ekky added a new file:
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To use this mod, make sure the SPT Server is running, play a few raids with the mod installed of course.
Once you've played a few raids, open the web client from in-game by hitting F5 or opening your browser, and going to
I am taking a hiatus from life for the next few months by packing up and travellingAs such I'm not planning to have access to a gaming machine until at least mid-october, so gaming/modding will take backseat for a while.
All my code for this is open source, so you're welcome to fix bugs / redistribute the mod as you wish if you cannot wait until then, I don't mind, and if anything, I would encourage it.
Thanks for the support, and enjoy the mod 🙂✌🏾
Download your compatible version from the 'versions' tab.
Each particular version will have specific installation / upgrade notes, please refer to this before commenting!
- Review information for raids such as kills, looting, players, bots, and positional information.
- Basic toggle filters/grouping features to view raid information after the fact.
- Replay and visualize positional movement and events that occurred throughout a raid.
- Follow a specific/player by clicking on them.
- Click on an 'event' in the timeline.
- Focus/highlight a player by hovering over name in the Legend panel.
- Toggle various visualizations to hide and show markers on the map.
- Toggle map layers to see different levels of a map.
- If you have SAIN installed, see detailed information about the personality type and bot type.
Credits / Thank Yous
- The entire SPT team for an amazing framework, and documentation.
- SPT Discord, specfically people active in the 'mod-development' and 'dev-community' channels.
- The folks over at 'tarkov.dev' for having an Open Sourced MIT Licensed repo that I could fork the interactive map from, litterally saved me weeks of work.
- You for downloading the mod, and taking the time to install it.
100% do not ever feel obligated to support, but a coffee would be nice.