Syntax error unexpected token

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    Hi i have been encountering this problem for the past few days and it has not been like this since i made the transition to 3.2.3, i did everything i could think of in my own end, all the mods that I'm running are fully compatible with the current version, I also double checked my profile and see if it was corrupt or empty and nothing was wrong with it but i made another one, previously before i get this error i had an object reference set error every time I launched any maps except for factory, if there is any fix to this please let me know thanks

  • Reading your logs it seems your server is failing to get one of the static loot files found in `Aki_Data\Server\database\loot` OR dynamic loot `Aki_Data\Server\database\locations`

    Have you modified/deleted them at all?

    Try downloading 323 again and copying the contents into your SPT folder again, ensure you click overwrite all.

    if that doesn't help, remove all mods and add them back 1 at a time, testing to see which mods causes the problem.

  • I have never touched those files, I’ll try and downgrade to 3.2.2 and redownload the mods, because I already did a fresh install with the new version and every time I loaded up a map apart from factory, the message will show as a object reference error. I’ll update you later on my situation

  • Hi there, after further investigation of testing each mod, it came to a solution that it has to do with the servervaluemodifer mod, when running the exe of that mod to modify the server settings, it could possibly be the loot section causing problem, but it never occured like this before which is the weird part. i will do further testing and update whether it has gotten fixed or not
    thanks for the reply

  • CWX

    Closed the thread.

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