SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement

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    Hi. Can someone clarify? Bots shoot me in the stomach 9 out of 10 times. Is it ok? Can I change this?

    Bots are very difficult to configure because of tons of parameters

    A week ago, the author (or maybe it was one of streamers/followers?) of the mod recorded a video on YouTube with explanations of almost all parameters, just try to look closely.

    Your personal need COULD be solved by setting the checkbox "F6 - First tab - Aiming - Always aim at the center of mass" to FALSE (default: TRUE)

    Also you can configure the "center of mass" - 0.0 - your head, 1.0 - under your feet.

    By the way, as I checked, this rarely works, in fact, because on top of your configuration there are two additional configurations installed, which are configured in other tabs.

    It works like this:

    1) a certain bot (pmcBEAR) loads `defaultPresets/Bear.config`

    2) this Bear.config can be modified using the F6 panel, getting `yourPresets/Bear.config` - it will replace the original values

    3) on top of this config, the personality config is loaded - there are 8 related personalities:

    -- GigaChad (high-level gear, always retaliate, yell at everyone, always rush-push)

    -- Wreckless (medium gear, always pushing, can do mistakes)

    -- Chad (low-mid-level gear, sometimes scream, but prefer safety)

    -- SnappingTurtle (high level gear, usually sneaky, but once it feel your weakness - used Chad strategy, finish you out)

    -- Rat (fully sneaky, always trying to hit your back)

    -- Coward (low-mid tier, fully sneaky, tries to evade combat)

    -- Timmy (low-tier, just walking Tarkov, can do mistakes and easy to die)

    -- Normal (i dont know what is Normal, but it is)

    3.1) The main problem here is the purpose of this personality. It's almost completely random - "if BSG gear is valued that high, one of multiple personalities can be RANDOMLY assigned to that bot". Personalities work, and changes to them are applied even during the rest of the current raid. Tested by disabling all except one personalities, then change rest one. It works.

    3.2) The second problem with the F6 panel is the absolutely low multipliers. For example - the difference between SCAV and BOSS_KNIGHT can be 20x for some parameters. The F6 panel only gives us 5x UP. Some parameters have reversed scale, so you can make a "weak" enemy max 5x, but that's not enough to tune the bots to shoot like a human. For example: when walking, human player miss 70% of semi-auto shoots, instead of human, the bots - hit 70% of shots, only possible way is to take cover otherwise you die.

    4) and only then your global settings multiply the existing values by the multipliers, which you can edit in the first tab

    So the correct way to tune bots is by editing `defaultPresets/Bear.json` (or usec.json), making PMC weaker or harder. But the number of possible parameters to tune these bots is like 200 or so. You'll get bored of editing if you can't write simple scripts to automatically edit, like "take Grenades section from Scavs, take Patrol section from Knight" and so on.

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