Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • it's just a debug hash

  • As The_cat said, it's just the debug hash. There should have been a line above and below it explaining what was going on, I believe?

  • getting this error

    only have this installed

  • Is it possible to put a limit on max AI spawned?
    Also is it possible to make them spawn slower while using "advanced spawn config" ?
    Also maybe it's possible in future if you add like LUA did on his spawn config the min and max time for AI's wave to spawn? But this one is not so important as asking you first 2 questions <3 love you.

  • did you look at my error? Is this the fault of the mod or did I do something wrong?

    Oh, yes! -Sorry, I thought I'd responded a while ago. -It appears that one of the weapons you're trying to assign as a preset doesn't have a magazine slot. It's fixed in the latest version of FAIT (Though it's fixed by preventing weapons without magazine slots from being used in that way, for now), and can be retroactively added to previous versions by opening mod.js and replacing this line:

    let availMags = itemdb[rootItem._tpl]._props.Slots.find(i => i._name == "mod_magazine")._props.filters[0].Filter

    With these:

    let availMags = itemdb[rootItem._tpl]._props.Slots.find(i => i._name == "mod_magazine")?._props?.filters[0]?.Filter

    if (availMags == undefined)


    console.log(`Error during preset weapon assignment. Weapon with tpl ${rootItem._tpl} has no mod_magazine slot`)

    return origInventory


    getting this error

    only have this installed


    That is the debug hash. There should be a line both right above and below it describing what happened. It's nothing to worry about ^^

    Is it possible to put a limit on max AI spawned?
    Also is it possible to make them spawn slower while using "advanced spawn config" ?
    Also maybe it's possible in future if you add like LUA did on his spawn config the min and max time for AI's wave to spawn? But this one is not so important as asking you first 2 questions <3 love you.

    Maximum AI can be controlled via the "Maximum bots alive at once" entry in the "Spawns" tab (bottom middle of the screen), if you're using the config editor .exe, or the "maxBotsAlive" entry if you're directly editing conig.json.

    As for spawning slower, while using the advanced spawn config you can increase the end_spawns_at_time_seconds to spread bot spawn times further apart, or lower the total number of spawns to have a similar effect. -I may add a minimum spawn time option as well, in the future!

  • yes, thank you very much, maybe I communicated incorrectly somewhere, I just don’t know English well

  • Also, while using Advanced spawn config. BossBully spawns together with minions or i need to spawn them separately?
    Also if i need to spawn them separately do they spawn together with BossBully or it's random?

    And :

    "boss_spawn_chance_neg1_is_default": -1,

    This means that maps boss by default is turned on right?

    Edited once, last by markopas ().

  • Hi Fin, I am getting this error on Interchange playing as PMC the message doesn't appear on other maps, what could be causing this? =

    I accidently closed the server and then realised I need the debug hash to give you more detail but I will try and replicate the error with the debug hash to hand sorry for that.

    My last couple of raids I have had no extracts, the raid times were 30-35 minutes instead of 45 minutes and when I press the tilde key to show the console it spams red messages constantly every second =

    I have no idea what it causing this to happen, I never had this problem in version 2.3.1.


  • Hi Fin,

    there's a bug in mod.js in lines 4114 and 4116 in function advancedSpawns():

    mapNames[i] should be mapIDs[mapIndex]

    (maybe wrong due to copy & paste from similar code in function setupBots())

    Discovered that when trying the "advanced" value for the percentual scav replacement for the advanced spawn config.

    BTW: Is there a spawn zone for the FOB (the outpost near RUAF Gate Exit) on Woods? Figured it out by trial and error: ZoneRoad and ZoneBigRocks :)


    Edited 2 times, last by Khalesh ().

  • Hey Fin ,

    or to anyone who would be willing to help out, I'm enjoying the mod alot in terms of making the game actually difficult. I only editted some things inside the well made GUI. Im currently running into an issue where custom's seems to only be spawning PMC's around RUAF roadblock, in bulk. Like 6 or 7 will spawn there and only hangout there. I understand that AKI prevents us from being able to have bots roam outside their zones but I'm seeing every single game that this area spawns sooo many PMC's that just camp here... I've seen maybe 1 or 2 PMC's spawn in other places but thats it... it feels like the entire experience right now is PMCs at RUAF roadblock and thats about it... is anyone else having this experience or know a fix?

    Hash: Though I dont think its necessary for this issue.


  • Also, while using Advanced spawn config. BossBully spawns together with minions or i need to spawn them separately?
    Also if i need to spawn them separately do they spawn together with BossBully or it's random?

    And :

    "boss_spawn_chance_neg1_is_default": -1,

    This means that maps boss by default is turned on right?

    That's right.

    The first ones are weapon generation errors, though I have no idea why they're only happening on Interchange. I don't know what the second ones are, or what they're related to. I do need a debug hash, however, to try and replicate the issue using your various config settings.

    I appreciate the detailed report! -I'll fix that, thanks for pointing it out ^ ^

    Hey Fin ,

    or to anyone who would be willing to help out, I'm enjoying the mod alot in terms of making the game actually difficult. I only editted some things inside the well made GUI. Im currently running into an issue where custom's seems to only be spawning PMC's around RUAF roadblock, in bulk. Like 6 or 7 will spawn there and only hangout there. I understand that AKI prevents us from being able to have bots roam outside their zones but I'm seeing every single game that this area spawns sooo many PMC's that just camp here... I've seen maybe 1 or 2 PMC's spawn in other places but thats it... it feels like the entire experience right now is PMCs at RUAF roadblock and thats about it... is anyone else having this experience or know a fix?

    I'll take a look and see if I can replicate this, though outside of the advanced spawn config there should be nothing biasing PMCs to spawn in any particular location. -This is, actually, exactly the sort of problem I made the debug hash to fix, as it allows me to replicate all your config settings, among a few other things, with one easy copy-paste.

    You might also want to take a look at your donottouch/debug folder. -Down at the bottom of the folder should be a file called map_bigmap_waves.json. This is a copy of your non-boss spawns on Customs, and you can use it to check if there's anything weird happening. PMCs are 'assaultGroup' spawns, and you should be able to check over that to see just where FAIT is trying to spawn them during your raids (The file is regenerated and randomized every time you run a new raid)

  • Feels like I'm missing something, but hostility issue still persists. Is there any setting for this?

    Here's debug hash if needed

    ==========NOT=AN=ERROR========Start Debug Hash=========NOT=AN=ERROR=========


    ==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========

    Edited once, last by BTW3A15 ().

  • Yo appreciate you looking into this. I dont know what I did but I've resolved that issue... I think it took me uping the max amount of bots alive. I still see 4-6 pmc/scavs around RUAF roadblock. However I'm starting to see more PMC's on other parts of the map...

    I'm curious as well, because without Fin's AI tweaks I usually set boss spawn rates extremely high. I usually have bigmap (customs) boss "bully" to 70% spawn rate. I've played maybe 25-30 matches with this mod active and I have not seen the boss once. now this could be a coincidence. I looked through config files in your mod to adjust spawn chance but most of the spawning files are set to false or dont have anything that I can tell that would allow me to adjust boss spawn rates. I'm curious if you'd be willing to look into adding each individual boss's spawn rate per map to the amazing GUI you've created. Please let me know if I'm missing a setting! Thanks alot man

    It looks like I can confirm that boss is not spawning while looking at this Debug file... Within the "bigmap_waves" file you can tell that there are zero boss minions spawning.

    "BossMinions": {

    "waves": 0,

    "botsMin": 0,

    "botsMax": 0

    "BossMinions": {

    "waves": 0,

    "botsMin": 0,

    "botsMax": 0

    However looking at the "bigmap_bosses" file, you can see that it still has my config that I had adjusted within the database>locations>Bigmap>bosschance settings, where in this instance I've had it set to 70. Let me try changing that to 100% and see if the debug shows me that boss followers are spawning.

    Also dont stress to hard about it as I will be on vacation and away from my PC for the next 2 weeks or so. Thanks again

    Edited 2 times, last by Haven ().

  • Hey man, I hope you're having a great day today. I totally forgot there was a help forum for this mod and sent my issue to your DMS accidentally; sorry about that. :( Whenever it is convenient for you, I was hoping you could help me with this issue I'm having with the mod. Everything from your mod seems to be working great. However, for example, when I do scav Factory runs, the BEAR pmcs don't seem to fire at me unless I fire back at them. Although, I see them engaging other scavs with green armbands and vice versa. I have no clue about USEC pmcs as they don't seem to spawn as much compared to BEAR. Any help on this matter would be appreciated, and here is my debug hash. Please let me know if I need to send you anything else! :)



  • Hello Fin, (or other hooman that might be able to assist)

    So previously I asked about increasing the total raid time vs keep spawning scavs/PMC over the entire duration of the raid (see post here).

    I've increased the raid time to 2 hours (120min, 7200sec) and set the "end_spawn_at_time_seconds" in the advanced spawn config.json to 7200. Spawns (tab) in the config editor are set to 20 waves for scavs, 10 for raiders & pmc's. Maximum bot alive at once is set to 40. Evenly spawned is on, extra waves at start and spawn all bots at start are set to false.

    After a 10-15min's however the raid dies out, and I don't see any more spawn messages anymore in the server console. Is there an option I'm missing or is the 'perpetual dangerous raid' I'm going for not possible? I simply don't want to be able to run around in a empty raid.

  • Hey man, I hope you're having a great day today. I totally forgot there was a help forum for this mod and sent my issue to your DMS accidentally; sorry about that. :( Whenever it is convenient for you, I was hoping you could help me with this issue I'm having with the mod. Everything from your mod seems to be working great. However, for example, when I do scav Factory runs, the BEAR pmcs don't seem to fire at me unless I fire back at them. Although, I see them engaging other scavs with green armbands and vice versa. I have no clue about USEC pmcs as they don't seem to spawn as much compared to BEAR. Any help on this matter would be appreciated, and here is my debug hash. Please let me know if I need to send you anything else! :)

    This is a known bug at the moment, I'm afraid, but I have a promising fix in the works. Someone on the Discord reported that the thing I'm trying to add in worked for them already in a more improvised format, but I probably won't have the proper full, flexible fix ready to go until the weekend, assuming it continued to work as expected.

    Yo appreciate you looking into this. I dont know what I did but I've resolved that issue... I think it took me uping the max amount of bots alive. I still see 4-6 pmc/scavs around RUAF roadblock. However I'm starting to see more PMC's on other parts of the map...

    I'm curious as well, because without Fin's AI tweaks I usually set boss spawn rates extremely high. I usually have bigmap (customs) boss "bully" to 70% spawn rate. I've played maybe 25-30 matches with this mod active and I have not seen the boss once. now this could be a coincidence. I looked through config files in your mod to adjust spawn chance but most of the spawning files are set to false or dont have anything that I can tell that would allow me to adjust boss spawn rates. I'm curious if you'd be willing to look into adding each individual boss's spawn rate per map to the amazing GUI you've created. Please let me know if I'm missing a setting! Thanks alot man

    It looks like I can confirm that boss is not spawning while looking at this Debug file... Within the "bigmap_waves" file you can tell that there are zero boss minions spawning.

    However looking at the "bigmap_bosses" file, you can see that it still has my config that I had adjusted within the database>locations>Bigmap>bosschance settings, where in this instance I've had it set to 70. Let me try changing that to 100% and see if the debug shows me that boss followers are spawning.

    Using your config settings, I seemed to have bosses spawning normally, however there is actually an option in FAIT for setting the individual boss spawn chance, though it requires the use of the advanced spawn config, called "boss_spawn_chance_neg1_is_default"

    Are you hitting the cap of 40?

  • Exactly what setting do I need to adjust to decrease the number of spawns in raids? I don't wanna do back to vanilla but just take it down a bit. I'm not very good at the game yet and there are just too many :(

  • This is a known bug at the moment, I'm afraid, but I have a promising fix in the works. Someone on the Discord reported that the thing I'm trying to add in worked for them already in a more improvised format, but I probably won't have the proper full, flexible fix ready to go until the weekend, assuming it continued to work as expected.

    Hey chief, thanks for taking a look at it, and don't worry about it too much; I had trouble getting SPT working with all these updates from EFT and SPT itself and had to reinstall everything along with the plugin and mods (PAIN). However, I can confirm the BEAR PMCs fought me and engaged when I was playing testing it on Factory as a Scav; thanks for looking into it! Although, when I was trying it out, some things I noticed were the guards spawned in despite their bosses not being there and raiders being classified as Scavs when I murdered them along with (and I don't know if this is a problem or an actual feature) but the Raiders don't engage Scavs. Is there perhaps a way I can edit these three changes in the config file, or is it a bug on your end? Reply when you can, and any help would be appreciated! ^^


  • I'm using your advanced spawn config and im still on 2.3.1

    is it possible to somehow make that AI doesnt spawn right in the same position as you stand? like AI spawned 2meters away from me and sprayed till im dead

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