- Server version
- Game client version
- Client log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?ad7aa…pu45e2WwfLjrEuVXR543JvxGm
- Server log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?576b6…PyC813EVN9T7enVNUE7CME7nQ
- Have you read the FAQ?
- Yes
- Where did you download your game from?
- Battle state launcher
- List of used mods
- none
First off, Thank you so much for making this idea of EFT a reality! it's awesome!
That being said after all the trying I've done on this Mod, it always makes it as far as "Creating game world" which runs its loading timer always for 2ish minutes after that creating game text and basic key binds text disappears
It becomes EFT forest background and a small loading circle icon in the bottom right corner and after a few seconds the loading circle freezes and hangs up indefinitely. I have to task manager and use my arrow keys since everything else is locked from freeze after creating game world does its 2 mins
I have been looking on this site/reddit and others for fixes but nothing has solved so far
over numerous installs I have tried
- Installing all linked .net framework
- Checking and rechecking correct downgrade/patcher versions and SPT-AKI version - Deleting shared.ini file from MyDocuments/EscapeFromTarkov
- a few PMC runs on official EFT then reinstalling SPT-AKI and Removing Registry keys
- whitelist the module.dll file from malwarebytes
Through the past few days I've been deleting and retrying all this with EFT file at and SPT-AKI at with patcher but the same has happened and as well with new and its new patcher today
Official Tarkov runs fine on all maps with no issues seems to be just SPT
I'm running on
OS Win 8.1
GPU GTX 980 4gb
RAM 32gb
i7 4790k
Please help me I so want to experience the beauty of EFT without : ( hackers, disconnects and queues : (
Any information would be greatly appreciated! im at wits end here!