SPT Realism Mod

  • that would be the pattern file for SWAG presets, i did some scrolling and it seems that the force boss item isn't implemented with reshala, There is no json file for him within the db folder of the realism mod itself.

    Oh damn you’re right. Have you tried looking for it in the spt folder instead? If it’s not being altered by realism then I would assume the base game has a config file for him.

    Let me know if I’m wrong. Just trying to help.

  • Oh damn you’re right. Have you tried looking for it in the spt folder instead? If it’s not being altered by realism then I would assume the base game has a config file for him.

    Let me know if I’m wrong. Just trying to help.

    no hate from over here brother, appreciate the engagement. I have been through every config and json and every folder of every mod I'm running right now. I believe that by deselecting "force boss item" within the .exe of sptrealism will revert the aki back to EFT's default generation of Reshala's pistol. I haven'd had the opportunity to test it yet, I'm just hopping on for the day so I should know within a few hours i presume

  • Noticing an issue with the recoil where if I have a laser or a flashlight and I switch modes, the recoil sometimes multiplies exponentially with each shot and will remain that way usually until I swap weapons. It's the weirdest thing, and the only thing I can think of that might conflict with it is the SAIN mod that also gives you the option to affect recoil. I thought it only affect the bots, and frankly I could be wrong about it being part of the issue. No matter what multiplier I set it to, it's the same level of wild recoil as vanilla. In the bepinex for Realism I have the recoil intensity set to roughly 0.80.

    Can't reproduce. Please test it without other mods first, then try default config options, then please give me reproducible steps if you can.

    May I ask how Tarkov's weapon accuracy work?

    I checked the template and there's no MOA info of main weapon part and barrel.

    Do you know how it calculated MOA for each barrel?

    You must be experienced. Please tell me about how the MOA calculated in game, thanks!!!

    100 * CenterOfImpact / 2.9089 for BSG MOA, * 2 for roughly real MOA

    no hate from over here brother, appreciate the engagement. I have been through every config and json and every folder of every mod I'm running right now. I believe that by deselecting "force boss item" within the .exe of sptrealism will revert the aki back to EFT's default generation of Reshala's pistol. I haven'd had the opportunity to test it yet, I'm just hopping on for the day so I should know within a few hours i presume

    I don't touch Reshalla, nothing Realism does will affect Reshalla's loot whatsoever. If you want to manually change it, look at the server database files in Aki_data/Server/database/bots

  • I don't touch Reshalla, nothing Realism does will affect Reshalla's loot whatsoever. If you want to manually change it, look at the server database files in Aki_data/Server/database/bots

    Thank you man, i very much appreciate it, you're the shit! this is my first dive into SPT and I'm loving it thanks to your mod!!

    please disregard this edit, I found the item value codes!!

  • Hello Fontaine! I have playing this game for a while and decided to try out realism mod since I have seen and heard so many good things. I deleted all the other mods I had installed except for 1) a minimap mod I like using 2)Server value modifier which I have everything on vanilla settings, 3) kmyuhkyuk's HUD, and 4) Visceral Dismemberment. Besides those 4, I have downloaded all but just a couple of the recommended mods. I have tried finding a solution to no avail so I am reaching out for some help.

    I keep getting a critical error that kicks me back to the home screen of the game whenever I click on certain things in my inventory or sometimes when I click on vendors. when I click back into the game (ie. like my character page) nothing has changed. For instance, I clicked to begin a task on a vendors' task screen and got this error but the task was listed as accepted when I went and looked afterwards. Also, everything plays perfectly normal in-raid. Here is the error message:

    In response to


    moving: Cannot deserialize the current JSON

    object (e.g. {"name":"value:}) into type

    'GClass1692+GClass6194[]' because the type

    requires JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) to deserialize correctly.

    To fix this error either change the JSON to a

    JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change the deserialized

    type so that it is normal .NET type (e.g. not a

    primitive type like integer, not a collection type

    like an array or List<T>) that can be deser...

    ^^^Thats where the error message cuts off. Please let me know if this is fixable or if you need any more information. I appreciate it.

  • Does anyone know how to fix this error?

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at BotGeneratorHelper.isItemIncompatibleWithCurrentItems (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\BotGeneratorHelper.js)

    at BotEquipmentModGenerator.generateModsForEquipment (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotEquipmentModGenerator.js)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateEquipment (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateAndAddEquipmentToBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\BotController.js)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\BotCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\BotStaticRouter.js)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at BotGeneratorHelper.isItemIncompatibleWithCurrentItems (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\BotGeneratorHelper.js)

    at BotEquipmentModGenerator.generateModsForEquipment (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotEquipmentModGenerator.js)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateEquipment (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateAndAddEquipmentToBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\BotController.js)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\BotCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\BotStaticRouter.js)

  • Did you have any mods that added customs items to the game, and did you uninstall said mods without deleting the custom items before uninstalling the mod?

  • You need to provide more information, like when is this happening, is it consistent, what mods do you have installed etc.

  • Remove other mods till it works again, and make sure all the mods you installed are updated to 3.5.5 if they're not confirmed to work on 3.5.5

  • Is it not recommended to use a AI wave mod like "swags" with Realism ? I know its not in the list you put up but have seen others say they use both .

    Really enjoying your Mod as it is but Reserve / interchange could do little more action and just wondered if Realism + Swags + Nookypresets would work as intended together .

    Thx again for all your effort :)

  • Weapon ergonomics is 1/10 of the original, how to modify this ratio?Weapon ergonomics is 1/10 of the original, how to modify this ratio?

    Should I post again

  • Is it not recommended to use a AI wave mod like "swags" with Realism ? I know its not in the list you put up but have seen others say they use both .

    Really enjoying your Mod as it is but Reserve / interchange could do little more action and just wondered if Realism + Swags + Nookypresets would work as intended together .

    Thx again for all your effort :)

    I don't know if there would be issues or not, Nooky says he made a compatibility patch so maybe past issues have been worked out.

    Weapon ergonomics is 1/10 of the original, how to modify this ratio?Weapon ergonomics is 1/10 of the original, how to modify this ratio?

    Should I post again

    If weapons have the 1/10th the ergo of unmodded EFT weapons then you have a conflicting mod or you have configured the mod incorrectly. Try resetting to default config options and/or removing mods that might be conflicting.

    It happens whenever bots start to spawn on any map.

    Try removing other mods till you don't have the issue anymore.

  • Is it not recommended to use a AI wave mod like "swags" with Realism ? I know its not in the list you put up but have seen others say they use both .

    Really enjoying your Mod as it is but Reserve / interchange could do little more action and just wondered if Realism + Swags + Nookypresets would work as intended together .

    Thx again for all your effort :)

    Swag and Nookys works well with Realism, just make sure in the realism config you turn off "Spawn tweaks", and load SWAG after Realism.

  • 我不知道是否会有问题,Nooky 说他做了一个兼容性补丁,所以也许过去的问题已经解决了。

    如果武器的人体工程学是未改装的 EFT 武器的 1/10,那么您的模组冲突或模组配置不正确。尝试重置为默认配置选项和/或删除可能冲突的模组。



  • Found 2 issues.

    1. Kills with "Custom" firearms, reward no Quest progression, if kills with a certain Type(Like Shotguns) is required.

    I remember, when BSG released the MP-155, it didn't work either. So i assume that the game checks for specific weapons, not just the WeaponType.

    2. Force Spawn boss items, seems not to work properly. Killed Reshala around 25 times, in this play trough. He never dropped his TT.

    PS THX for the mod, it rescued the game.

  • 1. it seems BSG decided to explicitly list weapons for quest objectives like you said, I'll try getting to fixing that for the next or next next version.

    2. As the tooltip says it only affects bosses that I have altered the loadouts of, maybe the wording could be less vague. When I get around to modifying Reshalla he'll have his TT ~90% of the time and the option will make it 100% of the time.

    Thanks for the feedback :)

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