Fresh Install, Online, and Crashes

  • I followed instructions on website and a video someone posted. Everything was fine. When i went to boot the game into a raid, it would act like Normal Tarkov. Have continue for online raid or turn on offline raid. i was told on Guilded just do offline. So i did. When it could load me into the raid, it would instantly crash freezing my entire computer.

    1. [8584c8df4dba56d37a407ffb][] /client/notifier/channel/create
    2. [8584c8df4dba56d37a407ffb][] /client/notifier/channel/create
    3. [8584c8df4dba56d37a407ffb][] /client/notifier/channel/create

    This is the reason, your certificate gone borked, there is 2 options on how to solve this.
    Lucky way or manual adding way.
    Lucky way:
    First, delete the files within gamefolder/user/certs/

    Second, launch the server in admin mode(it may require that to generate and sign a cert key)
    To see is it actually fixed, enter the character page in the game (basically your inventory), if you see lines being spammed like the one at the start of this post in server terminal, then the issue still persists.

    The second solution should be in FAQ, but since Eresh didn't manage to look for it, to give you a solution i'll just post it here.
    Manual add:

    Don't touch certs folder this time, be sure they are generated there (aka there is 2 files)

    Open Command Prompt (Windows key + R)
    inside of it enter : certutil.exe -f -addstore Root <yourgamepath>\user\certs\cert.pem
    Here's an example if you feel you need one:
    certutil.exe -f -addstore Root D:\Games\Tarkov\user\certs\cert.pem
    Be advised CMD should run in admin mode to do the thing.

    If you're accustomed to the PC, but can't make CMD to work on admin mode for some reason, you can make a .bat file and run it via right click - run as admin.
    hope it helps.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • For addition, you can use certmgr.msc (via Win-R) to see if there certificate we need exists, the one you need goes with, should be in a second folder.
    (might be helpful if you entered in certutil and want to check is it written ok)
    Be advised, tinkering within certmgr is quite volatile, so i won't take any responsobility for any action you'll do there :D

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

    • Official Post

    Hello, his crashes are unrelated to this, as you can notice in the client logs:

    Couldn't extract exception string from exception of type OutOfMemoryException (another exception of class 'OutOfMemoryException' was thrown while processing the stack trace)


    EXCEPTION: System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory

    His issue is clearly related to a memory issue

    So please, don't ignore the author main issue, and don't go on an unrelated error that will make him loose time :)

    Btw, sinphoenix what are you computer specs ?

  • If you feel like you're 100% confident it's memory, sure, Then we have 2 issues on a single person, check the server logs.
    Even if you manage to diagnose this issue, he would run into another.

    I bet you know how channel/create spam end up - Exactly buffer and out of memory issues, but i agree it's more of a hang rather crashes.
    I'll go along solution of yours.
    For stable gameplay you might need at least 16GB of RAM and setted Pagefile for at least half of your RAM settings, the more the better(but don't go more than 4x), preferably on SSD.
    if you don't know what pagefile is Read about it on google, it's easier way than me trying to instruct you to it.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Thank you, it solved my problem

  • i have 64 gig of ram and 8 TBs of storage. I run Tarkov perfectly no issue at all. My issue with this is i cant play SP. It acts as it is Tarky, not the mod itself. I was told to delete lines 21-25 in the modules. I did this, planted the new build folder into the game.. Still no work. Everything works as it is the MOD until i go to raid then it acts as it is actual Tarky

  • Hello, this looks like a RAM issue on your end, as you are running out of memory

    Any other ideas of why it works but wont let me do the raids? it wants to be like tarkov. i have deleted, reinstalled, made new backup, extracted the file into the folder, ran as admin, deleted certs, did the CMD command.. nothing

    • Official Post

    Hello (please next time write everything in only one message...)

    So you are the guy with the issue that senko have no idea what it is about, please can you reupload your logs as they expired since you posted the topic, i remember seeing something about loot in it, but don't recall what exactly

    i'm afraid that there's a high chance we can't figure out what happens and what is causing your crashes

  • Yes i will reupload and sorry for the message.

    Loot thing was, i was told to run offline and see what happens. I did and nothing stayed. So then they told me to download the modules, remove lines 21-25 and then repack and put in folder. I did then, and the steps above with the CMD. Nothing has worked so fat at all. I could have done the packing wrong.

  • SPT Team

    Set the Label from In progress to Unresolved

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