Dad Gamer Mode

  • Props added a new version:


    SPT 3.8.3

    1. Attempt to fix the issue with overdamage not killing users with CODMode enabled. It will override if you have Keep1Health enabled.
    2. Add instant production and instant construction options.. why is this a thing in a single player game? just a nuisance if you have the resources.
  • Props added a new version:


    SPT 3.8.3

    • Added an extra error check with instant production. I still couldn't recreate the issue that someone reported but i've added it here just in case.
  • Props added a new version:


    SPT 3.8.3

    1. Separated the Mag Reload and Unload Speed and made it toggleable as well
    2. Disabling the Reload/Unload speed modifier will reset to default values.

    Unzip to your bepinex/plugins folder as usual.

  • When using the mod, I found the following bug:

    if the hand health is 0, I use a cms surgical kit and without using a first-aid kit, I wait for the hand health to recover - the shaking persists even with full health. But it is enough to use a first-aid kit and after further regeneration there is no shaking. I don't know how it works with other parts of the body. Is it possible to fix this?

    I noticed that during regeneration, there is no experience for treatment. Perhaps this is the reason.

    Edited once, last by d10n ().

  • Props added a new version:


    Updated for SPT 3.9.0

    • The instant production requires you to complete a raid first.

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