SPT Realism Mod

  • Hello! I am really enjoying this mod! (i like that tagilla is mortal now) But I do have one burnin question, how does one map the key for they bayonets? I love the aesthetic and I wish to make the Commissar Proud... When you watch your squadmate get torn in two by a giant pink monster with  3 barbed penises and your commissar tells you to affix bayonets. :  r/Grimdank

    Edited once, last by GB2300k: Nevermind, Resolved ().

  • Hello, I'm able to play just 1 raid after restarting the game, and then if I go inside the hideout or try to start another raid the game doesn't load, starting local game forever. Here's the error;

    2024-01-28 23:08:03.766 +03:00||Error|Default|

    EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at GClass602.LateUpdate () [0x0003d] in <f7f3726f1deb4e1fabfff17fea715bfa>:0

    at (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.Player.DMD<EFT.Player::LateUpdate>(EFT.Player)

    2024-01-28 23:08:03.766 +03:00||Error|Default|NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    GClass602.LateUpdate () (at <f7f3726f1deb4e1fabfff17fea715bfa>:0)

    (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.Player.DMD<EFT.Player::LateUpdate>(EFT.Player)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class327:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Could it be something related to Realism or shoul I look elsewhere?

  • Try isolate which mod(s) if any are causing the error, so then you know who to report the error to. This is not a known issue with Realism mod.

  • I seem to be having issues with the headset settings. Only the movement settings seem to do anything. I can't adjust the sound for weapon interaction and shooting at all. When I inspect weapons like the PKP I get a negative pressure type of sound that REALLY hurts my ears. Disabling headset changes in both the config app and ingame does nothing as well.

  • I seem to be having issues with the headset settings. Only the movement settings seem to do anything. I can't adjust the sound for weapon interaction and shooting at all. When I inspect weapons like the PKP I get a negative pressure type of sound that REALLY hurts my ears. Disabling headset changes in both the config app and ingame does nothing as well.

    If disabling all the settings to do with audio changes doesn't do anything then surely it's an issue on your end?

  • Deleting the BepinEx config fixed the sound being locked. If I uninstalled the mod it would go away. Reinstall just started the issue up again. So with headset changes enabled I definitely am having painful sounds caused by it. The sliders also still seem to do nothing after deleting all related files.

  • Deleting the BepinEx config fixed the sound being locked. If I uninstalled the mod it would go away. Reinstall just started the issue up again. So with headset changes enabled I definitely am having painful sounds caused by it. The sliders also still seem to do nothing after deleting all related files.

    I haven't ever experienced that and never had it reported it to me. It's likely an issue on your end due to wrong SPT/EFT version, conflicting mods or pirated version of SPT/EFT. If that is not the case then disable the deafening mechanic and headset changes.

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • Hello, every time I load the game flea market tiers aren't working, but when I survive(not quite sure about survival part) a raid, it's working for current session. I see this line when I'm loading a server: "Realism mod: Error Checking Player Profile: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_parent'). " I have these mods installed where Realism mod is first in load order:



    ServerValueModifier(I only modified inraid time and hideout build time)





    Edited 2 times, last by theseccat ().

  • I haven't ever experienced that and never had it reported it to me. It's likely an issue on your end due to wrong SPT/EFT version, conflicting mods or pirated version of SPT/EFT. If that is not the case then disable the deafening mechanic and headset changes.

    I will definitely try that, because i also got sound locks, sometimes dont even hear the scavs shouting. I doubt, its your mod, sound in Tarkov is always a bit unpredictable.

  • This first thing to do before reporting issues is to isolate which mod is causing the issue, use Realism by itself, test, then add mods one by one.

  • I have been running SPT for about a month now. Just decided to download the realism mod for the recoil and stance additions. Had no real interest in the trader or bot changes. Upon installing noticed that the flea market and traders were messed up in the sense that the inventories shown out of stock and such. Something that has never been in the my version before. Looked around a bit and found the mod congfig file in the Realism folder. Made sure to disable everything that I did not want. Made sure to safe each tab individually. Restarted the game multiple times and still the issue persisted. Saw the recent comment that a user would run a raid and then it would fix. Ran a quick factory raid and Tagila, and 7 raiders spawned. Killed afew and died because the helth changes were still active for some reason? Any advice at this point? I really like the recoil changes, but that is not going to help if I have to fight endless waves of Raiders? Thank you for any help you can provide.

  • I have been running SPT for about a month now. Just decided to download the realism mod for the recoil and stance additions. Had no real interest in the trader or bot changes. Upon installing noticed that the flea market and traders were messed up in the sense that the inventories shown out of stock and such. Something that has never been in the my version before. Looked around a bit and found the mod congfig file in the Realism folder. Made sure to disable everything that I did not want. Made sure to safe each tab individually. Restarted the game multiple times and still the issue persisted. Saw the recent comment that a user would run a raid and then it would fix. Ran a quick factory raid and Tagila, and 7 raiders spawned. Killed afew and died because the helth changes were still active for some reason? Any advice at this point? I really like the recoil changes, but that is not going to help if I have to fight endless waves of Raiders? Thank you for any help you can provide.

    Cancel, I am an IDIOT. Great mod!

  • This first thing to do before reporting issues is to isolate which mod is causing the issue, use Realism by itself, test, then add mods one by one.

    Tried isolating it, as I understand flea tiers just opens flea market for me(I'm below level 15), because its unable to read my profile level.

  • hey, im the guy who was having issues with the spread on the mechanic custom saiga 12. I did a bit of testing with other shotguns (including the base game saiga) and a handful of different ammo types. The only shotgun with any issues is the mech saiga, it runs slugs just fine but the spread on any type of multi projectile shell is insane. im not running any other mods that should be messing with ballistics. If theres any other info/testing you need lemme know, its my first time reporting an issue for spt so apologies if im missing any basics.

  • Tried isolating it, as I understand flea tiers just opens flea market for me(I'm below level 15), because its unable to read my profile level.

    Works on my end and I haven't had this reported to me before so most likely it's an issue on your end. Only things that can cause it are mod conflicts/wrong SPT/EFT version or pirated version of SPT/EFT

    hey, im the guy who was having issues with the spread on the mechanic custom saiga 12. I did a bit of testing with other shotguns (including the base game saiga) and a handful of different ammo types. The only shotgun with any issues is the mech saiga, it runs slugs just fine but the spread on any type of multi projectile shell is insane. im not running any other mods that should be messing with ballistics. If theres any other info/testing you need lemme know, its my first time reporting an issue for spt so apologies if im missing any basics.

    Thank you for the additional info, dw you did a good job reporting it. I think I found the issue and it'll be fixed for the next release

  • Works on my end and I haven't had this reported to me before so most likely it's an issue on your end. Only things that can cause it are mod conflicts/wrong SPT/EFT version or pirated version of SPT/EFT

    Thank you for the additional info, dw you did a good job reporting it. I think I found the issue and it'll be fixed for the next release

    Awesome, glad i could help!

  • After recently re-installing SPT and all the mods, the Realism Mod began spamming a trader-related error into the server console. It doesn't seem to be causing any major issues at the moment, but does get quite annoying. I've tried editing the load order, and moving Realism from the top to the bottom of the load order, but that didn't change anything. Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • After recently re-installing SPT and all the mods, the Realism Mod began spamming a trader-related error into the server console. It doesn't seem to be causing any major issues at the moment, but does get quite annoying. I've tried editing the load order, and moving Realism from the top to the bottom of the load order, but that didn't change anything. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    This error is caused by mods that add new items for sale (retextured, for example) through the base script of the JustNUCore mod. It touches only the merchant whose assortment has added a new item.

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