Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Yeah, I looked through several ini files and couldn't find anything yet, which sucks, cause that's what made me quit aki 6 months or so ago. I really don't like this "friendly same-faction PMCs" shit.

    I agree it's annoying, due to it being default AND unchangeable.

    There should be a setting where ALL AI (PMCs and scavs) try to kill you. There are numerous combinations this could be set to.....but it's a moot point due to the current situation.

  • I'm having some trouble with filtering what gear the AI can use. As I understand the instructions in the editor, the AI has X amount of chance to spawn with a certain thing based upon the number given. seems things are working in reverse because not only have I limited what armor classes scavs can spawn with (using the min/max) setting, but I also made them have 0 chance of spawning if any armor above a certain class and they seem to be spawning with nothing BUT what I tried to limited them from.

    I want scavs to spawn with armor class 1-3 and 30 pen range and down, raiders with 4-5 armor class and 40-50 pen range, and PMCs with armor class 4-6 and 40-60 pen range. But scavs seem to be spawning with what I have set for raiders. They're spawning with class 4-5 armor and similar ammo. They're even acting like raiders, as in chasing me everywhere. I first experienced this at the dorms on customs and thought it was Reshala and his goons. Turned out to be just regular scavs ..... with raider like gear.

    As I understand it, the alphabetical order in which the mods are listed in the user/mods folder is the order they're load in and that the most recently loaded mod overwrites relevant settings in a previous one. That means your mod, which is listed 2nd to last in the user mods folder, would overwrite everything relevant in every mod above it.

    Attached is a screen cap of the settings I'm using in your config editor and a list of my mods in the user/mods folder. Yours is highlighted at the bottom.

  • None of the spawned bots seem to count as raiders, so completing quests with raider kills is impossible. Did I miss a setting somewhere? Raider waves are on.

    That's a known bug. At the moment I believe behaviour changes and / or spawn changes need to be disabled in order for them to count, due to what exactly EFT counts as a 'raider'


    To get more precise information about just what might be happening internally, can you find these two lines inside mod.js:



    static runOnGameStart(url, info, sessionID)


    And add this beneath both of them:

    for (let bot in botTypes)


    if (!botTypes[bot].inventory || !botTypes[bot]



    console.log(AITweaks.checkBotArmorLevels(botTypes[bot], ["ArmorVest"]))

    console.log(AITweaks.checkBotArmorLevels(botTypes[bot], ["TacticalVest"]))


    You should get a server printout both when the server starts and when the main menu loads up that tells you how many of each class of armor are in a bot's potential spawn list. Does it display classes here that shouldn't be there?

    Second, make sure you're using the latest version (And no other mods, because there are things other than loading order that could cause conflicts), and paste your config file here in a spoiler tag so I can run it on my end and see if I can replicate the issue.

  • Good news, I seem to be able to replicate the issue using your config, and I'm tracking down the issue. -Not sure about PMCs yet, but I'll look into that afterwards.

    Excellent news about replicating the problem.

    As for the PMCs ..... I realized that I forgot to change the "convert scavs into PMC" number from 0 to anything else. So please disregard.


  • Excellent news about replicating the problem.

    As for the PMCs ..... I realized that I forgot to change the "convert scavs into PMC" number from 0 to anything else. So please disregard.


    1.19.2d is out, and the issue should be fixed. Using your config, at least, I was getting scavs that only spawned with class 2 and 3 armor.

  • Thanks, I'll turn off behavior changes for now.

    Just to be clear, it's possible this is an unfixable bug with behaviour changes. -It changes AI behaviours by changing the type of bot the game considers them. Normal raiders are pmcBot AIs spawned in via the boss spawn system, but using behaviour changes they can be switched around to a whole variety of other bots, usually boss followers who have specialized behaviours, and also spawn in via regular waves when the spawn system is enabled.

    As far as I'm aware behaviour changes can't work without swapping things around like this, so.. -It may just always be the case that that needs to be toggled off in order for quests involving raider kills to progress, though you should also be able to set everything but 'default' behaviour to zero for whatever AI type you've classified pmcbots as (Mid level AIs, by default).

  • 1.19.2d is out, and the issue should be fixed. Using your config, at least, I was getting scavs that only spawned with class 2 and 3 armor.


    Thank you very much for your hard work.

    Out of curiosity, were my settings correct with regards to how I wanted the AI to behave and what I wanted them to be loaded out with?

  • Just to be clear, it's possible this is an unfixable bug with behaviour changes. -It changes AI behaviours by changing the type of bot the game considers them. Normal raiders are pmcBot AIs spawned in via the boss spawn system, but using behaviour changes they can be switched around to a whole variety of other bots, usually boss followers who have specialized behaviours, and also spawn in via regular waves when the spawn system is enabled.

    As far as I'm aware behaviour changes can't work without swapping things around like this, so.. -It may just always be the case that that needs to be toggled off in order for quests involving raider kills to progress, though you should also be able to set everything but 'default' behaviour to zero for whatever AI type you've classified pmcbots as (Mid level AIs, by default).

    I can deal with that, thanks for the explanation.

    Now I just need to pray for raiders to spawn in the command bunker rooms for Prapor's quest.

  • Excellent.

    Thank you very much for your hard work.

    Out of curiosity, were my settings correct with regards to how I wanted the AI to behave and what I wanted them to be loaded out with?

    In terms of armor I believe they were, though your ammo settings were a little off. -So with scavs you were removing 35% of their good ammo, and 25% of their bad ammo, meaning that..

    Let's take 5.45 ammo as an example: The lowest pen round is SP or HP, with 11 pen, and the highest pen round is PPBS, with 62 pen. Your settings would remove anything below 11 + (61-11 * 0.25)) = 23.5 pen, and anything above 61 - (61-11 * 0.35) = 43.5 pen.

    So you'd wind up with bots armed with PS, PP, and BP ammo, which I believe is a bit more than you want, since you said you wanted them to use ammo < 30 pen. If you want that, I'd say you should set that to about.. [50,0], or something like that, which would have them using only ammo with less than 36 pen, for 5.45

  • In terms of armor I believe they were, though your ammo settings were a little off. -So with scavs you were removing 35% of their good ammo, and 25% of their bad ammo, meaning that..

    Let's take 5.45 ammo as an example: The lowest pen round is SP or HP, with 11 pen, and the highest pen round is PPBS, with 62 pen. Your settings would remove anything below 11 + (61-11 * 0.25)) = 23.5 pen, and anything above 61 - (61-11 * 0.35) = 43.5 pen.

    So you'd wind up with bots armed with PS, PP, and BP ammo, which I believe is a bit more than you want, since you said you wanted them to use ammo < 30 pen. If you want that, I'd say you should set that to about.. [50,0], or something like that, which would have them using only ammo with less than 36 pen, for 5.45

    OK. Thanks.

    It's a bit confusing, but I think I'm starting to wrap my head around it.

    Is there a way to have the setting be where you give 2 numbers and they be the min/max for pen like with the armor class setting? If not, due to how the game is coded, I understand. It would just make things a LOT easier.

  • OK. Thanks.

    It's a bit confusing, but I think I'm starting to wrap my head around it.

    Is there a way to have the setting be where you give 2 numbers and they be the min/max for pen like with the armor class setting? If not, due to how the game is coded, I understand. It would just make things a LOT easier.

    That's possible to do (In theory. At the moment it can't be done in the mod), and when I was designing the system it's one of the options I considered, but in the end I opted for the current system because it's better for allowing a 'spread' of ammo, and also works better between calibers (A good pen value for 7.62x54 weapons, which are all either bolt or semi-auto, is not going to be a good pen value for 5.56x45 weapons, or 5.7x28 ones, whereas being able to say "Use only the top 30% rounds available to this gun" works better when arming bots with a variety of weapons).

    I might look into a way to toggle between the modes if I have the time, though.

  • That's possible to do (In theory. At the moment it can't be done in the mod), and when I was designing the system it's one of the options I considered, but in the end I opted for the current system because it's better for allowing a 'spread' of ammo, and also works better between calibers (A good pen value for 7.62x54 weapons, which are all either bolt or semi-auto, is not going to be a good pen value for 5.56x45 weapons, or 5.7x28 ones, whereas being able to say "Use only the top 30% rounds available to this gun" works better when arming bots with a variety of weapons).

    I might look into a way to toggle between the modes if I have the time, though.

    Well ..... it didn't work. Still getting scavs with armor class above settings. And after setting PMC conversion to 50%, I now know I'm NOT getting PMCs.

    I'm getting raiders (or what seem like raiders, given the gear they have) instead.

    FYI - This was with all the mods listed before, so I will clean up my PMC and remove any non-vanilla items/presets...then try again.

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