SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement

  • Hát akkor nem tudom mi lehet a baj. Nekem 3.5.8-al és a legfrissebb SAIN 2.0-val semmi baj. Nézd meg a mod listám a profilom falán.

    Я думаю уже не так важно, и можно смело переходить на 3.5.8. Я этого пока ещё не сделал, жду когда выйдет Amands Graphics. Но проблема была единоразовая, больше не повторялось.

  • Привет, Соларинт! Обнаружил ошибку, не знаю, связано ли это с SAIN. Сегодня произвёл чистую установку модов. Мои моды: SAIN, Waypoints, BigBrain, Looting Bots, Amands Graphics, No Bush, EFT Scope. До этого всё работало, последнее что поставил твою последнюю сборку SAIN. В итоге, на Таможне начались баги и глюки, начала дёргаться картинка в какое-то время, будто прогрузка и зависания. Продолжалось всё минуту где-то. В итоге, игра повисла и вылетела на рабочий стол. Залез в логи последние, я в этом не разбираюсь, но вроде как там куча ошибок по SAIN. Вылетело как раз в 19-13 по времени. Таких ошибок очень много в логе.

    Не уверен, что источник проблемы был здесь. Никак не получается воспроизвести это. Также: можете ли вы запускать свои комментарии через Google Translate или какую-то другую альтернативу, чтобы мне не пришлось это делать? Я был бы очень признателен, чтобы мне не приходилось каждый раз копировать/вставлять ваши сообщения.

  • Не уверен, что источник проблемы был здесь. Никак не получается воспроизвести это. Также: можете ли вы запускать свои комментарии через Google Translate или какую-то другую альтернативу, чтобы мне не пришлось это делать? Я был бы очень признателен, чтобы мне не приходилось каждый раз копировать/вставлять ваши сообщения.

    Yes, okay, I will translate through Google. Thanks for the answer!

  • Solarint added a new version:

  • Hey Solarint, I really enjoy this mod. I've already seen excellent behavior coming from bots, like some asshat on lab hiding behind a blue fence piece in the hallway outside the staircase on the lowest floor.

    He didn't make a move as I was looting two more ambitious guys, so I didn't even know he was there. As I want to enter the hallway and move towards him, fucko just sidesteps and jumpscares me, pumping me full of lead.

    I do have a few questions though regarding bot behavior. Some occurences that made me curious.

    1. Does your mod implement something like the outdated NoAI ESP mod that prevents bots from sixth-sensing you aiming at them? Sometimes I aim at the back of someone's head from some distance (3.5x magnifier) and a second later they turn around and shoot straight at me without a break.

    2. Despite using your experimental headshot protection and even lowering the difficulty / increasing their spread, I had some instances where I got just wiped by a bot. Dude on Streets fires from somewhere with a sniper rifle, misses 3 times. I rush into the Concordia building and try to identify where it came from.

    Then I use another exit with a glass front and not even half a second in the new area, I got head-nape by that Bear, like he was pre-aiming and following me through the walls to keep track.

    Overall I think whenever I bite the dust, it was either head-jaw, head-eyes, or head-nape and often from distances where I have a hard time precisely firing back under fire.

    But I also use the SPT-Realism mod, which makes recoil changes IIRC. Could it be that it is interfering with where they should hit me and by conflict "fixing" their aim to hit right where it hurts?

    3. weird behavior is bots seemingly coming straight towards my position without any active combat or noise. Like I'm on Woods in one of the three sawmill containers, looting a bag, when I hear steps outside coming closer. Scav. Keeps walking straight into my hut and gets shot in the doorway.

    Same I had on labs with 4 Raiders. I was in the room with the parking lot exfil switch, looting a dead PMC I found there.

    A minute later, a raider comes in, gets a bullet in the doorway. Silence. Minute later, I hear another raider downstairs. Walks all the way around to the stairs, up the stairs, right into my room. Headshot. Then the same happens 2 more times. 4 dead raiders on top of each other.

    So these 3 behaviors seem strange. Bots seemingly having a sixth sense or acting like I'm tagged and cursed.

    Overall really enjoying this mod. It's nice to see some bots run away, some push and some flank you.

  • Solarint added a new version:

  • Solarint added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.5.8. REQUIRES Big Brain Update 0.14!

    100% Credit to DrakiaXYZ for these fixes as I take some days off from modding.
    Fixed errors from modifying settings in the GUI Editor (Default key is the Home Key, can be changed in f12 menu)
    Fixed "Force All Personalities" being defaulted to on.
    Multiple null reference errors fixed.

  • Excellent mod, but I've got some questions about it.

    It seems that it pushes up spawn rates massively? Or is there something else I'm not understanding? I feel like there's a non-stop stream of enemies on many maps. Factory is a good example. There's just never an end to enemies and because they follow gunshots, I feel like I never have any breathing space. Not to mention that every other raid the boss spawns on Factory and it's usually a one-hit kill if he finds me and there often isn't anything I can do to protect myself. I also feel like there are almost always raiders and guards lurking about, which I don't feel was an issue before I installed SAIN.

    So I guess my question is, is it possible to slightly reduce spawn rates overall? Especially spawn rates for bosses. I'd like bosses to be a rare event and not something I run into every other raid. Failing that, it would be nice if not every single "tough" enemy honed in on gunshots all the time. It's obviously nice that they do and makes me think twice about picking fights, but it gets really predicable after a while and I would like to be able to pick a fight once in a while without it immediately turning into a whole-server deathmatch.

    It would also be nice to be able to restrict how many chads can spawn per server. Every raid I keep running into enemies that require me to dump 2-3 mags (sometimes more) into them before they go down. I know this increases the "realism" by making it more like Live, but it's also kind of why I don't play Live. I don't want to never run into such enemies, but it would be nice if it happened less often. Especially considering once you start a fight with such an enemy, a bunch of others hone in on the location too.

    I don't know how far this one is possible, as I haven't looked into modding myself, but it would also be nice if distant enemies who get into firefights with each other broke off the firefight after a while if they were locked in a stalemate. I don't want to disable distant AI entirely, because it's nice to hear distant fights, but the new AI means that NPCs are too "clever" to get killed by each other, so quite often they just spend the entire raid taking potshots at each other. It would be nice to be able to sneak through the resort and be able to listen to footsteps without all sound being drowned out by a distant firefight for the entire raid. :P

    Still, these are mostly minor niggles and I can't imagine playing without your mod ever again. It breathes so much life into the game and makes Tarkov feel dead when it's not being used! Thanks for this excellent mod!

    PS it might be that your mod doesn't touch spawn rates at all, but it would be interesting to get to the bottom of why I'm constantly being flooded by enemies, especially on small maps like Factory.

  • Hi, friend! If the bosses in the game bother you, you can do one thing. I don't know if there is a mod for this, but I do it myself. We follow the path: game folder/Aki _Data/Server/database/bots/types. Open each file and change the health values of the limbs as in the screenshot below. You can use the quick search. It takes me 5 minutes to do this. Some files have "0" values everywhere, skip such files. As a result, after the work done, all bots in the game will have the same level of health as our PMC. After all, your problem is not in SAIN, but in the fact that the developer for some reason introduced too fat bosses into a realistic game. Personally, this alignment did not suit me, and I changed it. Tarkov is not The Division. And as for the problems ... it annoys me that the bots always know where I am. I noticed this at the factory. If you hid somewhere after a good shootout, the bot will come exactly where you hid. And they do it in droves. For example, I killed several PMCs on the 3rd floor of the factory, and locked myself in a room that opens with a key. So, bots and PMCs purposefully went to this door and opened it, and in front of the door there was a mountain of corpses, respectively. About how bots shoot like they have X-ray vision, I wrote on github.


  • Hi, friend! If the bosses in the game bother you, you can do one thing. I don't know if there is a mod for this, but I do it myself. We follow the path: game folder/Aki _Data/Server/database/bots/types. Open each file and change the health values of the limbs as in the screenshot below. You can use the quick search. It takes me 5 minutes to do this. Some files have "0" values everywhere, skip such files. As a result, after the work done, all bots in the game will have the same level of health as our PMC. After all, your problem is not in SAIN, but in the fact that the developer for some reason introduced too fat bosses into a realistic game. Personally, this alignment did not suit me, and I changed it. Tarkov is not The Division. And as for the problems ... it annoys me that the bots always know where I am. I noticed this at the factory. If you hid somewhere after a good shootout, the bot will come exactly where you hid. And they do it in droves. For example, I killed several PMCs on the 3rd floor of the factory, and locked myself in a room that opens with a key. So, bots and PMCs purposefully went to this door and opened it, and in front of the door there was a mountain of corpses, respectively. About how bots shoot like they have X-ray vision, I wrote on github.


    Thanks, that's actually a really good idea! Bosses already have other skills that make them difficult without being bullet sponges. I was in a Factory raid earlier where Tagilla spawned and I went into the little room by the pump station, and he couldn't come in and just stood at the window looking at me. I probably dumped 20-30 shotgun blasts into him before he finally went down. That's a bit extreme, even for a boss.

    I also know what you mean by bots homing in on you. I did a raid on lab and stood at the Hangar Gate extract and just kept shooting enemies as they came walking in through the doors. There was a massive pile of bodies by the time I decided to extract.

    Maybe that could be a feature request? A toggle to disable that bots home in on your location if they hear shots. I like that they use more tactics during firefights, but it would be nice if every raid didn't play out the same way with bots homing in you the moment you fire your first shot.

  • I also know what you mean by bots homing in on you. I did a raid on lab and stood at the Hangar Gate extract and just kept shooting enemies as they came walking in through the doors. There was a massive pile of bodies by the time I decided to extract.

    Maybe that could be a feature request? A toggle to disable that bots home in on your location if they hear shots. I like that they use more tactics during firefights, but it would be nice if every raid didn't play out the same way with bots homing in you the moment you fire your first shot.

    The problem is they seem to record the location of your last loud sound with pinpoint accuracy in 3D, even when they are engaged in a firefight on the other side of the map. Not only is their distant hearing too accurate, they are able to pick out an individuals sounds and if they are a 'hostile/scav' or not.

    It is possible to crouch walk at the slowest speed to a new spot, but we really shouldn't have to go to these lengths to get away, particularly when bots are actively busy with much closer sounds or multiple sounds at once. I don't think they are affected at all by sound masking which means if you're not using the slowest crouch walk, they hear everything regardless of the situation.

  • Thanks, that's actually a really good idea! Bosses already have other skills that make them difficult without being bullet sponges. I was in a Factory raid earlier where Tagilla spawned and I went into the little room by the pump station, and he couldn't come in and just stood at the window looking at me. I probably dumped 20-30 shotgun blasts into him before he finally went down. That's a bit extreme, even for a boss.

    I also know what you mean by bots homing in on you. I did a raid on lab and stood at the Hangar Gate extract and just kept shooting enemies as they came walking in through the doors. There was a massive pile of bodies by the time I decided to extract.

    Maybe that could be a feature request? A toggle to disable that bots home in on your location if they hear shots. I like that they use more tactics during firefights, but it would be nice if every raid didn't play out the same way with bots homing in you the moment you fire your first shot.

    I don’t know if Google translated correctly, but I didn’t say that they were aiming at me. I said that they go exactly where I was hiding.

    20-30 shots from a shotgun, the question is, what kind of ammunition did they shoot and where? Tagilla has good armor. Personally, I ran with Saiga at the factory yesterday, I used "flechette". Killed him many times and very quickly. Nothing saved him. And take into account the fact that all my bots, bosses and PMCs have the same health level as my character.

    The problem is they seem to record the location of your last loud sound with pinpoint accuracy in 3D, even when they are engaged in a firefight on the other side of the map. Not only is their distant hearing too accurate, they are able to pick out an individuals sounds and if they are a 'hostile/scav' or not.

    It is possible to crouch walk at the slowest speed to a new spot, but we really shouldn't have to go to these lengths to get away, particularly when bots are actively busy with much closer sounds or multiple sounds at once. I don't think they are affected at all by sound masking which means if you're not using the slowest crouch walk, they hear everything regardless of the situation.

    Considering that I'm killing PMCs on one end of the map, and on the other end the wild one says how good I am, it all sounds very plausible. They scan the map and they know everything. Who and where is located. And they will find you. It becomes very uncomfortable from this.

  • Hello Solarint! The question is, is it possible to disable jumping from bots? Of course, I understand that this is a tribute to online, but in fact a fighter cannot jump, especially if he rushes past you in flight for several meters and shoots exactly in the head. It just happened in the lab. In my humble opinion, the game should not have jumps at all, but should have a system of overcoming obstacles, which they plan to add in the next update. Thank you!

    P.s. Found in the description that the switch will be in the next version. We wait.

  • Bro, this!!!! 100% This is my primary issue with SPTarkov atm.

    If this is fixed the game's literally perfect.

  • Getting this Error repeatedly in console, doesn't seem to effect gameplay
    -Load order included as txt (i've simplified it to be easier to read) Speaking of load orders, not really sure on where certain mods should be positioned (except for the obvious) since most mod authors do not tell us where they should be loaded (if it matters at all), so I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me on, at the very least, some of the bigger mods like SAIN, Realism, Traveler and BetterSpawnsPlus.

    -I'm also going to use a dropbox link to the errors.log because the file is too big to upload here:(…8f3l862yf8gjyrvsof7x&dl=0)
    -BepInEx LogOutput.log included (wasn't sure if necessary, included anyway)

    -Edit: -Forgot to mention; This error started appearing after I started using both Traveler and Balanced Overhaul of Bullet Spawns, I installed them at the same time so I'm unsure which of these may have caused it, if they are the cause at all and not from the SAIN update recently.

  • Solarint added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.5.8. REQUIRES Big Brain Update 0.14 AND WayPoints

    Thanks to DrakiaXYZ for putting this build together with fixes from both him and me.

    • Modified NoBushESP so it works with Visceral Bodies
    • Fixed bots swapping firemode constantly
    • Fixed bugged out spinning bots
    • Fixed (?) bots looking in the wrong direction when searching for enemy.
    • Fixed bots moving to their enemy position when they shouldn't know where they are. Bots should be less omniscient about their enemy's position when searching now.

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