Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • Is there a setting for hydration and energy drain amount/interval? I can't seem to find it. I was using the All In One mod to do this, but with the latest updates SVM tells me to remove it as they can conflict.

    I like to do longer raids, and the drain rates at low levels is a bit ludicrous speed for me.

  • The_Katto added a new version:

  • Hello. Loving your AIO mod. Using 1.4.9 with SPT-AKI 2.3.1 (current). Believe I found an issue with the [Players and Skills] - > [Enable Health section]. If you take a new/clean game/user profile never even having done a single raid, this issue happens for me. It does NOT with the similar "player health" implementation from two other Modders [Kiki-HealthMultiplier] and [MuchNeeded]. Both of those when you set the health values, they stay the same and fully healed everytime the game is started.

    The issue is if you simply change HEAD from 35 -> 135 and THORAX 85 -> 185 as an example and [APPLY] it, and then run the game, immediately you will see the player has the max values changed, BUT the current ones are NOT updated. So they show needing repair. Then if you repair them with a med kit to 135/135 and 185/185, close the game, restart it, the values are back to LESS then full??? It didn't even retain the full status from the med kits you used. As I stated, if you try setting the health values with those other two mods, they set the values to FULL from the start each and every time. Hope I explained this well enough. Thanks in advance.

  • Hello. Loving your AIO mod. Using 1.4.9 with SPT-AKI 2.3.1 (current). Believe I found an issue with the [Players and Skills] - > [Enable Health section]. If you take a new/clean game/user profile never even having done a single raid, this issue happens for me. It does NOT with the similar "player health" implementation from two other Modders [Kiki-HealthMultiplier] and [MuchNeeded]. Both of those when you set the health values, they stay the same and fully healed everytime the game is started.

    The issue is if you simply change HEAD from 35 -> 135 and THORAX 85 -> 185 as an example and [APPLY] it, and then run the game, immediately you will see the player has the max values changed, BUT the current ones are NOT updated. So they show needing repair. Then if you repair them with a med kit to 135/135 and 185/185, close the game, restart it, the values are back to LESS then full??? It didn't even retain the full status from the med kits you used. As I stated, if you try setting the health values with those other two mods, they set the values to FULL from the start each and every time. Hope I explained this well enough. Thanks in advance.

    It was `kinda` intended to be this way, but seems like it causes weird issues after that I wasn't aware.

    Health changes does the edit in your profile that consist of Maximum and Current stats, I presume other modders change both whilst I change only the maximum.
    The reason behind it to keep the mechanic of `regen over time`, you see - that function will proc every time you run the game(as long as it's active), making your health stats always maxed due every run it will rewrite `Current` to the same value as `Maximum`.

    I'm more concerned about health doesn't change on your side after you healed, which is more of an AKI issue rather mine.

    I could possibly make an `IF` statement that would check if the maximum health is the same value to not don't do any action.
    Even tho it would look horrible in terms of code.

    I'll tinker around and see what can be done and what went wrong.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Hello. Loving your AIO mod. Using 1.4.9 with SPT-AKI 2.3.1 (current). Believe I found an issue with the [Players and Skills] - > [Enable Health section]. If you take a new/clean game/user profile never even having done a single raid, this issue happens for me. It does NOT with the similar "player health" implementation from two other Modders [Kiki-HealthMultiplier] and [MuchNeeded]. Both of those when you set the health values, they stay the same and fully healed everytime the game is started.

    The issue is if you simply change HEAD from 35 -> 135 and THORAX 85 -> 185 as an example and [APPLY] it, and then run the game, immediately you will see the player has the max values changed, BUT the current ones are NOT updated. So they show needing repair. Then if you repair them with a med kit to 135/135 and 185/185, close the game, restart it, the values are back to LESS then full??? It didn't even retain the full status from the med kits you used. As I stated, if you try setting the health values with those other two mods, they set the values to FULL from the start each and every time. Hope I explained this well enough. Thanks in advance.

    The issue indeed exist, but as I stated - it is AKI issue, because for health values to be saved, a callback `/player/health/sync` should run in server, this way it'll save health.
    Your `in/outs` from the game managed to avoid such cycle to happen, therefore - medical used, health wasn't changed.
    In case of other mods - as I mentioned: Most likely they override both, current and maximum, ending up with always max health, whatever the case of how much you had before you launched the game. I don't want to share such behavior.
    In short: I won't change anything related to this, you'll just have to face the fact you need to wait for that line to show up on server and only then you can leave the game.

    The proper solution would be - reporting that to AKI devs to run `/player/health/sync` after game was closed.
    probably linking `/player/health/sync` call to `/client/game/logout` if possible.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • extracted the folder to my mods folder, and changing stuff in the menu doesnt work. any help?

    Could be nice to hear specifics rather `shitnotwork`, I need server log to see did you actually installed SVM properly and applied settings
    Feel free to drop them here OR hmu in EmuRC discord (you can find link via GFVE).

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • The_Katto added a new version:

  • The_Katto added a new version:


    Ayy, Fixes!
    For AKI 3.0.0
    Fixed Fleamarket, Airdrops, Max skills, Locked Fence offers due causing lethal error on launch.
    Added new option in Items section that allow you to drop items in raid without their destruction.

  • Yeah, i'd like to look into loader or better be - preset, this error won't give me much, except the fact it happened to the item - meaning somethin went wrong with item section.
    Feel free to contact me via discord in EmuRC, it'll be easier to share presets there, you can find link in GFVE.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Can't do much about it, does work now, i did field test it, although without FAIT, i'm surprised FAIT even has something related to it.
    You need to make FAIT load AFTER SVM, The load order is alphabetical name of folders, so easiest way - add Z as a first letter in FAIT.
    If there is any changes to it - FAIT will override my settings, but at least this way everything should be stable.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • I just dropped in to say the same thiing ... I had the airdrops increased to 25% and the bitcoin time dropped to 14500. Everything worked perfectly.

    I added FAIT yesterday and the airdrops have disappeared, my bitcoin time has gone back to default. Other things but not related to your mod are SamSWAT Helocrashes are gone, and the holstein shield does not work.

    FAIT did add some realism but I like the other perks more so out it came. And everything went back to working perfectly. FAIT was the last mod loaded, if that means anything.

  • I just dropped in to say the same thiing ... I had the airdrops increased to 25% and the bitcoin time dropped to 14500. Everything worked perfectly.

    I added FAIT yesterday and the airdrops have disappeared, my bitcoin time has gone back to default. Other things but not related to your mod are SamSWAT Helocrashes are gone, and the holstein shield does not work.

    FAIT did add some realism but I like the other perks more so out it came. And everything went back to working perfectly. FAIT was the last mod loaded, if that means anything.

    Well, that's to FAIT then.

    so this says under the character page that it saves changes to your Profile, but i'm not seeing the changes reflected. money isn't changing, nothing. only thing that seems to have worked was the vendor levels. Maybe i'm doing something wrong?

    `money isn't changing` you mean money stack amount?
    Other than that - without actual server logs and loader.json - can't help, feel free to drop it here or contact me at EmuRC

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

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