Some weird issues

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    My current huge issue is there is no movement audio on my pmc, no footstep, jumping, nothing. I get weapon sounds, looting sounds, voicelines, everything else, except movement. the other big issue is, as i have been told, ai pmc will spawn with generated loadouts. I cant ever find any, no matter how hard i try. do i need a mod to make them spawn? lastly, i set the flea market blacklists off, so i can buy things u normally couldnt, yet there is no change in game.

    Edited once, last by vibing ().

  • its a question. i dont see any ai pmc in any map, so im wondering if i need a mod to make ai pmc spawn. servervaluemodifier does not help, ive tried changing values in the correct sections. nothing works

    wouldnt change anything in the files personally, and i can do code, json, xml etc......if the mod dont work

    1 - your doing it wrong m8 thats one thing that mod does do and does it well.....

    3- used the new installer for 3.5?

    if yes then id do a fresh install m8 as something could have gone wrong in the setup/install

  • PMC should spawn by default, in 3.5.0 there is even a dedicated addition in that regard, but usually they are being converted from other type of AI, you can alter that value in svm indeed.

    If your sound issue affecting only you - if you hear other ai footsteps but not yours - I may assume you have enabled a hidden skill called - botSound, via SVM or Profile Editor, it can be seen in your skills if you did, you might need to edit your profile to remove it, or via profile editor if it actually has that value.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • PMC should spawn by default, in 3.5.0 there is even a dedicated addition in that regard, but usually they are being converted from other type of AI, you can alter that value in svm indeed.

    If your sound issue affecting only you - if you hear other ai footsteps but not yours - I may assume you have enabled a hidden skill called - botSound, via SVM or Profile Editor, it can be seen in your skills if you did, you might need to edit your profile to remove it, or via profile editor if it actually has that value.

    botsound worked, i didnt even know that was a thing. thanks!

  • kikirio

    Closed the thread.
  • kikirio

    Set the Label from In progress to Solved

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