it to them when we are in the raid?

    • Are you using equipment presets on them or cloning player equipment? In both cases, you should not put meds in the secure container - the container is deleted and a different one is used specific for filling them up with ammo

    • Speaking of the especial secure container with ammo. Does this mean we don't even need to give the bots magazines in their rigs?

    • you have to give them magazines. At least a second one so they can swap during battle. But you don't have to give them extra bullets.

  • Hey, in older versions the friendly PMCs had real names like the AI do. Is there anyway to switch that back?

    • You are mistaken, the friendly PMC never touched names, But, 3.7 comes with name customization and clothes customization so wait for that.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • thanks for the clarification! must be one of my other mods doing it then

  • The squad doesn't spawn with me, it takes about five minutes before they spawn, how is this supposed to be set up, I don't have donuts and SWAG

    • It is system-related (how fast your system is), but I got it to work like before where they spawn before you in 3.7 with no longer having problems with SAIN. So wait for that.

  • This is awesome, LOVE FOR YOU❤❤❤
    I have a greedy question, will there be a feature that allows followers to search containers/corpses directly in the future? The loot command seems to only work for a single item dropped on the ground

    • This would be cool.

    • No. This was the case for bodies back when looting bots was a dependency - but that integration created problems. I took it out and do not see any value in implementing such thing because bots do not know what to take. You can make the code take random stuff or make it take high value stuff that you calculate. But what for? You are the best person to decide what to take, they just guard you.

  • Is there a way to increase the friendly PMC's awareness? I swear it's been 3 raids in a row I'm surrounded by 5 of my guys only for a scav to run up on me and kill me and my PMC's do nothing or don't defend.

    • I've noticed this as well and so far only two somewhat solutions discovered:

      1) Load BEFORE SAIN but that is not guaranteed to work at all.
      2) Always manually choose "Contact" when you notice enemy movement.

      So far that is the only way to make them more aware right now. I suggest doing both.

    • SAIN affects your followers - have you made the changes to that, to have lower hearing?

    • I have made adjustments to hearing myself, but not to the extent that would cause the issue of a lack of awareness. Personally I lowered only footstep/standard hearing sound by 10 meters but that wouldn't cause the issue to happen.

      As we've talked about I think it has something more to do with the AI teammates determining an enemy/detecting when to start engaging.

  • Can I just use the Spawn Squad feature and keep everyone else hostile?

    • make sameSideHostile true in the server config

      Heart 1
    • thanks

  • Tell me what should I do if bots appear after 4 minutes of a raid?

    • Give the node server a higher priority

      Heart 1
    • How to do it? Change the download order?

    • It turns out that an issue with the current version. The next version which will be released this weekend addresses this. In the meantime one thing that you can do is play with them having the player equipment selected as equipment, that may speed it up.

      Heart 1
  • Would be cool if friendly PMCs were highlighted as such on Dynamic maps.

    An I'm not just talking about your followers

    • Dynamic Maps has to do that, not this mod.

    • That is indeed something it already has. You just need to check the option to have friendlies/allies show on map for Dynamic Maps. Assuming you mean your squamates not every single same faction with the friendly faction option turned on. Have not tested that.

    • I'm not talking about squadmates

      It's not a huge issue as you can just hit F1 when you're near one an if they don't start yelling then you're fine

    • Then yeah as pitAlex  said you would need to ask the mod author of Dynamic Maps for compatibility with that feature.

  • @pitAlex, Just re-read the Overview and the Pinned Comment, and I don't believe you actually have the "Command" noted for the "recruit others while in the raid" feature. Unless I missed it.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • 作者你好,我是来自中国的玩家,刚玩了很久,里面很多kill-pmc任务我都很困扰,无意间看到了你的mod,我觉得这个可能会帮到我,但是我的版本是3.80版本,我想问你我应该下载哪个版本的mod呢?或者有没有办法汉化之类的。非常感谢!!

    (机器翻译成英文,所以有点奇怪):) :) :)

    • There are no builds available for 3.8 anymore. Because the mod is not yet finalized, language options is not something that is prioritized. That will come later

  • It would be great if the "Silence" command would have your squadmates turn of flashlights/lasers/etc.

    • ^^ I thought mine were corny. But there are some in there I like and will use, thanks.

      Heart 1
    • Haha oh yeah some definitely are. I'm basically using this as a means to spread lore in my collection between missions. It's part of the big picture narrative I have going where I am creating full questlines for already made custom traders and expanding on the vanilla traders storylines. Those will play out like books/novels, where these will play out like notepads/emails. I've added much more to this already with over 80 short formats for example like this:


      "Sergey, I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this. Every day, I wake up wondering if today’s the day I won’t make it back. The streets are crawling with scavs and worse. Yesterday, I saw a group of them dragging a poor soul into an alley—couldn’t do anything but keep my head down and move on. I tried to trade with the locals near the old chemical plant, but they barely had anything worth taking. Supplies are getting scarcer by the day. It feels like this city is just devouring us all, piece by piece. I keep thinking about the shop—how we used to complain about the little things, like shipments being late. What I’d give to have those problems now. Take care of yourself out there. I hope this nightmare ends soon, but deep down, I know better. --- Elena"

    • Side note: Any way to set the names of your bear squad mates and the Usec ones? Like make sure they always have the same name? Trying to do so for narratives purposes XD

    • "Exist Located" ---> Should be "Exit Located" :)

      "Report Status" ---> Any way this could be made togglable? I know most likely not, just curious.

  • The squad player uniform function works well on pmc, but when you start a raid as scav, scav's allies also copy clothes, which is different from the normal eft game, maybe it's worth making another switch so that when playing as scav they don't copy your clothes, which will allow you not to switch every time you play as scav squad player uniform.

    • But it does not copy your clothes if you are scav. Neither the clothes or the equipment. I mean there is a check for this in the code that should prevent that.

      Edit: Just did a test now, both my spawned followers had different clothes than me.

  • This is one of the coolest mods on this site. I always thought it'd be cool to have AI teammates in Tarkov since day 1. [Even if these ones that team kill you if you run in front of their fire ;) ] Thanks for your hardwork

  • Good day, I installed SPT 3.9, before that I played on 3.8.3. And immediately downloaded a bunch of mods, including such as SAIN, SWAG, QuestingBots and decided to try your mod, played the evening and deleted it. I realized that I wanted to play alone. I cleared the cache. But friendly PMС remained. Which were not there before in 3.8.3, they were all enemies.

    The question is, did they change something in other mods or in 3.9?! Or did your mod leave random friendly PMС bears with red armbands after deletion. I can't figure it out. And if possible, how can this be fixed?. Thank you in advance.

    • The mod has 2 parts, a client and a server part. The client is the friendlyPMC.dll from the BepInEx/plugins folder and server is the friendlyPMC from the user/mods folder. You did not delete both.

      Also note: you can disable spawning with anyone from the config manager of the BepInEx. You can also make the same faction attack each other through the server config.json via the sameSideHostile flag.

    • I immediately deleted both folders "BepInEx&user". But still friendly PMС with red bandages remained, I can't understand the reason.

      Maybe it makes sense to install the mod and set ("sameSideHostile": true) - in this case it might work as I want. If I understood you correctly.

    • I installed the mod again, configured it as you said, and simply turned off adding a friend. Now I play like this, it worked

  • It seems that allies are taken into account in the bot limit on the map, since after their appearance there are fewer pmc spawns, although in a normal game with a normal number of allies this does not have an effect

    • That would be correct. They are part of the spawning system, just in front. Not doing it like that produces errors with lots of mods that for some reason like to hook into the spawning process and do their stuff related to bots.

  • usec AI are always hostile to rouges, if having more than one follower they tend to walk side-by-side instead of spreading out appropriately

    • Usec are made enemies of rogues internationally or they will be issues. And another person said that bots follow like that. It is how the game works in terms of nav paths and cannot be resolved.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello,

    I just started using this and I am very impressed with it, but I do have a few points I would like to bring up.

    If there is enemy in front the friendly Ai will shoot you if you are in the way because they always walk behind you.

    They keep sprinting around too much when not needed but iam guessing thats just BSG normal Ai shit lol

    Can I have an option for Russian Bear?


    • Yes, they can end up shooting you by accident because that's BSG AI and does not offer a way to improve detection. I got shot in the visor by one of them, but they were like right next to me. It is not that risky, it depends on how much room there is around you and how close they are to you. Give it time if this is your first try. Once you learn the quirks they become predictable and you will know what to do.
      Can I have an option for Russian Bear? - you have englishBear flag that you can turn off in the server config.

    • Oh yea I forgot to mention,

      When the friendly Ai gets injured they stay in the healing mechanic and dont bring their weapon out again just keep bandaging for the rest of the raid X/

      Ok I will look again for the english flag option.

    • How? I encountered the healing animation bug only once, and never again. How are you guys encountering this? What mods are you using?

    • I have over a 100 mods and I have not encountered this either so I cant help pitAlex , could be load order?

    • Hello,

      I am only using 8 server mods and 5 user mods.

  • Good day! Could you add an option in the config in the future that disables enemy marking when requesting team status?

    Could you clarify if it's currently possible to make all bots, except followers, hostile by default? Maybe setting the number of followers to 0 would make all bots of the same faction in the game hostile?

    • sameSideHostile makes bots attack the same faction. Your followers remain friendly.

    • I'm sorry, I misunderstood the purpose of this option. There were just many friendly PMC players in the raid.

      Could you clarify whether the bots follow their own logic for detecting enemies, or do the SAIN settings apply to them as well?

    • SAIN modifies the game logic in many areas thus it will always have an effect on any bot. To what extent, depends on what it changes.

    • Alright, thank you for the response. It's just that follower bots often quickly detect enemies. Although I adjusted the SAIN settings for detection and audibility, I haven't noticed such behavior from enemy PMC bots.

    • They do too. What you don't see is that there is a SAIN brain and the follower's brain. The SAIN brain puts the bot in a hold position when long detection happens. Install bot debug and watch the layers of the bots, they change to "holdpositioninCover" or to "search" and other things that hint they are in combat even though nothing is around them. It is the game itself that is design like that.