Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • Well that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    Alrite,will check data writes on that too when I get power back

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • I get this error when i try to enable all items on the flea market, same thing happens if i try to manually enable it from the ragfair.json config file

  • Hi, I'm getting an error when attempting to start the server after playing with some values. I have the mod installed under my user/mods folder, not sure what I did wrong here.

    Tried reading first 3 red lines?

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • I get this error when i try to enable all items on the flea market, same thing happens if i try to manually enable it from the ragfair.json config file

    Turn off `Everything in Offers` in Trader Static offers, should help.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Right, I get that, how do I fix this? I'm new to modding tarkov, I've used the profile editor before without issues, so I'm kinda lost.

    Meaning you haven't tried to read mod instructions either.
    This is a mod with external GUI (3rd party application to be precise), you're supposed to run one from mod folder before running the game/server.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Ive been messing around with this mod and i cant seem to figure out how to increase pmc spawn. ill run into 2 pmc a game and thats it. would like to run into 4 or 5 a game to make it for my liking but when i edit it in the bot menu it doesnt seem to work...maybe im not typin in the correct values. any help would be great

  • Ive been messing around with this mod and i cant seem to figure out how to increase pmc spawn. ill run into 2 pmc a game and thats it. would like to run into 4 or 5 a game to make it for my liking but when i edit it in the bot menu it doesnt seem to work...maybe im not typin in the correct values. any help would be great

    Set it like this and most of AI types in the game will become PMCs, enjoy.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • yes of course turning the option off will fix the error, but I want every item in the flea market and whenever i try to achieve that i get that error

    Can't do much about it, most likely this function will be removed(again).

    I recommend using aio trader as a workaround for now.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • The_Katto added a new version:

  • The latest version of SVM does not come with the loader,json and adding 1.5.7's loader makes it only load the default preset, even if it is deleted.

    You must be kidding me, you even wrote comments, I thought you realised the issue since you commented yourself.
    Loader file being created by GUI, try reading how mod works in description on the website and application main page.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • You must be kidding me, you even wrote comments, I thought you realised the issue since you commented yourself.
    Loader file being created by GUI, try reading how mod works in description on the website and application main page.

    Look I thought I knew what was wrong but I didn't after all. Can you please help me?

  • Look I thought I knew what was wrong but I didn't after all. Can you please help me?

    Are you serious, you already got ya answer. Are you specifically refuse to read anything that points to exactly what's wrong?
    Alrite, going straight to the point:

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • You are truly an unpleasant and disgustingly condescending individual. I got it working on my own, and no it had nothing to do with the APPLY button. You're mod makes offline Tarkov a better place, too bad your attitude doesn't... Happy New Year btw.

  • You are truly an unpleasant and disgustingly condescending individual. I got it working on my own, and no it had nothing to do with the APPLY button. You're mod makes offline Tarkov a better place, too bad your attitude doesn't... Happy New Year btw.

    Unless you had a syntax error - which you didn't in comment screen cap - there is nothing else that could go wrong, Feel free to say anything but you haven't gave me info I could work with, and wasting time on user-specific issues is not what I could enjoy either.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

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