SPO - Single Player Overhaul

  • gabe_over added a new version:


    Temporary new installation process:

    • Backup your profile (mod folder too just in case you would want to go back to your mod list)
      Delete mods folder.
    • Download Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)
    • Extract it to user/mods folder then rename it from zFin-AITweaks to LFin-AITweaks this is required for proper load order.
    • Extract SPO on top and overwrite.

    Soon we might have actually mod loader, thanks to almighty Trap, and that will resolve all the issues with duplicate mods during updating! :D


    • removed progressive gear. Too many problems with Path to Tarkov - this should fix the black screen after extraction.
    • another pass trying to remove high pen rounds from PMCs (need your feedback!)
  • gabe_over added a new version:


    Update NOT mandatory.
    Integrated TrapModLoader into SPO!

    This should make it easy for you to add new mods and fiddle with loadorder. Check TML for instructions on how to use it!
    But remember, if you plan on editing SPO
    - you are on your own unless you want to join collaborating in its creation and tweaking ;)

  • gabe_over added a new version:


    Update NOT mandatory.
    Integrated TrapModLoader into SPO!

    This should make it easy for you to add new mods and fiddle with loadorder. Check TML for instructions on how to use it!
    But remember, if you plan on editing SPO
    - you are on your own unless you want to join collaborating in its creation and tweaking ;)

  • gabe_over added a new version:


    If everything will work as intended, this will be the last major update in a while.
    Standard Installation process. You know the drill ;)


    • Fixed Sugar having an infinite stack
    • Removed from fence
    • Armbands
    • Keycards
    • Booster exp gains on skills:
      • Melee strike >>> strength
      • Malfunction fix >>> weapon mastery
      • Looting >>>>>>> Perception (perception is one of those most ridiculous skills HOW THE FUCK you hear better with time?!) 🤣
      • Load/Unload Ammo in raid >>> Mag Drills
    • Various balance tweaks for AI

    IIf you will experience too much of an FPS drop, lower numbers of "Maximum bots alive at once:" within Fins AI.

  • gabe_over added a new version:


    If everything will work as intended, this will be the last major update in a while.
    Standard Installation process. You know the drill ;)


    • Fixed Sugar having an infinite stack
    • Removed from fence
    • Armbands
    • Keycards
    • Booster exp gains on skills:
      • Melee strike >>> strength
      • Malfunction fix >>> weapon mastery
      • Looting >>>>>>> Perception (perception is one of those most ridiculous skills HOW THE FUCK you hear better with time?!) 🤣
      • Load/Unload Ammo in raid >>> Mag Drills
    • Various balance tweaks for AI

    IIf you will experience too much of an FPS drop, lower numbers of "Maximum bots alive at once:" within Fins AI.

  • gabe_over added a new version:


    Updated Installation process tab!



    • Removed Stacking of items/tools/valuables - too many problems with barter/crafting/construction
    • Backpack rules changes - until I figure out how to ban backpack into a backpack but allow bot with backpacks into backpacks, enjoy abusing backpack stacking or role play it for now ;)
    • Bot spawn rebalance. Still need feedback on tweaking it.
    • Tweaked Sleepytime distance to help with FPS drops.
    • Added new items to The Lizard
      • AI-2
      • Antiseptic Bandage
      • TOZ-106 / ammo / mags

  • gabe_over added a new version:


    Updated Installation process tab!



    • Removed Stacking of items/tools/valuables - too many problems with barter/crafting/construction
    • Backpack rules changes - until I figure out how to ban backpack into a backpack but allow bot with backpacks into backpacks, enjoy abusing backpack stacking or role play it for now ;)
    • Bot spawn rebalance. Still need feedback on tweaking it.
    • Tweaked Sleepytime distance to help with FPS drops.
    • Added new items to The Lizard
      • AI-2
      • Antiseptic Bandage
      • TOZ-106 / ammo / mags

  • Installed as per your latest instructions shown as of today...

    I got an error at server startup shown below:

    Modloader: Loading mods...

    Mod SPO is missing package.json

    [ERROR] Invalid mod encountered

    Question... The instructions state:

    1. Download and Extract "SPO" to your empty "mods" folder.
    2. Download Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT) and extract it into "SPT\user\mods\SPO\mods\"
    3. Extract Included "zFin-AITweaks" folder into "SPT\user\mods\SPO\mods\"

    step 2 has me extract FAIT into my ...... user\mods\SPO\mods folder

    then step 3 has me overwriting those same files by extracting into the same folder?

    Tried to install using the instructions 3 times and keep getting the same error. My mods folder begins empty, and profiles folder begins empty on each attempt.

  • Thank you, viewing your folder structure might help me and others.

    I think i just realized why I had issues, I was using the wrong version of SPO (previous download from a few days ago) and not the latest.

    best regards.

    Well my last attempt with all latest files downloaded a few min ago failed again. I get trace errors in the server window and when I just ignore and go to the launcher, I don't even have an option to create an SPO version profile, just "Standard, Left Behind, Prepare to Escape and EOD" versions.

  • Just tried your files, emptied my mod folder ( I only had CWX's weatherPatcher mod), replaced the mod folder with your mod folder (SPT\user\mods\SPO\mods file structure), and still got Trace Errors. Looks like the exact same Trace Errors I got prior, when I tried it myself with the downloaded files from SPT-AKI site.

  • The error seems to come after it loads Revingly-MICC everytime I had tried, so it might be due to something there or a dependency for Revingly-MICC, I will check that mod page to see if I might find an answer.

    Thank you for trying to help me.

  • Hm... I just checked the Revingly-MICC mod and notice his package.json file shows :


    "name": "BetterMedsRevised",

    "author": "Revingly",

    "version": "1.6.0",

    "license": "NCSA",

    "main": "package.js",

    "akiVersion": "2.2.3"


    But the version included in your mod pack is for AKI version 2.2.2, shown below:


    "name": "MICC",

    "author": "Revingly",

    "version": "2.0.0",

    "license": "NCSA",

    "dependencies": {},

    "main": "package.js",

    "akiVersion": "2.2.2"


    Could this be the issue, running it in SPT-AKI 2.2.3?

    I won't replace it with your since you have bundles associated with your version.

  • gabe_over added a new version:




    • Backpack and Cases rules change FIXED
    • Tweaked in-raid energy drain.
    • Fixed Food and Drink infinite usage/usage limit count (still need feedback!)
    • Tweaked Sleepytime distance to help with FPS drops.
    • Scav cooldown depended on Survived (60 min) or killed (30 min)
    • Scav Rep giving actual gear progression.
    • Tweaked trader margins
      • Traders are more generous when buying items since you have to travel with your commodity between stashes.
    • Tweaked Ammo Stack to make it easier transporting between stashes.
    • Key Tool size increased to 5x5 to make it actually a worthwhile upgrade over Small Key Tool.
    • The Lizard
      • Tweaked repair proficiency of Lizard. Cheap and crapy.
  • gabe_over added a new version:




    • Backpack and Cases rules change FIXED
    • Tweaked in-raid energy drain.
    • Fixed Food and Drink infinite usage/usage limit count (still need feedback!)
    • Tweaked Sleepytime distance to help with FPS drops.
    • Scav cooldown depended on Survived (60 min) or killed (30 min)
    • Scav Rep giving actual gear progression.
    • Tweaked trader margins
      • Traders are more generous when buying items since you have to travel with your commodity between stashes.
    • Tweaked Ammo Stack to make it easier transporting between stashes.
    • Key Tool size increased to 5x5 to make it actually a worthwhile upgrade over Small Key Tool.
    • The Lizard
      • Tweaked repair proficiency of Lizard. Cheap and crapy.
  • Hi,

    when I create the character I get a backend error in game , it closes and doesn't create anything.

    I also tried deleting and putting back the mods folder as you suggested above.

    I paste below the text of my server.

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