Illegal Ammo

  • skybellrock added a new file:

  • skybellrock added a new version:


    Patch Notes:

    • Fixed a bug where you could not put .357 Magnum into the Chiappa Rhino 50DS .357 revolver
    • Fixed a bug where you could not put 9x19mm into the Chiappa Rhino 200DS 9x19 revolver
    • Fixed a bug where the MP-43-1C 12ga double-barrel shotgun would only accept one shell
    • Fixed 12/70 and 20/70 buckshot stats, previously took the best stats from both buckshot and slugs, now takes stats only from buckshot
    • Massively decreased flare penetration. It is a flare why did it even have 50 penetration value in the first place?
    • You can now sell ammunition on the Dark Web (to WEB AMMO trader) for a higher price than the regular traders. The higher your reputation (loyalty) on the market, the more people are willing to pay your for your ammunition
    • Added installation, update and uninstallation instructions to file
    • Simplified installation process
  • skybellrock added a new version:


    Patch Notes:

    • Fixed a typo that made the 9x18mm malfunction stat much higher than intended
    • Fixed a typo that made the 5.45x39mm malfunction stat much lower than intended
    • Increased Flare penetration value to 25, so it can ignore armour level one and 2 with a fair chance to penetrate armour class 3
    • The damage dealt by explosive shrapnel from the 12/70 and 20/70 Buckshot has been halved
    • .366 TKM and .357 Magnum are now categorized under the medium calibres category instead of the previous large and small respectively, while 12/70 and 20/70 Buckshot are now categorized under the large calibres category instead of the previous medium, which affect their stats. A higher calibre group means their malfunction, heat and durability burn stats became significantly worse, and a lower calibre group means those stats have become significantly better
  • skybellrock added a new version:

  • Hey! Played with the previous version of the mod. Removed all ammo before the update. When starting the server, it gives an error:

    If i delete the new version and return the old one, everything works as before.

  • The secure container option in the config does not seem to work no matter if i changed it to true or false. (both dont allow me to put illegal ammo in secure container)

    edit: i had also found out that for some reason i can load .357 into .336 mags, the best part is that .366 guns actually does shoot .357

    Edited 2 times, last by clftwjcj ().

  • Fixed it. There was a conflict with the KMC ServerValueModifier. I renamed this mod so that it would load before the KMC and it worked.

    Edited once, last by BeDaLeK ().

  • skybellrock added a new version:


    Patch Notes:


    • Fixed a bug that made .357 ammo fit inside .366 calibre magazines and guns
    • Fixed a bug that made setting "Remove From Secured Container" not work
    • Removed a lot of placeholders from config
    • Added description of setting "Fin's AI Tweaks" to CONFIG GUIDE file
  • It appears it is only the setting in KMC SVM named "Remove secure container filters". It appears their mod doesn't just remove all the ID's present in the secure container filter "blacklist", but removes the entire filter group that my mod looks for to add the items to the container blacklist. If my suspicion is correct, then it is impossible for my mod to be compatible with KMC SVM unless they change their method of removing the blacklist, because it literally removes the ENTIRE group where all blacklisted items are put, so when my mod tries to add a blacklisted item, and the group literally doesn't exist, it crashes. I can't add blacklist without that group existing, so there is nothing I can really do without going much further than my experience stretches too, to fix it I would have to figure out exactly what their mod does, and if they remove the entire group, figure out how to insert the entire group back into the document and do all this without having issues if the group already exists.

    The only thing I can really do is, as you suggested, make sure through a namechange, that my mod launches before KMC SVM, so that it can find the entry while it exists, add the ammo to it, and then KMC can later remove the whole shabang.

  • That's curious. I will check it when I get time. I am doing a fulltime study ATM so I have a bit limited time. I have come far with the next update though and if I find any issue with it, I will address it in the next update. Thank you for the feedback. It always helps. It is easy to make a tiny error anywhere while working on code.

    It is actually a very well-timed feedback. I am just now working on exactly shotgun ammo to add slugs and buckshot for all types + boom ammo as a third. So surely I will figure it out while working on that.

  • Hey Isa. I did some testing. Since I edit code here and there, I am unsure exactly what I change at any one point. However, I don't think I have done much changes in my newest dev version compared to the latest release with the shotgun shells, and both shotgun shells worked as intended as buckshots with multiple pellets. It is possible I have changed something and forgot, but could it maybe be a user mistake on your end?

  • Something broke when i updated to SPT 3.2.1, checked again with only Illegal Ammo and it still happened. I know you're busy but maybe this can help bug checks for the next update! <3

  • Hey.

    I appreciate any bug reports I get, they truly help me. However, it is completely predictable, and not a bug, that you would get this error. My mod simply hasn't been updated to 3.2.1 yet. So of course if something in that update changed that broke my mod, it will not work until I update it. With the next update, the mod should be updated for 3.2.1.

    I am sorry that my mod is not updated faster when a new AKI version hits, but I am still developing the mod itself, so it is much harder to push out an update with the new AKI version fast.

    Thanks for your understanding.

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