Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • 2 quick question, every time I load up SPT Server with this mod enabled it states that its out of date and may cause unintended consequences, etc. Anything to worry about?

    And, secondly, it seems that bosses are never spawning while using this mod and only this mod.

    Nothing to worry about there, it's just the version checks not matching up.

    As to the second issue, do the bosses appear either in donottouch/debug/[mapname]_bosses.json, or when you use

  • So how do I got about testing this? Is there a way to force boss spawns with this mod for debugging purposes?

    Also while I got you here I'm assuming this is a no, but should I worry about conflicts with Andrudis QOL Configurator or Random Loot Gen? When I was running it earlier I wasn't using either but I've been messing around testing with and without them and I haven't noticed any issues.

    Thanks in advance!

  • So how do I got about testing this? Is there a way to force boss spawns with this mod for debugging purposes?

    Also while I got you here I'm assuming this is a no, but should I worry about conflicts with Andrudis QOL Configurator or Random Loot Gen? When I was running it earlier I wasn't using either but I've been messing around testing with and without them and I haven't noticed any issues.

    Thanks in advance!

    I don't believe either of those mods should interfere.

    As for testing, if you use Eresh's AIO mod with a fresh config, and only change the setting that forces bots to spawn, that should still be an otherwise-sterile environment to test FAIT in.

  • Couple of questions about the current version of FAIT:
    - Is it still a requirement to use AsOnline for amount/difficulty? Does either option currently make a difference?

    - Does the bullet tracers change any ammo from the player to have tracers too, or just shots bots fire?

    - Is it intended behavior that scav spawns arent logged in the console even when set to all?

    Thanks again for the great work you've done on this mod!

  • Couple of questions about the current version of FAIT:
    - Is it still a requirement to use AsOnline for amount/difficulty? Does either option currently make a difference?

    - Does the bullet tracers change any ammo from the player to have tracers too, or just shots bots fire?

    - Is it intended behavior that scav spawns arent logged in the console even when set to all?

    Thanks again for the great work you've done on this mod!

    In order, top to bottom:
    -It isn't, no, it should work find with any ingame settings, though ingame difficulty settings won't make any difference. Ingame spawn settings should still have an effect, though I don't know what exactly each option does.

    -It just adds a tracer effect to all bullets, without changing their other stats

    -If you're referring to the console information you see after you've started a raid, then kind've. That isn't actually related to the debug settings in the config, it's something else that I was using while testing things out and forgot to disable. If you mean something else, however, then the answer is probably 'no', and I'll try and fix it if you can tell me more precisely which log you mean x3

  • Hey Fin,

    Saw the post regarding the problem about the bots being extremely difficult, only seeing a lot of impossible or hard bots being generated and spawned in the server once I've loaded into a raid, tried the two different solutions and messed with settings but still the same outcome.

  • Hi Fin, hope you are doing well bud,

    I'm having issues with the gear for the AI, Scavs seem to be similar to online but a lot of the AI seem to be spawning with several meds, tech and general hideout items/equipment which I don't like, it helps me get things for my hideout that much quicker and I was wondering if you knew or know why this happens? I really don't want to start my config from fresh again which I've tried several times but I need this mod to work lol.


  • Hey Fin,

    Saw the post regarding the problem about the bots being extremely difficult, only seeing a lot of impossible or hard bots being generated and spawned in the server once I've loaded into a raid, tried the two different solutions and messed with settings but still the same outcome.

    The ingame difficulty values, 'easy', 'hard', etc. have no effect when using FAIT, and are only used to distinguish between low, mid, and high tier bots while debugging.

    Hi Fin, hope you are doing well bud,

    I'm having issues with the gear for the AI, Scavs seem to be similar to online but a lot of the AI seem to be spawning with several meds, tech and general hideout items/equipment which I don't like, it helps me get things for my hideout that much quicker and I was wondering if you knew or know why this happens? I really don't want to start my config from fresh again which I've tried several times but I need this mod to work lol.

    Meds are handled by the advanced inventory config, and there are a few options there you can use to tweak things to your liking, or revert them to the default SPT meds allocation system. As for other loot items, however, FAIT doesn't affect those.

  • Hi,

    I'm having some issues with boss spawn locations and I think it might be a mod conflict or override between this mod and some others (I'll list them at the end).

    My issue is that certain bosses are spawning in non-vanilla areas that I have not explicitly set them to spawn in. An example of this is Killa spawning in the garage under IDEA, or Sanitar spawning at the power station on Shoreline. It's a minor issue, but I'd like to look into it to resolve it.

    The mods I'm running now (except for gun mods) are:

    Server Value Modifier

    FIN's AI Tweaks
    Aki Configurator
    Lua CP Spawn Rework Reborn

    I tried looking into all of these mods for specifics on Sanitar spawns (as an example) but I didn't see any mention of any of these mods making Sanitar spawn in the power station on Shoreline. If there's any conflict, or any other advice, please let me know!

    Edit: I see that Aki config and SVM are conflicting (according to the SVM readme). I removed Aki Configurator. I don't think it'll fix it, but I'll do a bit more testing.

    Edited once, last by lolmanor ().

  • I believe CPSR is the only one of those that can change the location of a boss's spawn. -FAIT doesn't touch bosses, unless you're using the advanced spawn config.

  • Is it possible that the bosses/raiders are not beeing counted into quests because i changed their AI level?

    "aiChanges": {

    "changeBots": {

    "lowLevelAIs": [



    "midLevelAIs": [



















    "highLevelAIs": [




  • Hi, I have another issue with FAIT described below:

    I wanted to edit the bot inventories, for example the Scavs only have Russian-based weapons, armour, clothing etc.. USEC has American-based weapons, armour, clothing etc.. but the game doesn't listen to what ever I change but instead gives the AI the whole chadded loadout (screenshots provided as an example). Also, when I leave the game back to my desktop the files/folders revert back to default and I have to the process over and over again, its very time-consuming and hopefully someone can explain how to solve this.

    Thanks for any replies.

    EDIT: I know I haven't provided the best screenshots but I will try to get some more to explain the issue better. I'd prefer to use FAIT to edit the AI's inventory, but if there is an easier solution for this that won't conflict with anything that would be great.

  • Is it possible that the bosses/raiders are not beeing counted into quests because i changed their AI level?


    I don't believe so, it's more likely due to having Behaviour Changes enabled.

    It sounds like your gear file options aren't set up properly. Make sure optimized loading is disabled, if you want to edit bot inventories.

  • I don't believe so, it's more likely due to having Behaviour Changes enabled.

    It sounds like your gear file options aren't set up properly. Make sure optimized loading is disabled, if you want to edit bot inventories.

    So if I disable Optimized loading that would allow me to edit the gear files for the AI?

    EDIT: Tried setting optimized loading to False and then editing the bot inventories and checking if the file reverts back to default and it doesn't work. Why does it keep reverting back to default I'm confused.


    Edited 2 times, last by Kippa ().

  • I've literally spent the last few hours searching through and deleting dozens of items from 3 bots inventories so far, USEC, SCAV & BEAR (screenshots provided as an example). I am trying to get the AI's inventories to a place where there inventory isn't clogged up full of common, low-tier loot and what I think would be in a more realistic way that represents their respective bots, for example, USEC only use non-Russian based weapons etc.. BEAR & SCAVS only use Russian-based weapons etc.. but the damn thing keeps getting reverted back to default and I'm literally pulling my hair out trying to figure it out. I am still going through each bots' inventory probably take me a few more hours.

  • I know this is going to sound stupid or even insulting to some ..... but did you save your settings after you made changes, before closing the editor?

    I keep forgetting to set "Change Map Loot Spawn Chances" to true in Eresh's AIO mod regarding global loot chances when I ever reinstall it, making any setting I put pointless as the feature is "off" when false. It's always the small things that trip us up. :)

  • I don't believe so, it's more likely due to having Behaviour Changes enabled.

    if i turn bechaviour changes to false i get this error:

    [ERROR] Bot with name 18 does not exist, or is missing at least one difficulty entry.

    This error must be fixed, or you'll likely experience errors. Check your AI category entries in the config and make sure they're all valid bot types.

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'difficulty' of undefined

    at Function.noTalking (D:\SPTarkov\user\mods\zzFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:279:88)

    at Function.checkTalking (D:\SPTarkov\user\mods\zzFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:294:12)

    at Function.setDifficulty (D:\SPTarkov\user\mods\zzFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:4730:13)

    at AITweaks.main (D:\SPTarkov\user\mods\zzFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:4819:12)

    at AITweaks.load (D:\SPTarkov\user\mods\zzFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:119:8)

    at Function.executeMods (D:\SPTarkov\obj\bundle.js:26082:28)

    at Function.load (D:\SPTarkov\obj\bundle.js:25971:15)

    at Object.load [as aki-mods] (D:\SPTarkov\obj\bundle.js:16417:15)

    at Function.load (D:\SPTarkov\obj\bundle.js:27461:27)

    at Function.main (D:\SPTarkov\obj\bundle.js:15143:9)

    My current settings for behaviour that the server works on are:

    "AIbehaviourChanges": {

    "enabled": true,

    "highLevelAIs": {

    "default": 1,

    "balanced": 0,

    "aggressive": 0,

    "ranged": 0


    "midLevelAIs": {

    "default": 2,

    "balanced": 0,

    "aggressive": 0,

    "ranged": 0


    "lowLevelAIs": {

    "default": 2,

    "balanced": 0,

    "aggressive": 0,

    "ranged": 0



  • I know this is going to sound stupid or even insulting to some ..... but did you save your settings after you made changes, before closing the editor?

    I keep forgetting to set "Change Map Loot Spawn Chances" to true in Eresh's AIO mod regarding global loot chances when I ever reinstall it, making any setting I put pointless as the feature is "off" when false. It's always the small things that trip us up. :)

    Is your question to me or someone else bud? If so, yes I always make sure to save before closing that should rule #1 always save your work lol.


  • Is your question to me or someone else bud? If so, yes I always make sure to save before closing that should rule #1 always save your work lol.

    Yeah. That was to you. And, well, damn.

    I was hoping it was something that small and stupid. As I've said, I've had similar experiences. Only to realize I for got to "check a box" or whatever.

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