Searching Elite Skill

  • Server version
    3.0.0 / 3.1.1
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    patcher from to compatible version of 3.0.0 and updated 3.0.0 to 3.1.1
    Client log file…F9FnZg1gRp1jJx9FoeGNwAKQ4
    BepInEx log file…9W7qEzP8XTEGmhRBwbZPDg2Ds
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    Hi guys,

    What's the problem - Searching skill

    does only have the double search feature, the speed gone missing. i've been playing on 3.0.0 and just recently (right now when i am posting this) updated to 3.1.1 but the problem persist on both versions.

    Question is, am i only one with this problem? I haven't found anything about that on support forum.

    Thanks for help guys!

    Edited once, last by Nyx ().

    • Official Post

    As stated by Moonm3n and in the wiki with the typo, here is a little run down:

    - The speed at which you are able to open (search) any sort of containers (containers as in anything with slots, bags, vests, boxes, bodies, etc.) ;
    - Elite: How many actions of searching you can make.

    - The speed at which items are ID'd in containers;
    - The speed at which items can be examined;

    - Elite: Upon opening (searching) containers, there is a chance of items being instantly ID'd (found);

    - Elite: doubles the XP rate of examining.

  • CWX

    Closed the thread.

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