Critical error: request timeout

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    Client log file…NTQVpNdmymWwRitiHSekNLXH1
    BepInEx log file…EyKMNdhLqZ6x6gNBWPrebBxhV
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    Henlo! I got a problem - i have played spt-aki 3.7.1 with mods for quite some time and everything worked just fine. I quit playing it for several days, and after i start to play it again - things get ugly right after bat: when i tried to move items - game start to "load" every single item i moved. It has take some time for game to move items from one place to another. And after that, when i tried to buy/sell some items to traders - their trading screen start to "load" items. After 2-5 min of "loading" the critical error pops up, saying "request timeout" or something like that. And the game just hangs, infinetely loading main menu, without any error in main server console.
    I thought that maybe some mods start to conflict with each other, so i delete them, but it has no effect. Then i tried to install 3.7.3 from the scratch, using SPT aki installer, but the new version, without any mods still had same issue. After that i thought that maybe there's some version mismatch, so i delete it all again and do the next:

    - Update EFT Client to
    - Copy client files in another folder

    - Double check that files is still
    - Downgrade EFT Client files from version to using AKI patcher (Nov 9th 2023 ver)
    - Double check that files is now

    - Install SPT AKI 3.7.3 in this folder with game files
    - launch server
    - launch game via SPT AKI launcher

    aaaaand... No effect pepescream . SPT AKI is 3.7.3 now, i didn't install ANY mods, but this "timeout" bug is still there. My guess that is smth with my IP address, last time i managed to fix it, by launching VPN and it's just worked somehow (yeah, i had this problem waaaay before). I have tried this again, but no use.

    Send help pls. pepeclown

    • Official Post

    I loaded your profile on my machine and am able to purchase items from traders without a delay.

    I can see in your logs you're buying an item and then a full 5+ seconds later the server completes the action. I've never seen this before.

    Does the same problem occur if you make a second profile?

    Does it occur if you buy items from the flea market?

    Does a file integrity check from your BSG launcher find any problems?

  • Hmm.. I created two new profiles with different names (and different from problematic one) and play a couple of raids in each. The problem dissapeared - no hangs or other bugs. File integrity check haven't find any problem btw.

    Last thing i remembered - it all started after Windows update. But why problem persist in the new profile with same name then? Well, at least the new-new profile works just fine.

  • I've seen that happening due to weird settings within your localhost
    Be sure you're not using windows proxy server service
    Be sure you have (Mostly for everyone) Default DNS IP
    And yeah, do not use VPN.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • This error is back today, wtf

    All my profiles got this sh** now. I also tried play with mods - still no use. Mods working just fine, but this error keeps poping up. One profile give me this error while i digging through my stash, and other profile give me THIS after raid: "Critical error receiving profile data. Close the game and contact us at forum. Citical error: request timeout"

    I've seen that happening due to weird settings within your localhost
    Be sure you're not using windows proxy server service
    Be sure you have (Mostly for everyone) Default DNS IP
    And yeah, do not use VPN.

    How can i do this btw? I just remembered another thing: before it all started - i've changing my internet connection to phone and backwards...

  • This error is back today, wtf

    All my profiles got this sh** now. I also tried play with mods - still no use. Mods working just fine, but this error keeps poping up. One profile give me this error while i digging through my stash, and other profile give me THIS after raid: "Critical error receiving profile data. Close the game and contact us at forum. Citical error: request timeout"

    How can i do this btw? I just remembered another thing: before it all started - i've changing my internet connection to phone and backwards...

    Sadly my Windows locale is in Russian, so it would be hard to explain myself, so I'll refer to external websites for that
    That's how to set a DNS:…change-dns-server-windows
    How to disable proxy:…5c-4ac9-aa25-4a61f26375e9
    And VPN - just do not use external ones while you play SPT, might require to disable some adapters they are adding, but I don't think it would be necessary.
    gl hf I may say

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • >Sadly my Windows locale is in Russian


  • >Sadly my Windows locale is in Russian


    Первое как бы очевидно, галку с прокси убирай, второе - настройки сети > Ethernet > Настройка параметров адаптера > Выбирай адаптер который инет даёт, IPv4> Свойства, дальше лучше по картинке, можешь ДНС поставить ручками на, может поможет.
    Насчет ВПНа, просто выруби, посмотри как игра вести себя будет.
    Еще можно запарится, и в \EFTOFF\Aki_Data\Server\configs\http.json вбить свой локалхост, если вдруг каким-то образом он у тебя не видит как, можешь проверить какие ИП считаются у тебя локальными здесь > Windows\System32\drivers\etc если вдруг чё-то не по стандарту, хотя оно должно видеть всегда.

    Учти, никаких гарантий не даю, всё что ты можешь натворить с этой инфой - на свою отвественность.
    Пробуй, мб что-то криво вбилось в систему и по этой причине вызывает дикую задержку сервера и клиента.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

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