Sothis added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreThis mod was originally for my personal use. However, when I posted it here, I was unaware of the etiquette to using someone else's code and failed to properly ask and accredit Fontaine. Since then, I've had a chat with them and so I'd like to say a huge Thank You to them both for their patience with me as well as offer a public apology.
I had also included their headbob patch in this mod and it has now been removed as Fontaine's Headbob Reducer has now been updated.
fontaine's version: SamSwat's INCREASED FOV - Reupload
original mod: Increased FOV
Just download FovFix.dll from the github repository and add it to your plugins folder like usual.
Side note: For those asking me to add more features that were present in Fontaine's FOV Fix & Variable Optics, my version of the ADS FOV is a lot clumsier so I suggest downloading their mod whenever it gets updated.