Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • It flags not the loot multiplier but airdrop crate contents, specifically - amount of guns in mixed container.
    Is there a chance one of the mods removes any of them?
    I can actually check for them if they exist before doing so, it's just unusual there is something that removes them.

    Hmm, I realized a likely culprit could be an older airdrop.json I copypasted from 3.7.0 over to 3.8.0, then applying SVM might have casued this issue.

    The reason for that was to blacklist certain items from appearing in the drop, but it looks like the 3.8.0 json is structured differently. I will test SVM again and report back.

    EDIT: works now, it was me using a bad json lmao

  • GhostFenixx added a new version:

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

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