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    Is there any way to get PMCs to stop shooting at me? I'll be running through and they'll say "I see the motherfu**er" and just start shooting at me. Happens a lot actually, like all the time.

  • JRivs I don't want to offend you but you could of easily been given this information on the Discord or on another thread/forum page. Threads as supposed to be for actual issues and not for things unrelated to mods. You could easily find the information you need or some advice on other peoples threads or pages if you looked hard enough and like I said I'm not having a dig I'm just saying before you bite my head off :)


  • JRivs I don't want to offend you but you could of easily been given this information on the Discord or on another thread/forum page. Threads as supposed to be for actual issues and not for things unrelated to mods. You could easily find the information you need or some advice on other peoples threads or pages if you looked hard enough and like I said I'm not having a dig I'm just saying before you bite my head off :)

    I'm a cool person I don't do that haha. But I actually don't have Discord (I know right) and I have looked on here for a while before making this. I'm not one to immediately ask questions haha. I also didn't see where it had said the thread was only used for mod related issues I wouldn't have used this area to ask the question. Thanks though, I'll keep searching around for an answer.

  • I just don't see why you would want to play a shooting game but then also not want to be shot at, just defeats the whole purpose

    LoL, more times than not I've come across players in online that actually aren't buttheads and shoot on site. I just wanted an experience like that in this mod. I appreciate you taking the time to respond, but if you had no valuable info, why respond? I'm not being rude by any means, just curious (not really though). Thanks again.

  • you could probably use FINS AI Tweaks to make both sides friendly to you...but whats the fun in that? Getting the shit scared out of me is why I play this game.

    I don't want them all friendly. I wanted to like increase scavs a bit and lower the number of PMCs and make them friendly. I don't want it to be some super easy and wacky shooting game. If it's not a thing/possible, I'm fine with continuing on with how it is now it's not a problem. I've been playing games like this for years. Just with no multiplayer, I wanted to see if it was possible to have that run-in (albeit with AI), where it's like "oh s**t, are they gonna shoot or just be cool" type of scenario.

  • CWX

    Closed the thread.

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