
  • Another Suggestion I've just remembered is, are you able to check what version the profile has (standard, EOD etc) and hide the storage quests from Warden if you already have the upgrade from your edition

    There is no easy solution for auto-complete Hideout Assistant quests like I do for Gunsmith Assistant. In theory is should be possible to inject code that will run after raid is completed, check for already build stations in hideout and auto-complete quest if corresponding station is already build - this is not only about stash but about any hideout station is you choose to build it before completing corresponding quest. I have no done codding like this before, so unable to give estimate when it will be ready or if it will work, but I have plans to try at some point. Meanwhile you can use profile editor or manually change quest status to "AvailableForFinish" to complete quest and get reward

  • That's fair enough was just curious if it was possible and I live by the moto if you don't ask, you don't get.
    I would of still completed it anyway

  • Ok, did you copy Weapon Expert bundle from \\_AlternativeBundles\\ to \\db\QuestBundles\\? Did you try to rollback to previous bundles? The only possible problematic bundle I can think of right now is "Hideout Assistant" because it had some requirements changed recently - you may want to try to rollback that one.

    Could you please share you logs and/or profile? It is definitely some issue with 1 or more quests missing or having incorrect status and that causes all other quests to behave like that,

    Here is the log from as soon as I start the game, then going to accept a quest. I copied the weapon expert quests to the quest bundles as well.

    [undefined][] /launcher/server/connect

    [undefined][] /launcher/profile/login

    [undefined][] /launcher/profile/get

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /launcher/profile/login

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /launcher/profile/get

    [undefined][] /singleplayer/bundles

    [SUCCESS] Saved profiles

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/start

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/menu/locale/en

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/version/validate

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/languages

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/config

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/keepalive

    Generator: 74.996 fuel left on tank slot 1

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/items

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/customization

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/globals

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/profile/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/profile/select

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/profile/status

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/weather

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/locale/en

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/locations

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/profile/select

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/profile/status

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/handbook/templates

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/hideout/areas

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/hideout/settings

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/hideout/production/recipes

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/hideout/production/scavcase/recipes

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/handbook/builds/my/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/quest/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/notifier/channel/create

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/mail/dialog/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/friend/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/friend/request/list/inbox

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/friend/request/list/outbox

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/profile/status

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/trading/customization/storage

    [undefined][] /notifierServer/get/47770848a75a3aea59a0da21?last_id=default_id

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/server/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/trading/api/getTradersList

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/checkVersion

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/trading/api/getTraderAssort/5a7c2eca46aef81a7ca2145d

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/trading/api/getUserAssortPrice/trader/5a7c2eca46aef81a7ca2145d

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/profile/items/moving

    [undefined][] /notifierServer/get/47770848a75a3aea59a0da21?last_id=84d48ca3aca764a8ff0ec892

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /player/health/sync

    [SUCCESS] Saved profiles

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /launcher/server/connect

    As for my profile I'll link a file.

    (Had to change it to a txt file for compat on here)

  • hello again, I'm getting a weird issue happening today that didn't happen yesterday and I haven't changed anything overnightis that now when I complete tasks I have to restart the game if I want to start or finish any other quests and get the spinning circle icon at the bottom right of the screen

  • I'm getting the same error when I complete any quest from the mod and need to restart my server every time it happens

    I see a problem with Gunsmith Assistant chain failed

    try removing all

    from your profile

    Otherwise I have no issue with completing quest using your profile. Please try and let me know if that helped.


    Could you check your profile for the same issue too please?

  • I see a problem with Gunsmith Assistant chain failed

    try removing all

    from your profile

    Otherwise I have no issue with completing quest using your profile. Please try and let me know if that helped.

    So I removed that quest completely, (as that's what I understood to do,) but the loading circle soft freeze still occurs when I complete any of the quests for some reason :P

    Sorry to continue bothering you, but I appreciate the help.

  • Where do I find the logs?

    Sorry to continue bothering you, but I appreciate the help.

    I need those logs: \SPT-AKI-root\Logs\log_<timestamp>\<timestamp> errors.log

    Please Backup your profile, clear \Logs\ folder, launch game, complete any quest to get issue, close game, send me those ***errors.log

    I am trying to reproduce on may side with the latest mod version (and this is the only mod installed), but I have no issues with completing quests so far

  • Ok, definitely something wrong with quests list. I've tried to remove from profile all quests related to Gunsmith Assistant, Hideout Assistant and Juggernaut bundles and that helped. Not sure which one exactly is a culprit, but at least that may help for you both. I'll keep looking for more details later

  • I removed all that I could see from the 3 bundles and it's still doing it. Here is the error log -

    Sorry, but cannot reproduce on my side with your profile. I have issue with traders not showing assorts - that is probably because you have some items in your inventory, but multiple quests completed without issues. I used my mod version 0.9.0 with default settings as single mod installed.

  • Update: Turns out it was a problem with one of the core game quests - The Chemical pt. 4 chain where it wouldn't change some of the quests in the profile to "Fail" when you turn it in to someone else. Same with the Supply Plans chain. All seems to work perfect now.

  • Sorry been asleep the last 12 hours I backed up my profile and cleared my logs and tried it again the only quest I had to hand in was the extortist and operation aquerious I handed in the later and it caused the same problem but it didnt create and log files.
    I currently don't have any of your quests near completion to hand it but I can extract 1 more time from interchange to that I finish that quest so that I can hand it in

    I just handed in the extract from interchange twice quest still get the same problem and it doesnt create any log files for it.
    I will now try remove the gunsmith and hideout bundles that I changed

    Edited once, last by ash1688 ().

  • I currently don't have any of your quests near completion to hand it but I can extract 1 more time from interchange to that I finish that quest so that I can hand it in

    you can just change quest status in profile to 'AvailableForFinish'

    and it doesnt create any log files for it.

    It is strange, log files should be there regardless of what you do. log file should be created just as you start client

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