ODT added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreFull international support is here
Русский, English, Spanish, Korean, French, Chinese, German and Japanese are fully translated now, other languages just use their proper in-game item and traders names.
Pick your language in config.json or hide the announcement with HideLanguageAlert flag.
Check out my other single-player focused economy overhaul mod - Softcore
Compatible with Realism mod.
Rarity Recolor
This feature clears and changes background color on EVERY item in the game based on MMO style rarity tier-list with colors that make actual sense. Tiers are based on trader level you can purchase or barter the item. Barters are considered +1 rarity level. If item is unbuyable, calculates rarity based on item in-game per-slot value and uses thresholds set in tiers config. Banned on flea market items are given highest rarity - overpowered. The tier list:
- Common (grey background, bought with level 1 traders OR under 10k per-slot value)
- Rare (blue, level 2 trades for currency and level 1 barters OR under 20k)
- Epic (purple, level 3 and level 2 barters OR under 30k)
- Legendary (dim yellow, level 4 and level 3 barters OR under 40k)
- Uber (bright yellow, level 4 barters only OR under 60k)
- Extraordinary (bright green, super valuable items worth over 60k per slot)
- Overpowered (bright red, banned on flea market)
- Custom (dim red, not used by default).
Can add tier name to Prices Info module. Add custom item rarities in config.
Mark Valuable Items
Marks most valuable items by adding symbols ★ and ☆ to item names and inventory icons based on item per-slot value (configured by thresholds in config) when sold to traders OR fleamarket AVG price.
☆ - good item - item value per slot is more then 10k when sold to vendors, or more then 15k on flea market
★ - best item - item value per slot is more then 20k to vendors, or more then 30k on flea market
Use really high values in config if you want to disable certain type of highlights, eg flea ones.
Option to always mark banned on flea items as best with a ★.
Bullet Stats In Name
Adds bullet stats to bullet name (damage / armor penetration). Calculates total damage for buckshot rounds. VERY usefull in raid, because bullet name is shown when check magazine action is used.
5.45x39mm PP gs (44/36)
Description modules:
Prices Info
Basic module that adds prices information to item description, includes avarage flea price and best trader to sell to. Option to hide flea price and rarity tier display.
Flea price: 61703₽ | Ragman's valuation: 37386₽
Barter Info
Adds information about how you can buy the item from traders, their levels, price or resources (barter resources short names are used and total sum is based on AVG flea prices)
[T H I C C item case] Bought @ Therapist lv.4 < ★Defibrillator ×15 + ★LEDX ×15 + Ibuprofen ×15 + ★Toothpaste ×15 | Σ ≈ 12877545₽
New feature:
Recursive search in barters!
[HK 416A5 low profile gas block]
Bought @ Mechanic lv.2 < 2,912₽
Bought ∈ HK 416A5 @ Peacekeeper lv.4 < $978 ≈ 111,535₽
Production Info
If item can be crafted, adds information on resources and total crafting sum per item based on flea prices.
[9x19mm AP 6.3] Crafted ×150 @ Workbench lv.2 < ☆Hawk ×2 + ☆Pst ×400 | Σ per item ≈ 1686₽
Crafting Material Info
Shows if item is used in crafts along with other materials and profit delta based on flea prices only (this messes up calculation on some crafts that can be done insanely cheap using trader materials or items obtained from other crafts). This is a guideline for crafting profits, not a rule.
[SSD drive] Part ×1 > Secure Flash drive ×3 @ Intelligence Center lv.2 < … + ★GPX ×1 + ☆GPhone ×1 | Δ ≈ 16234₽
Barter Resource Info
Shows info if an item can be traded for something with traders along with other resources. Calculates total sum of all resourses (based on flea prices) and delta between buying the final item directly on flea or from trader. Positive delta = profit, negative = don't bother, buy it directly if you can.
[Ibuprofen painkillers] Traded ×15 @ Therapist lv.4 > T H I C C item case < … + ★Defibrillator ×15 + ★LEDX ×15 + ★Toothpaste ×15 | Δ ≈ -9777545₽
Quest Info
Adds information if the item needs to be handed in for a quest. Marks find in raid quest condition with a checkmark with an option to add this checkmark to an item name.
[CMS surgical kit] Found (✔) ×2 > Ambulance @ Jaeger
Hideout Info
Shows if item is needed for hideout construction.
[Secure Flash drive] Need ×3 > Intelligence Center lv.2
Armor Info
Adds armor stats for armor level (useful for Realism mod), effective durability calculation, material quality and per repair degradation.
[BNTI Zhuk-6a body armor] Armor class: 6 | Effective durability: 94 (Max: 75 x Ceramic: 1.3) | Repair degradation: 17% - 22%
Container Info
Adds slot efficiency calculation for rigs, backpacks and containers (number of internal slots / item size)
[WARTECH TV-110 plate carrier rig] Slot effeciency: ×1.92 (23/12)
Headset Info
Adds headset actual audio stats with pseudo compression boost calculation. In theory, more compression and lower ambient volume = better (BSG headset rarity tiering supports this theory), but it seems for me, in practice, it's not always the case in-game. Higher resonance means harsher sound and boost at filter frequency.
[Peltor ComTac 2 headset] Ambient Volume: -5dB | Compressor: Gain 10dB × Treshold -25dB ≈ ×2.5 Boost | Resonance & Filter: 2.47@245Hz | Distortion: 28%
Spawn Info
Shows pseudo spawn info based on BSG handbook data. Mildly useful, not representative to real spawns, can be safely disabled.
How to install
Open zip and copy folder into spt/user/mods
Awesome SPT - A personal collection/modlist/catalogue for (subjectively) best SPT mods.