Default server 'SPT-AKI' is not available - Please HELP DOWNLOADED, UNISTALLED and REINSTALLED SINGLE PLAYER TARKOV 6 times!

  • Server version
    SPT-AKI 3.6.0
    Game client version
    Client log file…ASVSz7TiE2HuWyvFhLZXuSHKR
    BepInEx log file…ASVSz7TiE2HuWyvFhLZXuSHKR
    Server log file…k7nXZaxSv4esm8QE47k4HXo5m
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    Downloaded Single Player Tarkov multiples times, the automated installer and manual several times. I deleted and reinstalled several times, and came with the same results.
    List of used mods

    Dear Single Player Tarkov community,

    For the love of god ;( ! Pease help!

    I have tried to reinstall both the base game and Single Player Tarkov multiples times, wasting my entire month's internet cap of 210GB!

    I have done everything that the FAQ and Single Player Tarkov reddit has on this issue regarding [Default server 'SPT-AKI' is not available]. My computer is mid-tier in terms of CPU and GPU, so I don't think it is a computer spec issue but something else.

    Also! I don't have the requsted BepInEx log file was not generated on my folder of single tarkov. The only four folders in BepInEx were "config" - "core" - "patchers" - "pluggins"

    Does trying to play Single Player Tarkov from Australia be an issue?

    I would be grateful for all and any help! I want to play Tarkov offline desperately!

    Many thanks,

  • None what you've listed has anything to do with your initial issue, it would be helpful if you've started with steps you did, like - how do you unpack stuff, how are you running executables. Because right now it sounds like you just ran 'launcher.exe' without starting a server.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • None what you've listed has anything to do with your initial issue, it would be helpful if you've started with steps you did, like - how do you unpack stuff, how are you running executables. Because right now it sounds like you just ran 'launcher.exe' without starting a server.

    So I have done the automatic installer, run the server then the launcher as instructed on the automated installer. Several times I must add, I think 5 times with the automatic installer.

    Done the manual install, run server and launcher as instructed didn't work. Five times at least.

    I have unistalled and reinstalled the base game, single tarkov 5 times in this computer. 3 times in old gaming laptop.

  • Still not enough info, does server gives any kind of message/error?
    That's how it should look like when it is ready for launcher to connect

    Checked the included server log - should be no issues with the server then

    Do you use any kind of VPN/Proxy/Modified DNS?
    Did you had any kind of firewall marking the server? Do you have any additional antivirus with additional network security?
    Any of those can damper the local bandwidth, which AKI uses.
    Run CMD > `netstat -an` and look for this line:
    If you have it - then the issue is not your network, and the problem is either with installation or anything else I might be not aware of.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Thanks. Checked. "TCP LISTENING didn't appear. This is what I

  • Dude, i only asked for one line, you might as well dox yourself, remove the attachments

    Alright, that means something is preventing the server to allow connections - That one would be real tricky to deal with.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Dude, i only asked for one line, you might as well dox yourself, remove the attachments

    Alright, that means something is preventing the server to allow connections - That one would be real tricky to deal with.

    Sorry about the large window. I didn't mean to annoy you. What I was during to show was more information that might help you out. So finding this problem going to be a huge pain?

  • Sorry about the large window. I didn't mean to annoy you. What I was during to show was more information that might help you out. So finding this problem going to be a huge pain?

    It's not the resolution or my pain that is the issue, it's for your own security.
    It's the pain because the solution might be tricky - first off I would try to go with disabling defender, checking is it blocking connection.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • It's not the resolution or my pain that is the issue, it's for your own security.
    It's the pain because the solution might be tricky - first off I would try to go with disabling defender, checking is it blocking connection.

    Sorry about late reply.

    WTF! It works when I turn off firewall, but it makes no sense.

    NOW It doesn't work :( after second time.

    Can BepInEx folder be the problem? Cause I couldn't find it when I was first posting logs for this thread. The only four folders in BepInEx were "config" - "core" - "patchers" - "pluggins" as shown by attached pic.

    Edited 4 times, last by ShirouKuro: INFO INCORRECT. ().

  • You didn't had Bepinex log because Bepinex works only when client is on, you just haven't even reached that for logs to generate.
    Same with client one actually - you can run the EFT.exe, but it won't give useful info, to get client logs you need to run the game appropriate way.

    The issue is defo your PC settings, whether you need to run applications in admin mode, or tinker around with your internal networking - sadly I help hence can't recall how exactly I was handling such issues.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • You didn't had Bepinex log because Bepinex works only when client is on, you just haven't even reached that for logs to generate.
    Same with client one actually - you can run the EFT.exe, but it won't give useful info, to get client logs you need to run the game appropriate way.

    The issue is defo your PC settings, whether you need to run applications in admin mode, or tinker around with your internal networking - sadly I help hence can't recall how exactly I was handling such issues.

    Thank for your assistance so far. I really appreicate it. I will try admin mode as you recommend. Does anyone else had similar problems as me in the past?

  • CWX

    Closed the thread.

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