SPT Realism Mod

  • Is this error caused by realism?

  • Don't know if this is the right place for this but, it seems i found a fix to make Gear Gal and other traders compatible with Realism, here's what i did :
    I went to Gear Gal mod file then i oppened the "db" folder, in there i opened "Base.json"

    For me it work, i think it's because traders like Gear Gal have no reputation level, adding this to the code pretty much make the trader have 4 reputation levels
    I tested it with both Gear Gal and Priscilu and it worked for me.

  • Hi Fontaine. I want to use this mod with your fantastic FOV mod. Your description mentions "increasing the horizontal recoil limit to at least 20 in the Realism config is using this mod." In both the Realism config and config exe I only see a horizontal recoil multiplier. Is there somewhere else I should be looking? Thanks.

  • Hey,

    Don't know why but I get error message "Realism Mod: Error Checking Player Profile: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')" whenever spt loads and i cant make it to main menu.

    Could be dozens of different things and almost certainly an issue on your end (conflict/piracy/wrong SPT/mod version)

    Is this error caused by realism?


    Maybe, impossible to tell for certain with no context. Try it with one mod at a time.

    Don't know if this is the right place for this but, it seems i found a fix to make Gear Gal and other traders compatible with Realism, here's what i did :
    I went to Gear Gal mod file then i oppened the "db" folder, in there i opened "Base.json"

    For me it work, i think it's because traders like Gear Gal have no reputation level, adding this to the code pretty much make the trader have 4 reputation levels
    I tested it with both Gear Gal and Priscilu and it worked for me.

    Interesting, makes sense. That's something to let them know about, doubt there's anything I can do on my end about it.

    Hi Fontaine. I want to use this mod with your fantastic FOV mod. Your description mentions "increasing the horizontal recoil limit to at least 20 in the Realism config is using this mod." In both the Realism config and config exe I only see a horizontal recoil multiplier. Is there somewhere else I should be looking? Thanks.

    Turn on the advanced options toggle at the top of the bepinex config menu.

    Edited 3 times, last by Fontaine ().

  • OMG. What is this feature? This is realism?

    Yes actually, if you get shot in the arm/hand with bullets you tend to drop things. I know it's very hard to understand for you. It's like I have to explain everything to some people like they're children. It's even optional and the odds tweakable but fuck me I guess.

  • Yes actually, if you get shot in the arm/hand with bullets you tend to drop things. I know it's very hard to understand for you. It's like I have to explain everything to some people like they're children. It's even optional and the odds tweakable but fuck me I guess.

    Oh, thanks your correct and straightforward answer. As always, I like to be quite nice. How are you doing? Have you ever been burned out by so many meaningless questions because the logic is often difficult to understand? To understand. What is realistic for you is an illogical burden for most people. You know dear friend.

  • Whenever I fire an automatic weapon while hipfiring, my mouse is locked to the vertical axis and I can't look left or right. I did process of elimination and found that Realism is the cause of this. Any idea on how to resolve this?

    Look earlier in the thread, happens if you disable hipfire recoil climb, will be fixed in a future version

  • Been getting crashes every so often. I believe I'm using the previous version of Realism - 0.8.8. The logs all have similar errors. I have no idea whether realism is the cause of the errors and/or the crashes. My best guess is that it's is something to do with bots being disarmed - "no parent inventory". The crashes happen seemingly at random, usually within about 30 minutes of raid start. I'll try disabling disarmament and see if it still happens.

    Mod list:


    2023-07-21 01:10:38.354 +01:00||Error|inventory|[f9649f57ed25a7c8291a8943|Corpse|Profile][55618][Corpse] f9649f57ed25a7c8291a8943 - No parent inventory GEventArgs3 activity from item:item weapon_izhmeh_mr153_12g (id: 233bd168c3b8224584f46b36)

    2023-07-21 01:12:53.257 +01:00||Error|inventory|[5420c502c23969f618e2be1d|Corpse|Profile][62247][Corpse] 5420c502c23969f618e2be1d - No parent inventory GEventArgs3 activity from item:item weapon_fn_mk16_556x45_fde (id: 2186cbfc1b7ec05350ae8958)

    2023-07-21 01:13:38.166 +01:00||Error|inventory|[de7afa39e578870aaa1ff40b|Corpse|Profile][64332][Corpse] de7afa39e578870aaa1ff40b - No parent inventory GEventArgs3 activity from item:item weapon_zmz_pp-91_9x18pm (id: 9c25f606264187cbc0346250)

    Edit: Still getting crashes, but different errors. Previously it was out of memory - I had my hungry hungry browser open - and this last one, the last errors/exceptions in the log don't correspond to when I crashed (about 10 minutes behind), but here it is - and again, no clue whether it's actually Realism mod related but since it changes medical, I figure it might be linked and worth reporting.

    Edited once, last by Morbo513 ().

  • Hey, very nice mod! But i'm having a weird issue.

    Everytime i equip an AR (M4, HK, etc...) or some AKs (Tested with AKMSN) i get this HUGE fps drop, which magically disappears whenever i drop or holster the gun.

    Tested for a while and it seems when i disable the recoil overhaul, this bug kinda fixes itself, but not entirely

    Do you know what it could be the reason?

    My mods:

    -SPT Realism
    -Amands Hitmarker
    -Amands Graphics

    -More Checkmarks
    -Combat Stances
    -Looting Bots

  • Remove the combat stances mod, it's already included in SPT-Realism. You're basically running the same code twice, so it's causing issues with itself.

  • Combat Stances is in Realism included. If u have both in your Mod folder u could experience Issues.

    Edit: Well... guess this comment was absolutely unnecessary...

  • I'm not mad, just disappointed...

    I can't diagnose random crashes, the first thing to do in these situations is to test with only one mod installed at a time, and to first try with no mods.

  • So currently reading the Recommended Mods, and I see FOV Fix (which I already have installed), and then I see a note recommending increasing the recoil limit to at least 20 in the config. Problem is whenever I go to the config and look under the recoil tab, all I see is multipliers, not limits to the recoil. What do I do to set the limit?

  • I'm not mad, just disappointed...

    I can't diagnose random crashes, the first thing to do in these situations is to test with only one mod installed at a time, and to first try with no mods.

    Yeah, I was anticipating as much - no worries. Just thought it might be worthwhile in case anything stuck out to you as part of realism. I since made some changes to my pagefile - moving it on to and SSD and increasing its size (from 8 to 14gb + 10 on another drive), and I've yet to crash since - maybe it'd reach capacity then crash over the first thing that went wrong, but I dunno. If it starts happening again I'll have to try the trial-and-error method, I just wish it weren't so time-consuming.

    Edit: Played several hour-long raids since, with zero crashes - same modlist minus visceral bodies. Just had to download more RAM, who knew?

    Edited once, last by Morbo513 ().

  • I'm playing Realism Tarkov with Priscilu the trader mod and I think all the trader settings breaks Priscilu to some kind of LL1 state even though it tells me he's max LL. He sells PAB-9 bullets as the only noteworthy bullet and he only sells one gun, the VPO-209
    He's supposed to sell a lot more guns than just one.

    Is there some kind of fix / compatibility I'm unaware of?

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