No sniper scavs on customs tower or the building near medical/crackhouse

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…QRpqQucWtuigquS5KPw3YeoMr
    Server log file…b13ejE482g4zT4htego6iBKX2
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    From live launcher, I only play SPT and only go on live to check live barter trades.
    List of used mods
    JUSTNU Core
    Optic rework
    AdditionalClothing 2.1.2 patch
    AdditionalGear 2.1.2 patch
    Armalite store
    Food and drink trader
    Lockpicking Lawyer trader
    KMC weapons
    Andrudis QOL config
    Better lights and lasers
    Mira core and weapons
    Samswat guns
    Chomp Raiderspawnfix
    Kiki Alltheboss
    Kiki Debuff Remover
    Kiki Containertweaks
    Kiki ZaryaKiller
    Lua FleamarketPriceupdate
    Makes Sense
    Questor trader
    Aki Configurator Ereski
    AIO Ereshki
    RandomLootgen thatguyxiv

    I even attempted to force them to spawn by setting the slots_min for all the marksman class bots to 1 (in server/database/locations/bigmap/base and more, no luck. Tower and the building near medical/crackhouse never has any snipers.

    P.S The issue isn't THAT urgent, and I appreciate all of your work from the bottom of my heart. God bless you guys for giving me tarkov without cheaters and sweaty meta players/streamers.

  • Hi dude, I would recommend using Lua's CP Spawn Rework Reborn mod and using the Default.json pattern & also use Fins AI Tweaks (FAIT) for the AI gear BUT set "disableAllSpawnChanges" at the top to False so Lua's mod can overwrite the changes. The Default config for Lua's CP mod will have sniper spawns at their usual places but you can tweak the settings to however you'd like, I recommend it to anyone who doesn't use it. If you need any help with it feel free to DM me and I will try and help you.

  • Hi dude, I would recommend using Lua's CP Spawn Rework Reborn mod and using the Default.json pattern & also use Fins AI Tweaks (FAIT) for the AI gear BUT set "disableAllSpawnChanges" at the top to False so Lua's mod can overwrite the changes. The Default config for Lua's CP mod will have sniper spawns at their usual places but you can tweak the settings to however you'd like, I recommend it to anyone who doesn't use it. If you need any help with it feel free to DM me and I will try and help you.

    I'll try this first thing tomorrow, for now, I'll get some rest.

    I was already going to do that mod, but thank you for telling me about the config stuff. will this conflict with kiki-alltheboss?

  • As far as I'm aware there is no conflict between AlltheBoss and Lua's mod, I have them in my mod list and I haven't had any issues. I do like to put the percentages of bosses spawning to similar as Online Tarkov and have the bosses on their maps, like Tagilla on Factory for example but you can mix and match which is pretty cool.

    Get some rest mate, you know where I am if you need help.


    Edited once, last by Kippa ().

  • the issue is with SPT 2,1.2 itself it seems, however I did spawn boiler side, so I'll check again until I get boiler side spawn

    EDIT: Confirmed SPT or BSG issue, from either spawn, no scavs on red roof or tower

  • Okay because you have tried with no mods in your mod list, try my config for Lua's Spawn Rework I'll put it as a spoiler for you in a few parts as only 10,000 words are allowed. Also only have this mod in your list, hopefully it should spawn in Sniper Scavs.


  • Roach

  • Roach

  • Roach

  • Roach

  • Roach

  • can you explain what settings you are using for your raid?
    for example
    AI amount:
    AI difficulty:

    there is an issue with the spawns when using customs and horde mode and all the snipers and no other bots spawn at the hill behind checkpoint, make sure you use "AsOnline" and see if they spawn, also they are not 100% spawns.



    WEEWOO :kekw:

  • If you backed up your profile, deleted and then installed a fresh copy of EFT into you SPT folder and went through the AKI install procedure, placed your old profile save into the profiles folder, and didn't install any mods, then your profile save is probably corrupted.

  • If you backed up your profile, deleted and then installed a fresh copy of EFT into you SPT folder and went through the AKI install procedure, placed your old profile save into the profiles folder, and didn't install any mods, then your profile save is probably corrupted.

    What does profile data have to do with bot spawns? although I can check, I'd rather simply wait for 12.12

    Also I did run on a fresh profile, same game files. Could be game files.

  • CWX

    Closed the thread.
  • SPT Team

    Set the Label from In progress to Unresolved

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