CactusPie's Minimap

  • CactusPie added a new file:

  • CactusPie added a new version:


    - Switched to linear functions for all map transforms

    - Added error logging for the in-game plugin

    - Disabled excessive console logging in the plugin

  • CactusPie added a new version:


    - Added an option to change player marker size and opacity

    - Added a loot map for labs level 1 and level 2

  • Question, I am trying to use the mini map on a second pc and have done as the instructions said in editing the sppsettings.json file. But once I edit it, the map will no longer open. Am I doing something wrong?

  • CactusPie added a new version:

  • CactusPie added a new version:


    Self-contained release in order to avoid problems with missing libraries on some systems

  • CactusPie added a new version:

    • Automatic level changing will now correctly apply to bot markers
    • Added missing map creation data for interchange
  • Hey CactusPie, I love your work and I hope you make mods for a long time. However I am having an issue; though I'm like 99% it's not with this mod specifically.

    The minimap used to work just fine for me but recently something must have changed on my end and now whenever I open the program it always just says "Waiting for raid to start". I tried this with TECHHAPPY'S minimap as well and the same thing happens. Thing is I don't believe I changed anything, but clearly something is now broken. I have tried changing the port number in the appsettings.json and in my F12 menu to see if it's a port issue but that doesn't make any difference. When I use this link ( it just says null for everything.

    I assume all of this has something to do with firewalls or something but idk because that should also affect the main SPT server which works without issue. If you could maybe give me some insight or something that would be soo appreciated because I'm grasping at straws here.

    I'm running SPT 3.7.5 but this started on 3.7.4, I can give you all my mods but I have a lot.

    Even if you don't get back to me I just want to say thanks for all your work.

  • If returns null for everything even in raid then it's not a firewall issue. Some other mod must be causing a conflict - most likely a client mod. You can see if the same issue happens without any client mods to confirm it. It is confirmed that these mods caus conflicts, but it might also be some other mod entirely:

    Enable All Quest Items

    Helicopter Crash Sites

    Boop's Quest Zone API

  • If returns null for everything even in raid then it's not a firewall issue. Some other mod must be causing a conflict - most likely a client mod. You can see if the same issue happens without any client mods to confirm it. It is confirmed that these mods caus conflicts, but it might also be some other mod entirely:

    Enable All Quest Items

    Helicopter Crash Sites

    Boop's Quest Zone API

    Damn okay I have Boop's Quest Zone API, so that's gotta be it. Is there any sort of workaround or can I just simply not have both installed?

    Edit: Deleted Boop's Quest Zone API and the trader that required it. Which immediately fixed my issue. Thank you!

    Edited once, last by MNSTR: added more info ().

  • Hey, I have a problem, the map doesn't always open. sometimes I can fix it by restarting the minimap.exe but sometimes I still don't see a map. I don´t use the boop´s quest Zone API.

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